Chapter10- giving explanation
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When the players all across Galaxy learned that they were trapped in the game, a wave of panic followed and the impact was visible on the forum.

It was still a mystery, whether or not the 'definitive' death in the game had any consequences on their body on Earth.

Some felt fearful, others were excited. Genta could understand them as it was like a dream coming true.

But he was different from the other, he had memories from another life. And despite their blurriness, he knew that Galaxy was not a simple game.

It was a mean that a transcendental civilization had used, in the hope to save itself from the destruction of its universe.

In the past Iteration, it had been able to escape the fate of destruction by pulling the soul of a player in Galaxy.

For a reason that Genta did not understand, he had possibly been reincarnated and if he was not wrong, all the player's souls had been pulled inside Galaxy.

Despite the symphony of emotions and questions in his mind, Genta sighed as he tried to calm down.

He had the impulse to post something on the forum but felt that it was meaningless.

" the forum is too chaotic right now, I should wait until people calm down at least a little if I want to say something important," Genta thought as he massaged his aching eyebrows.

He saw the videos posted by many Players who had been captured throughout the planet and were asking for help throughout the world. It was not only on the Japanese forum but everywhere. Thank to the advanced traduction function offered by Galaxy, he could read their posts without too much difficulty.

Sadly, he knew he couldn't help them for now as he was too weak. He could only try to get stronger in the future and avenge those who suffered.

Thanks to the game interface, the players had infinite potential. Bit it was too soon and they were not able to show it for now.

Genta could also deduce from the gory videos on the forum. That there Npc's trying to experiment on the players.

It will be deadly if they were able to find something attractive from these experiments. If it happened, players were sure to be tracked down throughout the World.

For this reason, players needed to keep a low possible, but it was also important to get stronger as soon as possible.

It was very contradictory. The only saving grace, according to Genta was his discovery. The level cap, the maximum level achievable in Version 1, had been removed.

Genta has his tough interrupted as the door of the shack was opened and four people entered. Genta recognized Barrion, the man in the lead. 

He had posted one of his made in front of the door and asked him to call him as Genta had woken up.

He had a severe expression on his face as he looked at Genta.

" What happened to you all! You all fainted at the same time. Are you suffering from a contagious disease" Barrion voiced his concern and did not look like he was joking about the subject.

During the Great War years ago, Diseases had been one of the main means of attack. Some of these diseases were so nightmarish that people were more afraid of them than they were of Mages.

Genta did vaguely know about that story that mentioned various artificial diseases. He was thankful that the people of the settlement did not plant sharp objects into their chest, fearing that they will become blood craving humanoids when they woke up.

Genta was tempted to lie and say something in the like of: "were exhausted after walking for too long without food. We fainted out of fatigue".

It will not be wise to say the truth either as a player couldn't mention the game, their voice will start to only sound like beeps in the eyes of the players. 

He would only become more suspicious. He wanted to interact peacefully with the people from the settlement and did not want to attract any unwanted attention by being reported to the authorities. Genta's eyes suddenly showed a resolute light.

" I guess that it is useless to hide anything for you at this point" Genta sighed, he had decided to tell the truth.

" yesterday we received bad news

We all received it right in our heads.

At first, we thought, that there was still hope that will could still go back to our home. But is now impossible.

The reason we fainted had to do with the content that message and the mental burden of our mind"

It took a while for Genta to explain things to them in the context of Planet Hidden while remaining as truthful as possible.

 They Talked about the Earth village. It's an approximate location that remained vague thanks to the means that they used to 'teleport'  here. Their Village chief whose situation was unknown. He also told them that some of their village elite were living in the big cities.

He did not feel the need to hide this information as they were easily obtainable from any other players. He only doubted whether or not they could be as tactful as him.

Genta also asked, where were the others and learned that they were in a building at the corner of the settlement.

The men told Genta to rest, he could also take a guard to guide him where the other was placed and as the purpose was met, they left.

Both sides remained a little on guard against each other.

Genta did not know but as soon as the four men exited the house, Barrion turned toward an older-looking man.

" Old Nelson, was he telling the truth?" the village chief asked.

" my magic did not detect any trace of a lie in everything he said. He was indeed truthful" the old man answered.

" do we really need to take care of them?" A burly man in the group asked.

"Just be sure to keep an eye open just in case" Barrion finally instructed.

The four men had decided to test the stance of the refugee and had assumed that Genta was their leader. Perhaps, it was because of the scar that make him look tougher, perhaps it was because of the mission he had previously completed, or perhaps he had the highest charisma among all the players.

At the same time, Genta received the system notification.

" We were just like them some year ago. So we can not reject them. But nothing will be free. We will make them earn they pay" the last man, the beblacksmithmit of the settlement said.