Chapter 12: the talk
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Raz: so what did you want me here for?

Kogu: let's talk as we kill these weaklings

Raz: right 

They kicked through the door 

Nobu the fox King: What do you think you're doing in my home 

Nobu charged Kogu and Raz but Kogu cut Nobu's head off before he could even think of an attack 

All the foxes began trying to fight but it was futile 

Within 10 minutes every fox was dead 

Raz: I will ask again, what did you need me for?

Kogu: follow me to Aksha

Raz: you don't mean...

Kogu: yes, I've been having an issue with a human. He's survived me 3 times already in 2 weeks. If we don't kill him soon we will be forced to call upon Oku

Raz: NO... it's too dangerous, we could end up dead if we do that besides he's the last of his kind if we somehow lost him we would lose

Kogu: with or without you I'm getting Oku 

Raz: that's a bad idea

Kogu brushes off Raz's remark and heads to where Oku is 

Raz follows closely behind 

They find themselves by a huge waterfall 

Kogu: in this waterfall, we will find him 

Raz gulps as his anxiety increases 

Kogu and Raz wade through the water and see Oku the final god 

Raz: he's...

Kogu: huge I know 

Oku woke up from sleeping on a massive web he'd spun thousands of years ago

Oku looks down to see Kogu and Raz

Oku: Koooooguuuuuu whaaaatttt doooo youuuuuuuuu wanttttttt

Kogu: sorry if I've awoken you from your slumber, how long were you sleeping?

Oku: teeeeeeeeennnn thooooouuuuusand yeeeeaaaaaarrrrrssss

Kogu: right... anyways we need your help. Lately, I've been having issues with humans, actually a particular human 

Oku: Naaaaaammmmmme? 

Kogu: Zenez, and we could use your help to eradicate him and maybe the rest of the humans considering you are the strongest God 

Oku: nooooootttttt yeeeetttttttt iiiitssssss aaaaaaaaa baaaaaddddd tiiiiimmmme 

Kogu: with all due respect I do not know what you mean 

Oku: cooooommmmmmme baaaaackkkkk innnnnnnn aaaaaa mooooooonnnntttthhhhh 

Kogu: A MONTH? 

Oku: Yeeeeessssssss 

Kogu: by that time they would have already crafted an army 

Oku: cooooommmmmmme baaaaackkkkk innnnnnnn aaaaaa mooooooonnnntttthhhhh 

Kogu: fine but you better be ready by then 

Kogu and Raz left

Raz: you talk to God as if you owned him you could've gotten us killed

Kogu: relax we go way back 

Raz: how long?

Kogu: longer than we do 

"Sora POV"

Sora: what are his chances 

Doctor: we can't be 100% sure but we know they're low, there's also a high chance he won't remember what happened to him so you may need to remind him

Pierson: so there's nothing we can do but wait? 

Doctor: yes, and can I ask what happened? 

Sora: uhh... well

Pierson: car crash... drunk driver swerved off his lane and rammed into my son's car 

Ku: yeah, that's what happened 

Ko looked at the doctor as a sign of confirmation 

Sora just went with it she knew he'd pull some strings to craft that story 

Doctor: well I'm very sorry to hear that

Pierson: can we have some time alone with him?

Doctor: of course, take as long as you need 

Immediately after the doctor left the room Pierson asked 

Pierson: one of you are gonna tell me everything that's going on right now 

Sora: Kogu 

Pierson: what?

Sora: that's the Lion that hurt Zenez

Ko: We were gonna scope out Kogu's kingdom, I and Zenez had just killed 2 Lion guards and as we were taking their outfits we got caught 

Pierson: by Kogu?

Ko: no, his second in command. A Lion named Argus

Pierson: right... anyways I'm gonna go now I have more important things to do

After he said that I got so angry and exploded on him


Ko & Ku nearly fell out of their chairs because of how random it was

Pierson: what? Did I say something?

Sora: This is your son and you act like you don't even know him

Pierson: if he can't protect himself that's his problem, now don't get me wrong I love him so much but if he gets hurt that doesn't fall on me 


Pierson: I don't have time for this 

After he left I just sat there and cried 

Ku: uhm... Sora... 

Sora: what Ku what are you trying to say

Ku: I think Zenez is gonna be fine 

Sora: and what makes you think that 

Ku: because he's awake 

Zenez: surprise... I think 

After he got up Sora hugged Zenez and cried harder than she'd ever cried before 

My tears staining his Hospital gown 

Ko: cmon Ku let's give them space

Ku: right 

After about 15 minutes Sora calmed down 

Zenez: what even happened? All I remember is my Dad came through a portal and I blacked out 

Sora: Kogu hurt you 

Zenez: figures... he didn't hurt you did he?

Sora: no it didn't even really seem like he was trying to hurt us 

Zenez sat up in his hospital bed 

Zenez: listen Sora I'm probably not gonna be able to do much for a little while so you'll have to do some things without me 

Sora: the right of course take your time to recover 

Zenez: you should probably head out and kill some abnormals I heard there are fewer and fewer foxes every day and the bears are much weaker 

Sora: how much you wanna bet Kogu has something to do with it?

Zenez: none cuz I know he did something crazy

Sora: yeah... uhm I'm gonna go now, please just rest and don't do anything till your better 

Zenez: uh... one more thing Sora

Sora looked back at him

Zenez: I still feel like an asshole for the way I treated you and... I was wondering if you wanted to go out somewhere 

Sora blushed and said

Sora: y-yeah that'd be fun 

Zenez: great I guess I'll see you then

Sora: right 

When Sora walked through the door She saw her Dad on the couch watching some cop show 

Dad: Hey how was your day?

Sora: Uh, good I guess

She wasn't gonna tell him about Zenez 

She doubted he even remembers Zenez

Sora ran to her sister's room and confided in her 

Kyra: so he asked you out?

Sora: yeah that's a good thing right?

Kyra: Sora that's a great thing, you two should go to an amusement park, Does he like rides?

Sora: uhm I don't know 

Kyra: well if he likes you then he'll go on them regardless of his thoughts

Sora: but I don't even know where to start

Kyra: don't even worry about it I'll handle that come back tomorrow morning 

After heading into her room the thought kept running through her head

Does Zenez like Sora?

End of chapter 12