Hold on, Mary! We’re in Public!
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“Good day,” Mary greeted in response, “My friend would like to become an adventurer.”

The receptionist leaned forward to get a closer look, causing him to avert his gaze a little. 

There’s no way they’d think I’m a totally different species pretty much, right? He thought. 

After staring at him for another moment, the dark-haired, fair-skinned receptionist smiled, returning to her normal stance as her large chest bounced with just the slightest movement. 

“You’re a new face in town! What’s your name?” She asked him with a smile. 

He didn’t exactly plan on talking, he assumed that Mary would handle all of that, and Mary seemed to be under the same belief as she looked up at him as if saying “Do your best!” though it wasn’t very reassuring. 

Making sure to speak quietly with his head down, he replied, “Daiki.”

“Daiki…?” The receptionist repeated. 

Oh crap…I totally gave my actual name by instinct! It’s fine…It’s fine, it’s not completely masculine. I bet a lot of women in this world have masculine names, actually, hopefully, he thought. 

He nodded in response, not even matching her emerald gaze with his own. 

“That’s a unique name, how pretty,” the receptionist said, grabbing a document from a stack and sliding it across the reception desk, “Well, if you want to apply to be an adventurer, just fill this in. I’m sure an experienced adventurer like Mary can help you.”

Oh, that was easy, he thought. 

Taking the document, he sat down at one of the many tables occupying the refined, yet boisterous establishment, sitting near the large, lavish fireplace as a quill was already ready at the table for him. 

“Let’s see…” He looked down at the document as Mary sat beside him. 

It was mostly basic information, nothing foreign to him: age, name, experience, goals, and some other questions that were likely meant to discern if he was beneficial as an adventurer, or a hindrance. 

Though, there was one question on there that stood out to him: “Genital Size”.

“Huh,,,?” He let out audibly. 

“What is it?” Mary leaned close to see the document, where the end of his quill sat, “Oh, that. Yeah. Just put down your measurements.”

“That’s not the question here–why the hell does it matter is what I’m wondering?!” He let out with a reddened face as he was flustered by the question.

After the minimal outburst, he promptly covered his mouth, but it didn’t seem he was heard over the loud environment of the bustling adventurer establishment.

“That’s just how it normally is…” Mary looked at him, a bit perplexed by his question, “Oh, there will be a physical exam after you turn the document in. If you pass that, you’re totally certified!”

“Physical exam…?” He was rightfully suspicious of such a term in this odd world. 

“I think mine was taken just a few hours after I turned in the document…they’re pretty fast about it,” Mary put her finger to her chin as she recalled, “There are never enough adventurers after all, not with all of the monsters that are roaming the country.”

That’s right—”monsters”, I kind of already knew they existed, just going off of the tropes of a fantasy world, but they definitely do exist then, he thought. 

After a moment, he let out a huff, “Still, how am I supposed to know the exact size, exactly?” 

Mary looked at him, “Want me to measure it for you?”

“...Ur, you mean…right here?” He asked, glancing around. 

“Yeah,” she nodded as if it were a completely normal suggestion. 

If it was any other day before today, he would have considered such a proposition to be a joke, but walking around that very hall were women, strutting their packages either through prominent bulges, cock socks, or even just plain showing them off. 

There’s definitely something off about this world–well, a few things, he thought. 

“Come on, don’t tell me you’re being shy now…?” Mary sighed out quietly. 

“Huh?! Excuse me, but in my world, it’s perfectly normal to keep your stuff in your pants, alright?!” He told her in a loud whisper. 

Without any warning and further arguing, Mary tugged his pants down before he could even react, revealing his bare lower half as he sat on the chair in the corner of the crowded establishment. 

“Mary–?!” He let out. 

“Hush,” she told him, grabbing hold of his flaccid appendage with one hand while bringing the other one near it as a blue light emanated from the tip of her finger, “Invoke: Measure.”

That’s a spell?! He thought. 

The azure light stretched down into a straight, linear line alongside the side of his length, presenting markings that acted as the measuring points. 

He was left with cheeks as red as a tomato, finding a few stray, silent gazes watching, though nobody seemed entirely shocked at the situation that was foreign to him. 

“Mary…hurry up!” He hurried her in another whisper. 

The blue-haired girl who was once meek and submissive revealed a surprisingly playful side now that she literally had him in his grip. 

“You’re so red, Daiki…what’s the matter?”

Asking him this, she looked up at him while his bare, unveiled cock sat there beside her, even going as far as lightly letting it press against her cheek.

“What’re you doing with something this big, Daiki…?”

He could tell now; it was the scent. The way Mary had that look in her eyes, it was unmistakable as his manhood was mere inches from her nose. 

“It’s not fair, you know?” Mary said quietly, beginning to stroke his length. 

As he was stroked, he tried to contain his pleasure, keeping his head up and trying to hide the act with his cloak. 

“Mary…! Stop playing around!” He ordered in a harsh whisper. 

Mary smiled, “What’re you talking about? What’s the point of measuring if it’s not at full length.”

Crap, that actually makes sense! He thought.