20- Choosing Path
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“It takes the mind of a twisted healer to kill from within”, Sasha mumbled.

In one hand she had the orb, in the other the book of black magic. She was at the summer cottage and her gaze couldn’t decide which of the two object that had gained the highest interest. Her sister and Isaak were talking with her mother but Sasha already knew the answer. That was why she had two objects in her hands, weighing the pos and cons. Ella would never approve of using the black magic, especially not on an orb belonging to her son. She forced the orb back inside again and sighed. In war you made sacrifices.


Isaak stood in the doorway. He looked at her and opened up his arms, welcoming her into his embrace. She let herself get lost, forcing the thoughts out and just enjoying having him here.

“Your sister is disappointed at Ella. She and Denise left for the woods.”

“It doesn’t matter what mother thinks. I have made up my mind”, Sasha said.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“Really no, but, I guess. Not talking had probably not been my wisest move” Sasha took a step back, really looking at Isaak. How could she say this? He looked just like a boy, the hair tousled and his grey eyes filled with warmth. She was done playing games.

“What is it kitten?”

“I know you can take care of yourself, and Ivy doesn’t want anyone to know, but this will have to end Isaak.” She had an idea, but wasn’t sure how to get on the right track. “I was attacked in the village.”

“By whom?” Isaak glowered at her. His hands went to her throat, the fingers softly touching her bracelet. “Who dared touch what is mine?”

“You knew they would try, that’s why...” Sasha said.

“Whom kitten?”

“Don’t worry”, she laughed dryly. “You ought to be proud, he is dead, but more will come. The king has put a prize one your head.”

“That would not be the first time”, Isaak stroke her chin. “They know better than to try.”

“This time it is different Isaak and I don’t care what my sister says. I will not let anyone harm you.”

 “I would never have dragged you into this. I knew the risks”, Isaak said. He stood still, stoic, looking out the window. “I made you my bodyguard. I’m sorry.”

Sasha punched him in his chest.

“Stop it. Ivy is to blame for this. This time it is us that have dragged you into it.”

“We have to get rid of the king”, Isaak said.

“Of that we agree”, Sasha nodded. “Now, let’s fetch my sister. Your assassin has work to do.”

Sasha found her way in the wood with covered eyes. She knew each tree and every path. Her sister had most probably gone down to the march.

The water was black, stillness surrounding the air. The dark green fir trees covered with lichen. At the big stone Ivy sat, looking out at the water. A pink head stuck up above the surface and a big splash disturbed the scene.

“I see Denise is enjoying herself”, Sasha said and pushed at Ivy to make room for her as well.

 “At least one of us is happy”, Ivy said. She turned her head, looking at Isaak. “Do you have any plan?”

“I have sis”, Sasha interrupted. “I have resources that will help out. In the meantime, I want you and Isaak to stay put.”

“I am not letting you fight this one your own”, Isaak told her.

“It’s my war to fight Isaak. What Ivy has not said, is why the queen and king wanted us there in the first place.”

“Sasha”, Ivy pledged.

“No, Ivy”, Sasha said steely. She turned around, a hard glance at her sister. “He has the right to know. And I think that the truth for once will actually help us.”

“I am not so sure”, Ivy said.

Ivy stared out at the march. Her eyes were filled with stars, and her gaze had turned inwards. She questioned the goddesses trying to outline what the future had in mind. Sasha didn’t care, she was sick of lying.

“I want to protect you”, Ivy started.

“If you don’t tell him I will”, Sasha said.

“This isn’t something I am pride of but”, Ivy rose from the stone, taking Isaak’s hands in hers and looking up at him. She bit at her lips. “It was quite the chock and I didn’t really know what to make out of it.”

Sasha rolled her eyes. Ivy was Isaak’s soft spot. Anyone else had already had a fork in their hand.

“What is it?”

“The king is our fucking father”, Sasha told him. “Ella swapped us when we were kid.”

Isaak stood completely still, stone faced.

“You have to be kidding me”, he said.

“I wish”, the two sisters said simultaneously.

“Any more surprises to share when you are at it?” Isaak asked. “Ella isn’t dead, the king is your father and Sasha has lost her magic.”

Ivy started to rub Isaak’s back. Sasha snorted. He really knew how to play the wounded part.

“I guess you might owe us some truth Isaak as well? You are the master of deceiving after all”, she said. “Which makes me wonder, what is between you and Elias? You let him chase me, and you did spare his life.”

“Yeah, I did thought that odd as well Isaak”, Ivy said. “Not that I am complaining. You ought to practice solving things without using brutal force. But if you let anyone hunt my sister down another time I will kick you out.”

Ivy continued to rub his back, her voice soft as butter. Isaak actually trembled.

“Ivy, you know I would never jeopardies any of you.”

“Nah”, Ivy was eying Isaak.

Sasha cursed.

 “I’m done with the two of you”, Sasha said. “Denise, you keep watch!”

“Right at it girl”, the snake said, lifting her head high from the water. “I wouldn’t let them out of my sight for the life of me.”

“Great”, Sasha said. “If they become too sweet I would advise to look away.”

She walked back to the cottage. Although her mother didn’t approve of her choice, she still had to talk to her.

“No”, Ella stated as soon as she got inside.

Her mother was preparing dinner, and she didn’t even stopped to cut the vegetables or turned around. Her back just got more rigid, her figure squaring up.

“Ivy said so, but I guessed you could have some advices nevertheless.”

“It will hurt both of you, don’t do it Sasha.”

“I can’t kill him, and you know it. He is the best healer we have ever had.”

“There must be a way around it. Get to know them, when they let their guards down...”

“That’s cunning, and I will not pretend.” It was beyond her. She was a fighter, not a snake.

“Then let your sister figure it out and practice in the meantime. Grow strong and when time comes…”

Sasha wouldn’t have it. She loved her mother but what she asked of her was sick.

“What if I change side? Thought of that as well, mother?” Her voice was cold. What if her sister got attached to them? Since the queen spoiled her rotten it was not a far stretch.

He mother laid down the knife and finally turned around.

“You must have forgotten that I was the one stitching Evelina back together again?”

Sasha put her hands to her temple, rubbing it and trying to force away the pictures forever etched to her brain.

“I know you will do the right thing Sasha. You always have.”

Yeah, she always had. Her mother had the gift to look into the future, as has Ivy. She had always walked the straight path. It had worked so far, but this time it felt wrong. This time she saw her own path, and it was not the one she was supposed to walk down.  

“I will be in my room”, she said and left the kitchen.

She kicked off her shoes and laid down on the bed.

“You left.”

Sasha didn’t have to open her eyes. She knew the intruder, wishing her mother hadn’t let him in, but off course she had. She hated that he knew exactly where they had fled.

“Yes Elias, I left. Did you really think you could hold me?” Sasha said.

She rose from her bed, leaving the warmth off it and looking Elias square in the eyes. She was fuming of anger. Elias took a step backwards. His fists were squeezing and his eyes just small slits.

“You are a liar, thieve and betrayer. Does he know you cheat on him?”

“Well, hallo to you too.” Sasha laughed. So it was all about her choosing Isaak. “That’s why you can’t keep your hand off? Because of my very attractive persona?”

“No”, Elias said and sighed. “You are”, he paused and his knuckles turned white, “you are mesmerizing, and a true fighter. You may behave like a spoiled princess, but you are fun. Darn.”

“Used to be pampered prince?” He just wanted what he could not have. She had met people like him before. Still she was happy Isaak hadn’t put him to an end. The tiny voice in her head saying she had almost run back to him got her cheeks warm. “Let me give you an advice, worry about Isaak before you start to kiss me next time. I do not find you quite as charming.”

“I will not worry about him!” Elias yelled. He hit his hand in the wall, turning around, anger fuming from his body. He closed in on her, putting his hand around her neck. “You did choose him.”

She took a step closer, looking up at him, the challenge in her eyes. She craved it.

“I want you by myself”, he whispered darkly.  

He ravished her mouth, kissing her senseless. Sasha savored the taste, well knowing she had to be tough on him. She could not let herself fall for him. He was the son of her enemy. Nothing good would come out of this.

Then why did it feel so fucking good?

Elias let go of her slowly, resting his chin at her forehead.

“I have been worried sick about you. Instead I find you here, all healthy. And you have gotten almost all your magic back.”

Elias held her on arm lengths, surprise written all over him.

“How is it possibly you already have unlocked it?”

“I have a good tutor”, Sasha said. She thought back at the corpse in the ashes. “Denise showed me a shortcut.”

“Damn dragon”, Elias hissed. He drew a hand through the long strands of white hair. His eyes flickered in yellow. “I will give you the rest of your magic when you pass the test.”

Sasha rolled her eyes. He was such a tutor, the high and mighty.

“So master, yet another test. Let us hope this one is alive at least. I am sick of graveyards.”

“You are a taker. You must pay for when you have taken with force. When you have paid for your sins, you will gain your magic back. Repay to those from whom you have stolen.”

Sasha laughed and pulled out a big bubble of magic. He had made it just too easy for her. No wonder she had broken free so easily.

“I have never ever taken anything from anyone except you Elias. You are going down, hard.”

“I don’t believe you!”

“Well, mister perfect. Let us see who will break first, shall we?”