Chapter 57.26- Stories of Old(Part 27)
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In order to gain eternal rest in "The dark," where all beings slumber without distinction because everyone is equal in death, these paper-thin, weak, soulless sinners perform labors to shorten their sentences in hell. Once they are in rest, everyone will be joined.

The entity was circling the first circle with keen interest as it saw the agony of the souls who had committed the most heinous offenses and had chosen fleeting pleasure and comfort over something that would require commitment and perseverance to bear any fruit in the long run,These souls were simply too lazy to give their full support and work for them to overcome their problems and temper their spirits to become stronger and make them strive for bigger and better lives, but the souls in the first circle could not wait for their own good blessings because they will do anything for momentary pleasure as long as it feeds them, comforts them, or even satiates their deepest desires.

All humans are different yet they are the same in some aspects, for the entity, it was as simple as that; one did not need to be a philosopher or even a talented scribe, or even a genius to figure it out. Humans have desires and these desires must be fulfilled. Even the entity knows that. A being who was just recently born has already seen through the whole nature of the entire human race, No, the answers of humanity were so painfully obvious and that was why the entity now knew why even the very Gods do not help humanity because of how ignorant, haughty, and how stupid they were. The entity mocked the humans who try to find the answers in understanding other humans to be on good terms with them, when the answers are already right in front of them just waiting to be uncovered.

The entity understood that no creature was perfect, which is why trials were designed to demonstrate that humanity has its own methods for overcoming problems and imperfections. However, even the most illogical species and ugly alien life that had lives far worse than those of these humans are aware of their flaws, whereas humans are not; instead, they aim to dream big, have more problems, and make more enemies,These are the characteristics of human beings: they have lofty goals that they are unable to achieve, ambitions that cause them to give up before they even begin, friendships with strangers that lead to their betrayal, and a tendency to blame others for their own mistakes in putting too much faith in them, The entity believes that mankind is a dying race, about to be wiped out by its own wars, conflicts which it has also manufactured. These are just a few of the problems humanity has not been able to overcome since they were created.

The entity was going to purge the White World when it leaves, but for now it must find and take the souls of those who wronged him, which are the treacherous emperor's Oh so perfect family. Until there were humans that could break that norm or programming that the creator has made them to be, The family is full of sluts, whores, and cowards, and they are also the most haughty bloodline the emperor has ever produced. The entity would assume that all humans are the same and kill every single one of them. Just thinking about how they violated the entity's home makes the entity furious beyond belief, The creature's sudden rage was so intense that the first circle of hell was about to burst, but just in time, the entity was able to contain itself and prevent any further needless murder from occurring—and in the wrong location, no less.

More palanquins pulled by millions and billions of souls came to stop in front of the entity, which was idly strolling through the first circle of hell. The people on the palanquins, who were all scribes of hell and high ranking officials of hell, descended from the stairs made by the souls, stepping on them like the sinners they are, who were in charge of compiling a list of all the sinners' transgressions and keeping track of the rewards they receive when they voluntarily perform their labors to bring about eternal rest, all while relaxing in infinitely tall palanquins filled with everything they could possibly need, would live in luxury while the sinners performed their duties to atone for their transgressions. They all formed a line in front of the entity and paid it their most sincere respects.