Chapter 12:The tip
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Hehe #94 on trending!

Sitting on the sofa next to the old man, Magnus felt calm. He could feel it in his soul. He knew that he was stronger than the supposed God.

" You are not a real God, are you? However, I feel like you did indeed create this universe."

The false God shook his head.

" You misunderstand the concept of being a God. I am indeed a God, to the humans, to all life in this universe. However, to someone such as you, a superior, I am no God a mere fraud. It is the same as when a real mage looks at a charlatan and scoffs. "

Magnus nodded at this comparison. He understood. Once, he would have been impressed with the man sitting next to him. Worshipped him even.

" It seems that you climbed your way to the top. How did your soul keep such a youthful appearance despite our true age?"

" Hah, can't believe a devourer knows the meaning of hard work."

The extremely old man scoffed at his apparent interviewer. 

" I did work my up... but in multiple lifetimes. I used to send my memories to myself. The "me"s of other alternate universes, my instances. Over thousands of instances, I managed to amass enough power and knowledge to use said power to become what I am today."

" Instances... I would have instances too, wouldn't I."

" Why, thinking of using my method to evade death?"

" No, no. Your "evading death" is garbage."

Magnus lifted his right hand and started chanting to ensure his image is accurate.

" In my right hand, I grasp all my instances. I exist as me, myself and I only. There are no other "me"s, "myself"s and "I"s."

With that Magnus devoured all his alternate selves and converted them into a new ability. He called it ' Anomaly'.

' With this, I will no longer have to worry about temporal attacks.'

" What did you do!"

Magnus' chat partner had jumped to the furthest corner of the room from Magnus. He stared at the boy wide-eyed and shivering. Magnus unfazed got up and prepared to leave.

" Thanks for the tip old man."

Then, the blonde boy stopped time. He had agreed to leave immediately after the meeting after all. And he would, in the rest of the world the foundation's perspective. With a sly grin he exited the room.