Chapter 07
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Hogwarts February 1973.

#Severus Pov#

Each time the young wizard was more certain. This potion he now calls super Felix Felicis is not normal.

The Prince family, which descends from many important wizards in history, had roots descending from Merlin himself in some way.

Two weeks passed and his new discoveries piled up.

He started with a change to his diet and routine. Every day at 5 o'clock in the morning he gets up and makes a little physical effort in his room.

Nothing extreme, of course! Just basic exercises like sit-ups and half push-ups.

 One of Slytherin's perks is the privilege of having your own single room. Severus would be quite limited in his adventures if he had to share them with anyone.

Eating voraciously, the black-haired young man puts mouthful after mouthful in his mouth.

His diet now improved, thanks to his clairvoyant skill, he easily found the direction to the kitchen.

By making the right compliments he managed to successfully make friends with the house-elves. Simple, honest creatures if he could say so well.

One of the biggest reasons he hasn't been able to eat Hogwarts food in the past is because the food is too strong for his stomach.

With a request, the house-elves more than happily offered to help him. Lighter-tasting foods would help you in your new calorie intake.

Finishing his plate he got up and headed towards his new discovery from last night.

--- 7th floor ---

Arriving in front of a tapestry and wishing for a place to train his magic at will.

A large, stout door materialized out of nowhere, the once clean and unsuspecting wall completely transformed.

This is the come and go room, a room he thought was just a legend. A silly rumor created by irritating Hufflepuff to make small talk.

He couldn't ask for anything better than this room, just everything he needs.

The only downside is its location next to the Gryffindor dorms. But with the right care, he would be fine.

Time Skip - End of June 1973

#First person Severus#

Everything so far was according to my expectations. Some idiots from my house approached again with interest for help.

I helped them discreetly with notes rather than doing it publicly. After all, I wanted to avoid being seen with them.

An annoying problem on my foot was named Lucius Malfoy. He was a Slytherin 7th year prefect and started wanting to put me under his protection.

From the brief conversations I had with him, I realize that blood purist in the extreme is an understatement. My senses told me that he would be one of the strong supporters of the You-Know-Who campaign.

I managed to keep the tone as neutral as possible during our conversations and luckily this had been his last year as a student.

I don't know if I could keep away his attempts to convince me to be his subordinate without bothering him for too long.

Finding a free cabin on the train, I get in and sit on the bench. Remembering my argosies, I debate myself internally.

Marauders don't leave me alone, that wouldn't be new, of course. They intensified their persecutions, everyone in the school noticed my gradual changes.

And they didn't like it at all.

#End of first person#

Even with his newfound prescience, Severus decided not to avoid all his pranks.

He didn't want to draw unwanted attention. If the once awkward student starts to avoid all of them with such ease and precision, people would notice.

He wanted to smooth out his changes as much as possible, but at the same time improve in secret his magical abilities to make a surprise to your enemies.

That familiar feeling in his mind came when a hand opened the cabin door.

"Hey, you were here. I thought you moved to the library instead of coming home" commented Steve Janiul, a Hufflepuff.

Severus with a smile replied "Unfortunately they expelled me. It was my intention to live there, but..." making a dramatic pause he continued...

 "Keep my words, someday I will dominate the entire library and it will be all mine" he laughed as if he were a villain in those cheesy movies.

Amused Steve turned his attention briefly out of the hallway and called out "Navi, I found an available booth, come soon!"

In moments, a young man in typical nerdy style came in glasses and all. Not that glasses were a sign of intelligence, after all, we have Potter as an example.

With the two of them settling into the benches in front of him, he reminded himself.

His interest in befriending them stemmed from three reasons. First, his clairvoyance pointed out that if he wanted to take a chance with Lily, he would have to have other options for friends.

And just that idea would be ridiculous to your past self, the old Severus. Even more with his prejudice in relation to other houses.

Of course, he still admitted that he thought Slytherin was superior to the rest. But her fear of being with them diminished over time.

"I'm so excited about this vacation, Dad told me we're going to visit the Pyramids of Egypt. I'm so looking forward to it, what have you guys been planning for your vacation??" asked the excited hustle and bustle.

"Ehhh? I'm jealous right now. I'll probably be forced to spend the entire vacation at my aunt Bessy's house. Arhh, very boring there," Navi said with a tone of disbelief.

The two continued their conversations and then turned to Severus and asked.

"What about you Sev? You didn't answer me, what are you planning for your vacation?" - Steve.

"Yeah, man. You haven't told us yet," Navi asked.

Trembling at the nickname 'Sev'. He still didn't feel good about the others calling him that, except for Lily of course.

Severus disinterestedly replied, "Nothing exciting, I'm thinking of learning some basic and useful spells for homework."

The three continued to talk, but of course, Severus participated a little less, and meanwhile, he thought.

The second spontaneous reason for socializing was also due to the fact that he felt he was being watched. He thought he was going crazy at first.

It was not known why, but the feeling of someone invisible and eyes on him was very real. He often wanted to use the Room of Requirements, but could not due to caution.

Taking advantage of his free time due to this inconvenience, he put forward one of his plans which is the third reason for his friendships.

Change the perception of people from other houses in relation to him. To the best of his abilities, he tried to socialize and help people who seemed to be having trouble with their studies at the library.

The former Severus would disdain the perspective of what people think of him.

But now he sees how foolish he was, how foolish his house actually is. All of them, arrogant and contemptuous have forgotten such an important characteristic of their idol Salazar.
