6- Prizes Plunder and Adventure (part 2)
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It took Lucy like 10minutes to come back and by the time I was getting pretty tired, as I've been running thru a forest all day long and I could feel my mind tired from all the mana I have used. 'I need some food and a warm bath...'

-"Sorry for making you wait Chill. A quest has been given by the guild to stop the goblins, it's a D-rank one. Anyway here's your reward for the information." Said Lucy while handing me a pouch with 4 silver coins in it.

-"Thanks, Lucy. If you'll excuse me now. I got some fur to sell and I'll be going back to Bear'n Beer inn. I'm pretty tired*yawn*" I told the woman as I stood up from my bench, stretched while yawning, and then hung the money pouch inside my poncho.

-"you're really tall up close you know that?*giggle*" Said Lucy who was half a meter away from me, I could see her tail moving from one side to the other. 'How cute'

-"*Pat* Thanks, I'm new in town and low-ranked at that, still, if you need my help sometimes, don't hesitate to seem me out, Big sis' I told her while patting her head, and emphasizing on the word big as she was barely reaching my chest. To which I got a low purr at first then s giggle.' See Charlie? That's how you should act' I told my hamster, which got me an annoyed mental tsk, or at least that's what it seemed like.

-"hehe~ have a good night Chill. You're kinda fun, so let's hang out sometimes, I can show you around town tomorrow if you'd like, it's my vacation" offered Lucy, which genuinely surprised me as I did like to know her better, even as a friend.

-"Sure thing, I'm coming to check the library in the morning, we'll meet there if you'd like" I replied with a smile.

-"Sure~ off you go now, handsome~" and she sent me off with a bright smile.

-'You know, she's too short for my liking, romantically, but she seems kinda fun to hang around with, what better source of information I'd need other than a guild clerk.'

And with that, I left the guild.


I gotta say I was extremely pleased and surprised when they offered me 1 gold coin for the emerald rabbit and 1 silver for the hamster fur. The first usually sells for 8 silver coins because of the damage it sustains from skinning but having frozen the whole corpse without skinning it netted me a bonus as the materials clerk was pretty pleased. As for the latter, according to the clerk, had I skinned them with care, he'd have paid me 2 silver coins but the damage was pretty bad, not that I complained. It was my first time skinning an animal. Nonetheless, I was now a man with 1 gold and 5 silver coins. Not bad for a first day.

The Bear'n beer inn, marked as B&B by VI on the minimap, was a short walk away from the guild and run by a middle-aged couple, both humans with some decent levels considering their profession.

-[LVL 8 Jack: human male- 45y -175cm]

-[LVL 7 Linda: human female- 43y -170cm]

The fee for a day was a copper coin, 2 with breakfast or lunch and they had a special offer for adventurers: 20 copper coins a week with a light breakfast and a lunch included, with my 150 copper coins I could technically stay 7 weeks and a half here. needless to say, the offer was good and I took it.

Linda was pretty pleased when I paid her 20 coppers directly, she even offered me a free dinner as a welcome gift. Which I gladly accepted and took up to my room.

My room was a decent one. Opposite to the door was a single-person desk with a chair and a window with wooden shutters.

On the left of said desk was a bed for a single person with white tidied sheets. In front of the bed, there was a big oval wooden tub, guessed that was for my bath. And lastly on the right of the desk was a wardrobe built-in the right wall of the room. It was pretty neat considering this world's progression.

I kicked the door shut with one of my legs and moved toward the desk.

-"you can eat bread right?" I asked the hamster.


-"well it's not what you usually eat I know but it'll do for today."

I placed down the tray holding my dinner on the desk and sat on the chair. It was a delicious-looking dinner, even if simple. A meat soup with some potatoes, mushrooms, and carrots. If that's what they were, since they were cut into tiny recognizable chunks, my only assumption came from their colors. Next to the soup was a big loaf of bread, it was not fresh as it seems they bake them in the morning. But it wasn't bad. I gave half of it to Charlie, which he started digging through the center of.

-"you're not gonna burrow in the loaf are you?"


-"It is practical from your point of view I guess, *sigh*."

Anyway, that was a simple dinner but a filling one nonetheless. So after I finished it was time for a bath.

I left Charlie to his "home-modeling" session and started removing my cloth.

-"Hmm, since I can use mana to affect different stuff...VI I'll hold my poncho in my hands, Try circulating my mana to move the poncho in any way. Expand a little mana and keep increasing it until it shows results" I ordered VI as a crazy idea popped into my head.

-ping-[processing...initiating mana circulation towards poncho...analyzing effects...stand-by]

-ping-[Complete...elapsed time: 2minutes]

I have been watching my poncho move a little here and there every few seconds...

-"hmm nothing huh?"

-ping-[Recommended to rerun process with some air magic included]

-"DO IT" no pun here, keep going.

-ping-[Complete...elapsed time: 1minute]

And Oh boy, the poncho was waving all around my hands this time...

-ping-[New Skill Unlocked! Telekinesis(LVL1): User can use his mana to move matter to a certain extent. Depends on skill LVL, matter composition, resistances, etc.]

-"hehe...I knew it! Telekinesis baby!! Now I don't have to move myself to do stuff, and I can even act mysterious and cool using it."


-"hehe...why is your 'house' flying charlie?"

I grinned as I played with Charlie by making his brand new house fly above the table. I love to relax and do nothing. And now I have unlocked the power to do so! 'It'll definitely impress Lucy tomorrow if I make books flop around' I thought to myself.

So without further ado, I continued undressing and made VI hang my cloth magically in the air and conjure some hot water then wind to wash them, which got me a new skill:

-ping-[New Skill Unlocked! Air manipulation(LVL1): User can manipulate air properties such as speed and directon]

-'should've called it Air bender if you ask me.'

-ping-[Rename Skill to air bender? local name]

-'no need, just keep the general one.'

I was now fully naked and with some magic, I filled the tub with water and heated it to just the right degree, then I went and sat inside it, knees bent upward since even with it being big, I was still pretty tall. ' I guess I wasn't called a giraffe nothing...'

The water was seriously relaxing for my nerves and sore muscles because I urgently needed to relax both physically and mentally. My body was tired from running all day with my stamina now at only 10 and my mind was exhausted from using mana nonstop but most importantly from acting like an outgoing guy...'sheesh, that's why I liked staying at home, keeps my social battery full and happy'

I felt like I could've just slept right there in the tub if not for my horny dick sticking out of the water like a sore thumb...

-'man all those different demi-human women, and that Lucy too...I just want to play with her bosom all day...'

I was this close to masturbating until I felt something turn off in my mind. I turned around and found that Charlie was sound asleep inside his bread-house...

-"*sigh* I was always weak romantically...I know they say love picks you and not the other way around but even with all her beauty, Lucy is...well short, too short for my liking, I barely know her personality too."

-"Also, If I want a lover I'd prefer someone I can see eye to eye with, both literally and figuratively..."

-"Well, maybe she got some tall friends? No matter what I'll get laid at some point, especially since mages seem uncommon, not to mention I will become op at some point or another, hehe... Anyway, I don't want to relieve myself with a potential friend in mind, that'll turn awkward, I've watched enough H-manga to know for a fact.."

With that, I stroked my hard dick a couple of times, for good measure *cough*, stood up, and cleaned myself dry by collecting all the water on my body with a mix of water manipulation and telekinesis. It was pretty easy, as this 8/10 affinity for magic is quite handy. Oh, I also conjured cold water down there just to clear my head you know?

-'VI gimme my underwear, guess I'm sleeping like westerners since I have a fit body now, no need to be shy...'

I slept on my bed, hands behind my head, and started thinking a bit long-term:

-"I want Information about the world first..."

-ping-[Objective noted]

-"I want to learn a lot of magic too, and research it on my own..."

-ping-[Objective noted]

-"I want*yawn* to buy a house in town, maybe better: build one myself far from the noisy crowds. If a fast way of transportation exists. Space bending maybe?"

-ping-[Objective noted]

-"I want to find love too, have sex and fun all day...' I'm horny and I know it, or sexy was it?' "

-ping-[Objective noted, 18+ content discovered in memory, replay?]

-"What!?, nonononono else I'll need another bath, a cold one at that."

-"Anyway, t'was *yawn* a good day," I said while starting to fall asleep...

-"I got coin Prizes, animal Plunder, and adventure...ed*yawn*ward"


-"ugh...don't lick me there babe..."


-"I told you *yawn* don't lick me, not yet. I need to-"


I was having a dream of one hell of a babe licking me on my...nvm, that was only until I opened my eyes and the babe turned out to be Charlie...you laugh, you die; I'm warning you. Or was it lose maybe.

-"ugh damn it, Charlie."


-"Yes? What is it?" I asked after I heard the knocking on the door.

-"Sir, Breakfast is getting served in 5minutes," said a young boyish voice,' staff? Or their kid maybe..'

-"I'll be there, thanks"

-"Alright, sir." Replied the voice and I heard footsteps getting quieter, seems he left.

-"guess I'll dress up." I said as I waved my hands with a grin on my face seeing my cloth float to me, I wore them on and then made my trusty comfy poncho hang around me with a flutter, you know to look heroic.

-"VI, how accurate is the memory scan?" I asked, intrigued by the capabilities of such a function.

-ping-[User Memory scan can recover data with a 99% integrity, decreases the older the memory is]

-"Hmm..." I thought to myself while playing with my beard, or where my old one used to be.

-ping-[Note: data can be artificially enhanced to restore lost integrity]

-"of course it can, hehe...VI scan my memory at once and make a folder in your storage for all the utube videos I have ever watched. There is no internet here but I damn watched a hell lot of videos. Pewdiepie never gets boring, even his videos from back in 2021."

-ping-[Processing...starting scan...ETA: 2hours]

-"*whistle* a lot of videos indeed."

-"on that note, fetch some classical and game music and play them in a low volume, too."

-ping-[creating playlist...playing...]

-"Charlie you're staying here all day, the half loaf should last you long enough. don't leave the room or chew on the furniture, kay?"


-"sure, cya." I closed the door of my room and headed down to have breakfast.


-"Hey Mark! Bass the butter ya ars." said a bulky adventurer in his late 20s

-"C'mon mate no need to be a prick 'bout it" replied Mark, another adventurer around the same age.

-"*Sigh* turn down your voices lads, you'll annoy the rest of the inn." said the third adventurer, in his mid-30s, and the last member of this group that was eating breakfast at one of the tables at Bear'n beer.

-"OHOHO c'mon Bob no need to be shy, no one strange here." said the bulky one merrily.

-"Well there's the new guy we saw yesterday at the guild, Jack told me he rented a room for a week here" explained Bob.

-"Oh," said the other two in unison, as all three of them were under 175cm, so seeing the young man barely in his 20s towering them did leave an impression.

-"Oi! Ain't that him?" Asked mark as he noticed the black-haired man in his hooded cape, as poncho was not an invented term in this world yet.

-"That's him, alright. Oi let's invite him to breakfast, check his mettle. Young ones these days tend to be hot-blooded." said the bulky one.

-"I don't mind wade, just don't pierce his eardrums." said Bob

-"Aye-aye," nodded wade before shouting, " HEYY NEW GUY IN TOWN, TALL DUDE WITH THE CAPE, COME HAVE SOME BREAKFAST WITH YA SENIORS!" in a thundering voice that caught the attention of the whole inn, but no one seemed surprised, as they all got used to wade's loud voice it seems.

-"ugh..*sigh*" heard him Bob sigh, or felt like it as the young lad approached them.

-"Hello gentlemen, my name's Chill." Said the young lad while sitting next to Bob, clearly noticing who was the quieter of the three.




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