Chapter14- hunter
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Somewhere in the wildness, Three silver Hyenas we're growling at each other over a rotting piece of meat. The thing was so damaged that it would have been impossible to recognize to whose species it belonged without what looked like a dirty piece of clothes still attached to eat.

Silver hyenas were bigger and more ferocious on planet Hidden than their Earth counterparts. Their silver fur was tough enough to block a strike from a sword. And they bite would bleed until their victim were drained of their blood.

The three silver hyenas, will each pull apart the meat to their side, and sometimes they will just growl or bite at each other.

They were known for their powerful sense of smell but at this moment, they were still unaware of the danger that was looming over them.

 One of the silver hyenas had just taken a huge portion of meat in its mouth when an arrow fast traveled and directly pierced its left eye. The hyena cried in pain and raised its head only to receive a second arrow in its other eye. It went deeper this time and the beast fell on the ground.

Witnessing this scene the two remaining beasts looked in the direction from where the arrow had come from. These arrows were not made of the best materials or with the best tactics, it was only normal that they will make a sound that will reveal the position of the one who had shot them.

This time the two silver Hyenas managed to see the figure of a man on a tree, who was still holding unto his bow. They seemed enraged as they charged at him with a tacit understanding as if they had not been fighting earlier.

The man released another arrow, but it was not precise this time and ricocheted against the tough head of the bigger silver hyena. The man did not seem phased by his failure, he took another arrow from behind him and lodged it between the bow and its finger. He waited three seconds before freeing the tail of the arrow.

The arrow made a 'swoosh' sound as it traveled in the air. Hearing this sound the man sighed. The arrow was going to enter the eyes of the smaller silver hyenas when the bigger one suddenly jumped forward and blocked it with its body.

The bow only left a shallow wound on its flank as the arrow ricocheted.

The two silver Hyenas were in front of the tree and threw themselves toward the branch where the man was standing.

Expecting this, the man did not grow his bow away. Time seemed to slow down in his perception. He jumped forward escaping the bite of the first beast. While in midair, he stepped on the body of the silver hyena and jumped once again escaping the second attack from the smaller silver Hyena. Still, in mid-air in an impossible position, the man took an arrow from behind his back and released it. Kt went straight into the maw of the smaller silver hyenas that had just landed on the grown and was growling in anger, shutting it forever.

Gravity finally took hold of the man's body. He finally started to fall toward the ground head first. Knowing what was going to happen if he fell that way. He twisted his body while falling, landing in an embarrassing but not so dangerous way. He rolled on the ground for a while. He winced in pain but stood up with great difficulty. A quick glance around him, and he discovered that his bow was broken. The last silver hyena, the bigger one was also looking at him with what looked like a savage smile. The man started to panic, he unfasted a short dagger from inside his clothes and brandished it towards the beast.

The silver hyena licked his lips in what looked like amusements. It was not that surprising considering the war that happened on the planet, years ago. Most animals had evolved to the point that some showed a certain level of sentience. Silver hyenas were not an exception.

The silver hyena was still advancing as the man retreated while facing it. It was at then that, it suddenly stumbled. The 'creature did not know what was happening looked confused. But the man did not let him too much time to think. With a ghost-like movement, the man arrived in front of the beast and plunged the dagger in its eye till the hilt. After the strike the man quickly retreated, escaping the last attack of the dying animals.

The panic on his face was completely gone, as it had been a show from the very beginning. With the scar on his face, he looked like an experienced hunter.

" the poison enchantment on that arrow acted too slowly. I almost thought that it was ineffective" The man said while looking at his bow with a sad smile.

He moved away from the beast that was dying and moved toward the ' piece of meat' that the silver hyenas were 'sharing' earlier.

Somewhere, not far from it, He found a wooden badge with the name 'Daiko' written on it.

The man sighed. He did not know how much time had passed in the real world. But in Galaxy, a month went by since the player found themselves trapped in the game.

There were already many people dead since that time and with what was left of this corpse, a new name was going to be added to the list.

Genta looked around. He found a belt that he had hidden in the wood earlier and took a vial inside it.

He splashed the contents of the vial on the corpse and it started to disappear as if it was resting with acid. He was not going to go back into the settlement with a corpse that looked like this.

" the badge is sufficient anyway" thinking about this, Genta looked at his status screen.