Epilogue (Volume 8)
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The day has arrived my dear readers.

The end of the volume and the arc together.

Enjoy the last of volume 8 in one go.

The reason it took me so long to upload this, I think it was two weeks. It's because my Word Office died.

To be exact, the fuckers at Microsoft have new deadbeat policies and now require me to buy the whole office suite in order to use it.

I don't know how, but I managed to install a free version that is not identified by the serial stupidity and now I can use the whole office suite for free and no problem.

Thankful to the one above.

That would be all, enjoy reading it and remember, since the last volume and now with this epilogue, we are starting to slowly enter the middle of the novel.

The long-awaited day finally arrived.

The meeting about what happened that day.

All the nobles, adventurers and knights who participated were informed beforehand to get up very early as they would not wait for the sun to rise to begin.

The list started from those of lowest to highest rank and ended with the most relevant.

The hearing took three days and two nights to finally be coming to an end.

Razel and Cid waited in a room while the others were questioned.

Naturally Eli and the others were questioned by the dragons, but it was settled in short order.

"This sure takes forever."

"We've been cooped up here for three days."

"It's not so bad sleeping in the palace."

"Says the one who has his own room since this place is your home."

"If you put it like that. Then I feel sorry for you, hahaha."

"Why is the quiet Cid suddenly more teasing? Will this be a bad omen?"

Cid wanted to ask Razel about his secret, but for now he'll let it go since it's not important to know.

But one day he will ask him.

Someone knocked at the door.

"Prince Cidfert, your turn has come."

"Please, Razel Bartlet-sama, get ready too."


After answering the servant, Cid got up from the chair while Razel didn't want to move.

"The time has come."

"Why do I have to wait so long? Did I do anything really worth having me wait at the end?"

"Everyone wants to hear from your own mouth what happened. Me too, after all, you'll surely get another medal since it's rare to have someone be a hero twice in the same generation."


Cid and Razel left the place to head to the audience hall.

After entering, they were surprised to see everyone present.

Unlike other gatherings, this time the amount of people inside was so large that many were standing.

Among those people were acquaintances and one unexpected person.

Adlet was still alive.

No, to be specific, Adlet never died.

For that man who died was not Adlet, but a double.

Doubles in royalty and aristocracy are not rare, in fact, the reason why no one hardly uses them anymore is due to the fact of the distrust it would generate.

In Adlet's case it was very simple to explain.

He said himself that his double was so into the role that he easily usurped his position.

That was not a lie since it really was so. But Adlet himself had planned for it in case something bad happened to him.

He could not die until he had the throne in his hands.

Adlet looked angrily at the emperor for taking valuable time away from him.

Finally, Cid's interrogation began, the person before him took his leave leaving the dais.

The only remaining ones caught everyone's attention.

After taking the stand, the emperor said to him.

"Prince Cidfert, tell us what happened that day from your perspective."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Cid narrated everything he experienced that day.

Many were surprised to hear how he defeated a dark knight.

"After that I lost consciousness and when I woke up, I watched as that turtle fell from the sky."

"I see. If that's all you have to say, retire. I'll tell you your reward later."


Cid stepped down from the dais and then lightly touched Razel's shoulder.

"You get the worst of it."

It was simple for Razel to say what happened.

But there were certain parts he couldn't even jokingly say.

Like the mention of Desmond, old humanity and most of all Alvin's name.

Even now he has to use more complex and longer words to tell everything that happened.

Razel didn't want to express himself so much so he practiced with Cid, but the emperor's eyes were looking at him with a lot of anger, probably because he heard that Razel took a swing at Seox.

After stepping onto the dais he scratched his head and spoke.

"Emm, good morning to everyone. Especially to you, H-His Majesty."

Razel felt uncomfortable talking to the emperor as he really didn't like intimidating people who can harm him.

He began to tell everything that happened.

Naturally, there was laughter as they couldn't believe how many things originated.

Like the reason for going to the ship, Razel said he felt he could defeat him alone and impress the emperor.

He said this with a pained expression as he hoped no one would believe him, but miraculously it happened.

He then told that inside it were pieces of flesh and monsters.

The mechanical parts were something peculiar to the structure as a parasite had been responsible for everything that had happened.

The emperor's gaze grew sharper as Razel denied the fact of an ancient humanity that created that.

It finally ended in that he was the one who expelled Russell and Solomon in a powerful attack.



Both Razel and the emperor stared at each other.

One of them was sweating while the other was filling the veins in his eyes with blood.

Finally, the emperor relaxed and asked him something.

"I want to ask you something, frog-face."

(Again he called me that.)

"Y-Yes, how may I serve you?"

The emperor asked something strange of the others.

"Does this name ring a bell for some reason. Rasiel?"


The only one who looked at him with mystery was the prime minister, the rest was with confusion his gaze.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know anyone by that name."

"Do you know who your ancestors were?"

"About that... my father told me that my family would always move so we don't know where we originally came from. Just 100 years ago my great-grandfather was named as a baronet since the emperor of that time conferred that title on him."

"I see."

"Last question."

"Is there nothing else you wish to say?"

Razel's heart fluttered at that question.

There should be no fear in answering, but Razel knew something.

Something he didn't want to tell anyone.

(Of course there's something I want to say. But I can't tell anyone what happened after that.)

(It's better that no one knows about it!)

Razel remembered what happened after defeating Alvin.

After finishing off Alvin, it was obvious what would happen.


As I found myself falling to the ground, crashing was the obvious.

What wasn't, was that the damn demon king would use me as a rug.

He stood on my back and it seems he purposely stepped on me to accelerate the fall and I crashed causing a huge hole.

"That was a boring fight. I'll go to sleep."

Said the son of a bitch after wiping his dirty shoes on my head.

If it wasn't for the Blut I would be dead now.

After pulling my head out of the ground I noticed a shadow and as I looked up I noticed how a huge object was going to fall on top of me.

I rolled to the side and luckily dodged it.

Then I watched as more things fell to the ground.

"It's going to be complicated to explain all this."

"I just hope no one bothers me with explanations."

After patting myself on the back I got up to leave.

Not before checking to see if there was anything useful I could steal.

If there is a way, I could create a blower or air conditioner I would greatly appreciate it.

I looked through the rubble and saw nothing.

"Just scrap metal there."

I said that and inadvertently pressed a button on the machine that almost killed me.

It was badly battered but its monitor still worked.

"This I can't take. It's too big."

It was making a strange sound, I was looking for the button to turn it off as it irritated me.




"But what the hell..."

A strange sound was playing on the monitor.

I remember from a spy game that those ripples on a green screen are voice frequencies.

That is, someone was talking.

"Hey, hey, no kidding please."

I panicked that Alvin was still alive and managed to pass his consciousness to a machine.

The strange voice was becoming more distorted to the point that I was horrified.

I was looking for how to turn this off when I suddenly froze.

"Hello. Is anyone there?"


"We received your emergency call. Please respond."

"I repeat. We received your emergency call, give us your coordinates so we can come to your aid as soon as possible."

The voice was very clear and crisp now.

The reason for it was simple.

(Why is he speaking in Japanese?)

(There should be nothing to remind me of my home country anymore. But, that voice was speaking in modern Japanese.)

(Besides, he said to help you. Meaning it's coming from somewhere, which means it would be coming from space?)

A cold sweat ran down my spine.

Just imagining that all this triggered a single ship.

What would it be like if there were more than one?

What would happen if there were hundreds or thousands of those things.

I decided to do the smartest thing in the world.

I raised my fist and threw a lightning spear to destroy it.

But before it exploded the last thing it said was a mysterious voice attached.

"Master, I highly doubt anyone will actually respond if they don't use the response code."

"I know."

I immediately destroyed the machine and walked away.

"What the hell was that?"

That wasn't a recording. Actually someone at that moment was talking.

There was more than one voice, the second voice was electronic while the first sounded like that of a middle-aged man.

It's better for everyone that this never happens again.

We won't be able to win next time.

"Hey, Razel. There you are."

Eli and the others approached me.

I was still shaking so I tried to lower my heart rate, but it was impossible.

"Razel, do you know why Desmond-san stroked my head after he saw me? He even told me to forget about him."

"I-I don't know."

"Are you all right?"

I was still trembling from fear of the unknown.



After remembering that, Razel calmed down and replied.

"Not at all Your Majesty, that's all I have to report, but there is something I would like to say."

"What is it?"

"It's information I got from the place. The monster told me it was created by someone."

Everyone showed surprise at that revelation.

"Why didn't you say so before?"

The emperor asked intrigued, Razel said.

"It was because I lacked confidence at the time. But after much thought, I must inform you of the alleged mastermind behind this."

Razel revealed an unexpected name. A name that even Astraea herself did not expect to hear.

"He said his name was Epstein and he's infiltrated the palace."


"Infiltrated the palace!"

Everyone's reactions were mixed.

Some showed confusion. Others with fear in their eyes.

"Who is Epstein? Is he a nobleman?"

"I don't think so."

"If that person is infiltrating the palace, he is hiding his identity."

Among those present, there was someone whose natural eyes that were red, were filled with blood.

That person was staring at Razel with a murderous intent.

(You fucking brat. I'll remember this!)

(You'll pay dearly for this.)

"Silence, everyone."

The emperor commanded them to be quiet.

"You say that this Epstein is responsible for everything that happened."

"That's right. That's what the monster named Brain more or less told me."

"All right, thanks for everything you've said. We already have everything we need, including the name of the perpetrator."

"You certainly deserve the title of Lautreamont hero."

"No. You will now be added the title of hero of the empire."

"I will proceed to dictate everyone's rewards."

"To begin with, everyone will receive a medal, whether their participation was small or not."

"Those who lost family members or heads of households will receive an annual pension for life."

"All those who played an active role in combat will be awarded at a specific ceremony, but I would like to mention two names so as not to wait."

"First, Cidfert, step forward."


Cid walked to a meter before the emperor's throne.

"Being a crown prince and going to the battlefield is an extraordinary achievement no doubt, but your real achievement was to do something that will go down in the history of the empire."

"You single-handedly defeated a dark knight and that deserves a reward."


Despite Cid's account of being helped, Haruomi said that he only provided support to Cid, he would get all the glory.

"In the name of Emperor Loic V, I name you as second prince of the crown and in line of succession. Therefore, your name shall now be known as..."

"Cidfert Justin von Bryes, I said."

"Second prince..."

"Was he really to be called Justin?"

With the exception of Razel, everyone was alarmed at that naming.

"Second prince."

"Did the death of the late Prince Blake forget him already?"

"This would only bring a crisis for the crown prince."

"Silence to all. I have not finished."

"I'll hear your complaints on the day of the ceremony. Next, you, Bartlet."


The emperor stared at Razel as he scratched his beard.

"I can't decide whether to name you marquis or margrave since you were the central star this time, again."

"Therefore I will leave your promotion for another day."

"T-Thank you for your words."

"I am not finished. I cannot let you go unrewarded, therefore, I name the Rosenberg Household as the main benefactor of the new second prince."

"From now on the safety and future of the second prince lies with you."


Razel replied in fright.

The emperor had more to say.

"All those who are not ministers must withdraw."

"From now on we will discuss important things such as declaring war on the holy kingdom and the Ideal empire."

"As I also proclaim to immediately start the tournament to choose the next sword saint."

"Your Majesty, could it be after lunch?"

"We will discuss this after lunch."

The meeting finally ended and that day came to an end.

After that day, things calmed down.

School was back to normal and then I found out that Jake's father wanted to use the ship's technology to create a security system to protect the empire.

He told the emperor that he didn't want to create weapons, oddly enough the emperor didn't either.

If there is no risk of war in the future better for me.

Today I was slacking off since it was the weekend.

The reason for being free and without any pending tasks is that today the tournament to choose the next sword saint is taking place.

The girls went to watch it, I didn't want to go because I knew who was going to win.

In the game when the tournament was held it was Lambert, who, supported by Lily's cheers, ended up winning as he fought against the other candidates for sword saint.

"What should I do today? Cliff and Derrick are at the tournament, Cid is sleeping since for some reason he sneaks out at night."

"Should I go bother Jake?"

Since that day, I've been trying to get Jake to get some tech for me.

After using reverse psychology and telling him he's not the best engineer in the world, he agreed to get that technology and make me some.

"I wonder what I'll do in the meantime..."

"Thanks for helping me carry these boxes Lambert, they're really heavy."

"No problem Auntie."

I froze when I saw a certain person walk past me in a nonchalant manner.

After turning around in panic, I could confirm it.

"L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-Lambert! What are you doing here?"

I stood facing him.

He was being accompanied by a silver-haired woman like him, she looked embarrassed as she also panicked.

Lambert, on the other hand, was calm.

"What 'what' am I doing here?"

"I'm taking a break and my aunt- Miss Attley asked me to help with these boxes for the warehouse."

"No, no, no, no, no. I didn't ask you that."

"I want to know. What are you doing here and why aren't you at the tournament?"

He was taken aback by my question, but then showed his usual face.

"I have no reason to go. I'm resting my mind after what happened that day, my father told me it was okay not to participate and I'm here."

"But what will happen to the sword saint position! Who will win it?"

He was thoughtful.

This is really serious Lambert.

You are altering the outcome that was meant to be your power up from the future.

"Of the 12 of us, some said they were still hurt and took advantage of it to rest, others turned it down as they were not ready."

"Newton and Camelot said that, if I did not participate, they would not enter."

"Only two or three entered the tournament."

An explosion we heard in the distance.

It was fireworks representing that the tournament had come to an end as in the game.

"It's over now, I guess he's the one who won it."

"Him? Who are you talking about?"

"Of a guy whose technique I don't know, but I heard from Kirasaka that his way of fighting is definitely to be feared, so I think he must have won."


This was not within the game.

What will happen now to the story I know if it changes every now and then?

Who was supposed to win if Lambert wasn't the winner?


The trumpets were heard in the audience hall of the palace.

A new historical event was taking place.

The ministers were applauding a certain man who was walking down a long red carpet.

They were all shouting congratulations to the man.

The man was very tall and wore a white suit similar to a uniform.

His shoulders and legs were covered by small, light armor, his chest was the last place covered by armor.

On his hips rested a long katana black as night.

He knelt and his face looked down at the ground.

The hair was black as night, his face was very attractive and his eyes were black as night, but in a dull look.

The emperor spoke to him.

"Congratulations on becoming the new sword saint."

"You have earned your prize for such a wonderful show you put on."

"You...you...what was your name?"

The man raised his head and introduced himself.

"I am Dante Schwartzer, Your Majesty."

"I see, Dante, then I'll tell you."

"It is an honor for you and a privilege for me in naming you as the new saint of the sword."

"Your name by which you will be known will be..."

The emperor thought about it for a while and then said.

"Schwarz Ritter. Black knight means."

"Since calling you the saint in black or the saint of darkness is a name that would influence fear in the citizens."

"Understood. Your words are orders to me."

Replied Dante obediently lowering his head.

"Let the ceremonial feast begin."

On that day, a new sword saint was born.


After finishing the ceremonial banquet, Dante headed for the exit to go home.

He was taking a route that connected to a garden, it was the route less traveled as servants and knights complimented him and he found that annoying.

The sun was about to set.

Dante noticed that behind the pillars, one of the ministers was waiting for him.

"Congratulations on your appointment."


"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I just didn't expect this to happen."

"Did you have little faith in yourself?"

"No. I didn't think everyone would be so weak."

"If I had fought the Three Swords it would have been a challenge."

The man laughed and then walked away after patting him on the shoulder.

"Well, we don't want anyone to know about your advantages."

He was starting to walk away as Dante stood still there.

"True. Archon of Death, Vassago of Annihilation."

Dante turned his head and answered him as the sun went down and the garden lights partially illuminated his somber face.

"I say the same, master of a hundred faces, Nemesis of Freedom."

Razel nor anyone else had realized that the black crows had already drilled too much into the empire.

They were one step away from being able to take over everything and no one could stop them now.


Each and every one of you are a nuisance.

My plans were going smoothly until that variable came up.

At first I didn't think anything of it.

Everything was on course, after all.

But my goal began to be distorted by the variable that is not part of my formula.

Not only did he have number 58, Amy on his side, which I had given up for dead because of Linhard.

He's also been defeating the deadly sins one by one.

Surely it is the work of "her".

Only "she" could have told him about the deadly sins and how to defeat them.

Recently he defeated Alvin.

I really liked Alvin because his personality reminded me a lot of a friend, but seeing that even having given him power, he lost to the mysterious variable.

In the end he was useless, I had expectations and you shattered them.

Now, you dare to offend me and reveal my identity to everyone.

I will never forgive you for that.

I will not forgive you for shattering my goals.

For that reason, it is time for me to slowly bare my fangs.

I have many toys to use.

After all, no one knows who I am.

I have been infiltrated for a long time in the heart of the empire.

I know their every secret.

I know this place and its people like the back of my hand.

"Good morning."

"Good morning."

"I hope you have a nice morning."

"Thank you."

"Excuse me, I have these documents for you to sign."

"No problem."

I act like one of you, that's why no one suspects me.

Nobody knows my identity.

They can't stop me.

You cannot defeat me.

No one can see me, I can see all of you.

Because I am the God of this false world and to achieve my desire.

To activate the "door" of desires. I will use all of you.

The promised day is getting closer and closer!


Phantom Lord's Arc, Return of the Phantom, completed.

Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background, end of Volume 8.


Names of the Holy Wizards who died and their seats

Third seat: Morrisille

Fourth seat: Kurdan(immigrant recognized by the country)

Fifth seat: Tride

Sixth seat: Tourei

Seventh seat: Clave(woman)

Ninth seat: Newlands

Tenth seat: Leold(elder)


Names of Barbara's older sisters

First daughter, Marcelin (older twin)

Second daughter, Josephine (younger twin)

Third daughter, Eila

Fourth daughter, Izetta

Fifth daughter, Grenda

Sixth daughter, Elvira

The danger that awaits the world is increasingly terrifying for a simple otome game.

There is no fanservice, what there is is the evil eye of this mysterious sinister character.
