Chapter 57.31- Stories of Old(Part 32)
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No one died because no one was allowed to die in hell, where torment was unavoidable and unending. They battled and fought until some of them were reduced to rags and others were turned into flesh paste. The 72 demons all stayed in one location, which resembled a cave filled with fire and darkness, where there was no food and no amusement other than fighting and killing one other. Instead of enjoying themselves, everyone in the vicinity enjoyed each other's company, It was revolting that these people, who had formerly been considered the pride of the creator, had reverted to their baser, more animalistic inclinations, making them even lower than dogs and no longer deserving of the name of their creator, These 72 were abandoned in the darkest abysses of a place only known as "hell" by a mysterious voice that kept repeating itself in their heads. This voice drove them to the zenith of madness, causing them to completely lose themselves in the seven vices of Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, and Sloth.

After billions of years of indulgence, they regained their sanity, but realizing the forms they had assumed made them ashamed to look at themselves. They had horns that grew on their heads, dark skin like ask, long nails, and the dirtiest teeth, along with the ugliest faces known to creation. They lost themselves to these filthy desires and indulged them over and over and over again until they were tired of it, After living in shame over whatever form they took, these 72 people chose to uphold their creator's vow to live their best lives and establish themselves as a group, knowing that if their creator saw this, it would order the World Orders to eliminate them.

 Would their creator still pardon them and offer them another chance if they had adopted this really despicable shape but had yet accomplished their goal? This was the motivation that kept the 72 going. They ruthlessly fashioned tools out of their own body parts and terraformed hell itself. They dug circles and went as far as they could before hitting an unidentified barrier that forced them to stop. The last circle they dug was known as the 20th circle. The 72 made the decision to live in the deepest part of the earth until the mysterious barrier was opened, and they did so.They also tried creating life of their own, giving rise to the demon cultivator. The 72 also needed food, so they cultivated beasts that could be eaten, so they created beasts made from their own blood to create hell beasts that could be eaten as a food source. Over time, more demons had been created, food was thriving, and these 72 were now revered as the demon gods, the origin of the demon religion.