Chapter 11: The Escape
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Before this chapter starts imma just say I'm gonna be switching to a 3rd person POV so instead of "I shot him" I will type "he/she/whatever character is doing the action shot him" if I don't remember my bad but hopefully I will remember thanks for reading this story so far btw I really appreciate the support ENJOY THE CHAPTER

"Bruno POV"

Right as it was about to hit Bruno another Hunter pushed Bruno and moved back and dodged the hit 

He pulled out a blade and sliced Its handoff then the hunter ran towards its shins and stabbed them

The monster reared its arm back and punched him before he could dodge 

Bruno took this time to jump on its back and stab it in the neck 

The other Hunter quickly used his hand to jump up and stab it Bruno pulled his knife downwards through its chest

Stabbing it in the heart killing it

Cheers from civilians echoed out 

Pierson: guess he's not as useless as I thought 

Hunter: good job kid 

Bruno: Uh right, thanks for saving my life

Hunter: don't worry about it kid 

Maybe I can impress Zenez with that kind of win

Bruno said to himself

"Zenez POV" 

Zenez was chained to a wall in a cell shirtless with broken bones bruises and a Vass amount of other damages to his body

Kugo: where's the girl

Argus: right here 

Kugo: Alright, throw her in the cell with the boy. Where's Ku?

Argus: he got away 

Kogu: very well send a squad to find him

Argus quickly dragged Sora and threw her in the cell with Zenez

After she noticed it was Zenez she was horrified 

Sora: oh my God... what did they do to you 

Zenez: a lot... a lot 

Zenez said weakly 

Sora: I swear to God I'll kill all of them

Kogu walked up to the cell and exclaimed

Kogu: relax I didn't hurt him too bad 


Kogu backed up a few feet due to Soras booming voice 

Kogu: if you tell me what to do again I'll kill you, anyways enjoy your new home 

Sora: Zenez look at me, we're gonna get out of here ok? But where's Ko

Zenez: they took him... into some room... I don't think they did anything to him though... I haven't heard any screams... Where's Ku?

Sora: we decided it'd be safer if we went different ways I don't think they caught him though 

"Ku POV"

After entering through the roof Ku saw Sora getting dragged by Argus 

Ku: shit

He whispered to himself

He decided that once Kogu leaves in the morning he'd save his brother and leave 

He couldn't risk saving Sora and Zenez 

He fell asleep and when he woke up he dropped down and knocked on the only door he saw 

Ku: Ko, you in there?

Ko: Ku, is that you?

Ku: I'm glad your safe little bro. Open the door 

Ko opened the door and Ku said 

Ku: alright let's leave while we still have the chance 

Ko: but what about Sora and Zenez?

Ku: We don't have time 

Ko: you do realize if we don't help them... if Zenez gets out he'll be after us you know that right? 

Ku: stop cmon let's go 

Ko: I can't... I just can't, I understand our relationship with them is shaky, to say the least, but Zenez is probably one of the only people who can actually stop Kogu and maybe even Oku

Ku: I doubt anyone could stop Oku

Ko frowned

Ku: you really want to help them 

Ko: yeah 

Ku: alright let's look around for a key 

"Zenez POV"

Sora: alright, you just relax there while I check for a possible escape ok?

Zenez: right 

Ku and Ko quickly walked to the cell

Ko: Hey guys we got a key cmon 

They unlocked the door and tried to help me up

Zenez: aghhh STOP

They dropped Zenez and he hit the ground 

Zenez: just go... I'll be slowing you down 

Sora: Zenez we're not leaving you here to die 

Zenez: Sora please just go get my dad he'll know what to do 

Sora: no let's go 

She picked Zenez up with surprising strength and helped him walk

It hurt like hell but Zenez was up

Sora: cover us in case anything happens we have to get that teleporter back 

Ku: you mean this one? 

Sora: how did you?

Ku: the big dumbass dropped it 

Kogu: who you calling a dumbass 

Zenez: fuck me this is bad 

Ku shot the portal at the wall at the end of the hall

Ko: you dumbass why u shoot it so far away? 

Ku: let's not spend time arguing and spend more time running 

They all quickly ran to the portal. Ku and Ko quickly got in Sora was trying to help Zenez in when 

Pierson came FLYING through the portal kicking Kogu straight in the face breaking a tooth 

He landed on the ground and punched Kogu in the jaw shattering the mouthpiece on his helmet 

Pierson: GO 

Sora helped Zenez through and after we got out Zenez collapsed exhausted 

About a second later Dad came flying through the portal once again 

A long awkward silence came after he came out

Pierson broke the silence by saying 

Pierson: all right which one of you is gonna tell me what's happening 

Sora: what happened to Kogu

Pierson: who the big Lion guy? I slapped him up a bit and left

Ku: listen I know you want answers but right now we have to get Zenez to a hospital

Pierson: right, I'll make a call 

"Back at Kogu's kingdom" 

Kogu calls King Raz the leader of the gorillas

Raz: Kogu my friend what can I do for you

Kogu: I have a small issue would you mind coming and talking it over as we eradicate the weak Foxes?

Raz: of course, I'll meet you outside their kingdom

End of chapter 11