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Thanks, that's it really. This was my first story and possibly only story I'll do. I first started when my one friend who on Wattpad is known as Arata Kishikari made his story "The Last Blessing" and put chapter 1 on here. I thought to myself "maybe I could make a story I'm proud of also" so I did. And it was the best choice possible. 

Characters: Heroes 

The main reason tho was because the 2 main characters Zenez and Sora were characters I've had in my head for a while (roughly since I was 10 years old.) I always wanted to incorporate them and their childhood lovers dynamic (even if it's cringy and cliche at times) in a story if I ever made one. Aku and Magi were characters I thought up of randomly because I needed to introduce more characters. I needed a redemption kinda thing so I created Ku and Ko. For Aika idek why I created her tbh. For Xav I wanted diversity within the cast and I defo could've done more with him and I regret not doing it now but it's whatever it's not a big deal. For Seiji it's pretty obvious Swordsman in anime or manga are just badass. For Pierson I wanted a conflict between the main character Zenez to overcome. Pierson always wanted to be a good father but didn't know how to because of his upbringing. I wish I did more with Bruno so his death was more impactful to Zenez and the group but it's whatever. For Unji I wanted an emotional support dog for Zenez and someone for him to rant to. Yuri and Vlad we're gonna be catalysts to give Macov some kind of backstory so them not being fleshed out was intentional. Eiyla was just supposed to be the cog that changes Cybernex for the better good. She won't be in the 2nd story but I might give her a small part where she catches up with Cybernex. Just know she had a happy ending and got married and had kids. So yeah that's it for the heroes onto the villains.

Characters: Villain's

For Kogu I wanted a manipulative tyrant like villain and what better than to make him an anthropomorphic Lion with a sword and for the cherry on top he's a king. For Raz I wanted to have him be a secondary antagonist that helps Kogu and is loyal to him. For Senrok and Argus they aren't that important so I just put them there for the sake of having more villains. Oku was supposed to be a horrifying villain that you could dread the approach of. I kinda low balled him at the end but he caused a lot of damage. That big vampire like being at the end was just supposed to be a final thing to wrap things up. Nagaki was supposed to be like a brother to Seiji but I didn't go deep enough in their relationship to make it feel impactful when they fought for the last time. Macov was just supposed to be someone who snapped one day for no reason so he's not super important. Cybernex is supposed to be a badass robot. He'll do a lot more with Seiji in the second story. Guygen isn't important in either stories but he's in them I guess. Raki is like a leader of some sort to Pusk and Oska but he'll play a bigger role later on in the next part of abnormal hunters. Pusk ain't really important and doesn't do much in either stories so yeah. now Oska though where do I even start with him. If you watched Rooster Teeth's Halo: Red vs Blue you'll see some similarities to him and the Meta. Oska was hands down my fav to write with Kogu being a close second. Oska will play a big role in abnormal hunters part 2 so watch out for him. So yeah that's it for the villains onto the updates 

Updates for the story:

I know my story is litteraly dead and no one has read this shit since chapter 18 but idc. This is a passion project and something that I wanted to do. So to anyone who ever gets this far, thank you. I'm fully aware their are probably some cliches and bad writing in here but I hope it was at least half decent. I'm gonna be putting out some wholesome chapters while I finish part 2 of Abnormal hunters and then the story is officially over and again idc if anyone reads because as stated before this is a passion project and something that I wanted to do. Thanks a lot and I hope you all succeed with any dreams you have in the future.