Chapter 196 ~ From a New Perspective
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My feet float across the mud strewn ground as I follow the energetic young woman down the quiet streets. We’ve strayed far from the main thoroughfare, but I’ve borrowed many eyes, and I know these streets better than I know my hometown.

Our guards stand out rather more than in the busy streets, causing the few locals to avoid us. None of them are threats, even should they all go mad at once and try to attack us. Nothing in the city boundaries is genuinely dangerous to us, besides Leon and his little pack of idiots.

Then again, if a god-like being decides to drop by out of nowhere and crush this entire planet, leaving behind only dust, energy, and stray mana, then there’s absolutely nothing we can do about it.

We’ll never be safe.

This pursuit of power will never end.

Arduelle thinks that this is the final boss, that this god-king is the most powerful creature in existence. He’s not. There’ll be something more, there always is.

Maybe I need to pick up a psychologist when I visit Earth.

This situation is absurd. Ridiculous. Beyond the pale of reason.

Yet, Arduelle wasn’t joking.

She called me a weapon. No, not even that, she said I could be made into a weapon.

A grand quest to slay a final boss, like in a video game. I just have to grind out a few levels and I’ll be ready for it.

“Kyra.” Nel holds my hand tightly, but says nothing more. I’m not sure there’s really much she can say. She has been digesting this revelation just like I am, maybe even planning out the future for us.

I take a deep breath, but while I can steady my mind a little, there’s nothing that can fix that foreboding weight that’s settling in my heart. The peace that I thought I could find is fading, as I try to redesign my plans.

There’s a warmth growing deep within me, an energising anticipation as I slowly imagine what’s to come. I’m terrified, but also… a little eager.

I don’t want this, but… I do.

I want to be powerful enough to see this quest through. Powerful enough that even god-like beings must respect me.

I reset my thoughts, focusing on our immediate future. This dungeon, and the academy above.

Frey didn’t say this part out loud, but it’s clear that as long as I accept their job, and work on refining myself into their weapon, I’m going to be given whatever I want down here in this dungeon. They don’t even need to hold my family hostage, they just need to promise to protect them.

Thus, in essence, this whole world under the academy is already mine. Or, more accurately, the two dungeons will permit me to do as I want in their sandpit, and protect me from the consequences, so long as I don’t overstep certain, limited boundaries.

“In here, quick before anyone sees us.” The young woman guides us inside a shack through a lifted panel, apparently not paying attention to the streets, and the attention we’ve already gathered towards us.

The path she leads us down is clearly well-travelled, but decidedly not well cleaned. I follow along with her little game, eventually being brought to a small room with a half dozen other young people.

They sit about on crates and old chairs, relaxing without much care until they see us. Some jump up at the sight of us, others sit back further and start chuckling at the girl that’s brought us here.

“We’re your local, friendly revolutionaries. Nice to meet you!” Our guide bows low to us, before snapping back up again in an instant. She’s more elvish than most I’ve seen in this town, and rather cute, with her large eyes and bright smile. If I wasn’t so shaken, she might inspire a little flirting from me.

“Is it really them?” A larger man asks, looking nervously between us. He doesn’t feel particularly favourable to our presence, as he passively greets us. “It’s good to meet you.”

“Sure, sure. So, what’s this about? You want us to take over the town or something?” I ask.

“We were planning to join with the republic, but then we heard about you, and June here came up with the idea of asking for your help instead.” A woman made of tightly bound roots says, looking towards us in clear amusement. “I’m surprised that you followed her all the way here, we’re not really much of an outfit.”

“We’re still in the planning stages really.” The man says, “I’m the leader here, Ken. If you’re willing to help us, then I can’t really refuse you.”

“Don’t be rude.” June says turning to them with a pout. “Oh, I’ll go get some snacks!”

As she runs from the room the others take us in and a nervous air falls over the room, where none of us really know what to say.

“So, you don’t like Irulei, or is it the monarchy that’s troubling you?” I ask, settling down on a nearby chair, it’s clearly seen better days, and it creaks under my mana reinforced weight. Nel decides to keep standing.

“The Arch monarchy is strict, and can be cruel.” Ken says, “We want for more freedom, and the republic offers that.”

“Then why not just leave for the republic?”

“Not everyone can wonder the caverns and dangerous paths between the factions. Also, we’d have to abandon our lands, and our homes.” Ken continues. “It’s better to fight instead.”

I shrug at his conclusion. A revolution isn’t likely to be a good idea, but I’m not really one to talk considering my propensity for solving issues with violence.

“So, were any of you responsible for the purchase of assassins, that have been stirring trouble recently?” I ask, meeting their leader’s eyes. He doesn’t seem surprised by the news, but at the same time he shows no signs of guilt either. Maybe he’s a good liar, or perhaps he’s not responsible. At this point, I don’t really care much either way.

“I don’t know who is behind it.” He declares as the rest of the group stirs in sudden interest.

“Someone tried to kill you? That couldn’t have ended well for them.” The root woman says, chuckling warmly.

It’s something of a sore point considering their siblings are now our adopted kids. Not that I can really spare that much of myself in sympathy for the assassins that would have killed us. There’s simply too much vying for the thoughts in my mind, and the feelings in my heart. I don’t have the time and energy for everything.

“We don’t do assassinations and stuff.” A gruff young man says. “We know we’re weak. We just give the Baron trouble and try to remind everyone that we’re still our own people, willing to stand up for ourselves.”

“Yes, we are rather pathetic.” Their leader grumbles as June comes back with cookies and water.

“I made these myself, I hope that they’re good.” It’s not the best food I’ve had today, not by far, but it’s difficult to turn down her overeager expressions. If there is poison, then Arduelle will heal me. She needs me.

To kill a god for her.

The cookie tastes nice at least.

“I heard you talking.” June says, bouncing on her heals. “We do stuff like cleaning up the slums and helping people out when they’re in trouble. Stuff that the nobles don’t want to dirty themselves with.

“It reminds people how awful the nobles are and how awesome it is when we all work together instead.”

While their leader looks towards her in frustrated exasperation, the rest of their group seems rather fond of her. It seems as though the team mascot has a little more influence than the team leader. It’s a strange little group they have, but I won’t complain about it.

“So, are you taking over this cavern?” Their leader asks, bringing us back to the point of the conversation.

“Sure.” I reply with a casual shrug. Everyone shifts around awkwardly, and even Nel is surprised by my answer. “Not right now, I’ll need to meet up with the leaders of the monarchy and the republic to discuss the terms of their surrender.”

Silence fills the room as I enjoy the snacks that June brought. They’re really quite nice, but the poor nature of the ingredients is clearly working against her.

“Hey June, if you’re interested we need some more help around the house, I wouldn’t mind having more of these too.” I offer. “We have a rather big house.”

“Kyra?” Nel is the first to look towards me, she’s a little worried for me. I shake my head lightly to try and soothe her worries.

I feel cold, but in control.

“If we’re going to play by their plans, then I’m not bothering with petty politics.” I say, “I’m not going to demand anything too ridiculous, and the leaders down here can generally run things as they have been, we don’t have the expertise to restructure all of society with the snap of my fingers. Instead I’d have us focus on a few influential changes that can help us later down the line.”

“I know that you’re powerful, but…” The leader tries to speak.

“Frey.” I speak over him, addressing the dungeon herself instead. “If I’m going to be your weapon, then you’ll play along with this. I need a safe environment to grow after all. I can’t focus very well when my growing family is at risk.”

The ground shudders, but the illusory image appears moments later. She’s clearly upset, with me, herself, or the universe, I don’t really know.

Everyone else in the room freezes, but I don’t really care anymore. This is beyond them.

“I… I’m sorry for asking this of you.” She says, nervous at the attention.

“And I’m sorry for calling you here. With this things have changed between us, and I’m not satisfied with half measures anymore. You and Arduelle will support me, and protect my family. The best way to achieve this is by letting everyone know their position, it’s rather unfair for them otherwise, especially those who’d make an enemy out of me.”

“I’ll leave it to Arduelle.” Frey says, shuddering.

I recall her being rather indifferent to our lives, so it’s a little strange to see her acting so sympathetic right now. I never had the chance to get to know her well enough to understand exactly what was going on with her, or when this change came about.

“Frey.” I stop her before she can leave. “I’m asking a lot of you, as well. I’m sorry if I’m being a little stern, or asking too much, I’m rather rattled.”

“I understand.” She says, nodding towards us before fading away.

“Nel?” I ask, “Do you think we can adjust our plans. I think developing our own little academy could be a good means of unifying culture down here while providing class mobility. A chance to pull people out of the slums.”

“What are you thinking in particular?” Nel asks.

“We’ll develop a cavern into a school. We can roughly model it off of what’s on the surface and change things as needed. Our new Chips will give us a shortcut to speed up Skill development and acquisition rather considerably. The information storage is also rather useful.”

“I suppose that might be possible.” Nel replies. “It would also be good if you could spread your eyes around.”

“Yeah, I thought of that too.”

“You guys are amazing!” June shouts, jumping up while the rest of her team remain frozen in shock. Our interaction with the dungeon, who is practically their god, has certainly changed their perspective of us.

“Well then.” I say, taking a stand. “I’m not sure there’s really much more for us to discuss. June, if you want to come along, it’d be nice to have you help out around our home, or you can do whatever else you’re good at.”

“Kyra, are you picking up girls again?” Nel asks as we head out, June following while her head is tilted in thought.

“She’s cute and you need more help around the house.” I say. “We don’t have the time to be picking up lovers, but if it’s just this much it should be fine, no?”

“It’s because she’s cute, isn’t it?”

“I won’t deny that it’s part of the reason.” I admit.

Our guards are still with us, escorting us as we head back towards the busier parts of town. Their conspicuous presence a little less obvious out here where the streets are busy.

When Arn, the massive young man that we freed from his collar, steps up close to us, I quickly realise that something is wrong. Stirring up a spell and getting ready to cast, I look around the area, taking in all that I can and finding what’s wrong.

A man is walking towards us with a strange look in his eyes, and something in his hand. In theory, well made enchanted weapons could still prove dangerous, though it’ll be difficult for someone too weak to even carry them.

He throws something towards us, but Arn catches it on a shield. Whatever it is it stinks awfully, but I can’t see it doing any damage to the shield.

“The Black-tree Empress is a whoremonger!” The man screams, his voice quivering with ill-disguised terror. “She’s here to steal our women and slaughter our men. We need to stand up against her!”

His voice is frail and weak for all the strength and determination that he tries to put behind it. He’s pale and shaking, and his wide-open eyes are dripping with tears.

“What the hell?” I ask, shaking my head at the sight of him while the crowd slowly turns to focus on us. Their reactions are decidedly timid, as they try to find a way to avoid trouble while taking in the show.

“She… She will take your women, and use them to…”

“Only the pretty ones!” I declare loudly laughing at my own words. I can’t find anything serious about this situation, not anymore. “Any beautiful woman can freely apply to become part of my harem but understand that we are rather choosy, and you might not make the cut. Otherwise, I’m sorry to say, I have no personal interest in any of you and would rather not get overly involved in your lives.”

The trembling man stands there lifelessly, I’m sure he thinks that I’ll murder him for this, but his outburst was at best worth a little laugh. Besides, I doubt he did this because he wanted to.

“Now, you young man. I’d like to ask who put you up to this, because clearly you’re too terrified to do something this stupid without incentive.” I say, focusing on the man. “Come on, spill it.”

“I-… I-…” The man teeters on his feet, before slowly falling backwards to the ground and fainting. “Nel, can we get him healed, in case he’s actually having a heart attack or something, then we can protect him until we have a moment to interview him.”

“I’m sure we can manage that.” Nel nods firmly, her eyes still a little distant. They glow with the light from the ashes of another galaxy, the same as mine, I’m sure.

Something is wrong.

My gut is screaming at me that something is wrong, but not here. It’s somewhere else.

My split minds rush through the expanded map of the dungeon in my head as I try to find the issue.

It’s nothing in this square around us, and it’s nothing around my lovers. My city and cavern are fine, as well.

Found it.

There’s a team of slayers in the forest around this town. Through their eyes, I can see the movement of a growing horde of beasts, all marching towards the town under something’s influence.

The slayer team have only just noticed the trouble themselves, and I’m sure that they’re writing messages right this moment but…

My sight over that part of the forest goes black. The slayers are gone. Dead.

Something got them, and I don’t think it was any of the beasts. It was too quick, and too targeted.

“There’s an attack coming! A beast horde!” I shout out loud through the street. “Either get home, get armed, or whatever the hell else you guys do in this sort of situation.”

I send messages to Grier, Irulei, and everyone else I can think of, Leon as well since he’s powerful enough to help. I walk out towards the gates to meet with the enemy, as the townspeople gather themselves. Not quite a mad panic, more a controlled sort of panic, with everyone running to their posts or hiding holes.

For some reason, I’m not feeling nearly as bothered by all of this. It’s a scheme against me, I’m sure, but it feels more like we’re in a movie or something. Part of it is because I’m confident that Frey and Arduelle will protect me from the worst of the trouble, but there’s more to it than that.

A horde of monsters are coming to town to eat everybody?

So what? I’m training to kill a god…

Damnit, this is all so stupid, and crazy, and pointless. I’m tempted just to gather my power and blast half the cavern away, but there’s not much point in it while I’m still blind to the enemy locations.

“Let’s just get this over with.” I say, heading out towards Grier and the gates.

“Should we call for Frey?” Nel asks.

“Don’t bother, she knows to protect you, and I need some practice. Besides, this seems a great excuse to let out some stress.”


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Skills & Stats


~Mana Form:

Current mana density: 18465 units

~Mana distribution:

Defence: 20/100%

Offense: 20/100%

Mana sense: 20/100%

Recovery: 20/100%

Gluttony: 10/100%

Misc.: 10/100%

Efficiency: 100/100%


~Favourited Skills:

-Tag and Film



-Mana surge movement

-Annihilation defence

-Annihilation flame burst

-Annihilation net

-Eyes of an Empire



-Quick perception mind

-Annihilation Heart

-Clean bowels


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


//Author Note

More chapters available

