Chapter 57.34- Stories of Old(Part 35)
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There were only a few hundred angels at that time, and there were both low-ranking and high-ranking angels among them. A hierarchy had already been established among them, but these uninformed angels did not understand the true significance of their positions; instead, they saw these titles as recognition of their greatness and the purity of their souls. All of these angels rushed up the mountain.

To put it simply, these newly created angels were naive, and the idea of death was terrifying to them. For them, it was the unknown that caused them to fear death; anyone can be afraid of the unknown because they don't know what it is, and for these naive angels, the 72 demons and the Seraphim that one demon killed by ripping off its head as though it were livestock caused them to be afraid of this exact unknown in front of them.

The angels entered a massive castle after running up billions of stairs and showing signs of exhaustion. The castle in front of them was excessively large, with more castles lined up from all sides. Each of the castles had numerous towers and walls, but no windows could be seen. The infinitely large castle was guarded by angels of unknown ranks. These were the newest angels that their god had created, and they were much bigger in size, They had 30 pairs of wings, 10 pairs of arms, and Seraphim on both of their shoulders. This new angel had exceptionally long spears with huge spearheads to match on all of their arms. They had white armor covering them from head to toe, not even slits in their eyes.

 The castle doors, which resemble the ones in central Murim but are far more spectacular and powerful than previously and are so enormous that they dwarf the actual castle, are quickly approached by the angels. The doors easily opened without making any noise at all.

There were flags and banners flying everywhere inside the castle, each bearing the insignias and crests of an unidentified designer, and in the middle of it all sat a large white throne, upon which sat a woman with long white hair that was so white that it was always glistening and sparkled whenever she moved. She was lovely, wearing an armor that resembled a bridal dress and a cowl that covered her face and accentuated her contours,The woman on the throne had six arms, each holding a weapon on each hand. The weapons were made of an unknown material and metal and each had a different attribute. The sharp blades had a red-violent hue of energy on them that were unsteadily emitting violent unknown energy, and the woman's muscular physique could not be ignored under the divine chain mail she wore, She was known to the angels as the prophet or the messenger because their true God could not descend to guide them because their true God was engaged in a battle for his so-called "justice" and the Prophet could lead them in his place. The blunt weapons also had a gold hue of energy that was calmly swirling around the weapons and was emitting such calm and peaceful divine energy around the castle and the entire realm of Heaven.