Chapter 69: Yellow Etamors (18+)
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The chapter contains: mmf


Otto made us breakfast again. Hash browns and eggs and… I’m just going to eat the eggs.
“You got up early again,” I said as I took my seat.
“Yeah, someone has to make breakfast.” He said.
I nodded. “Thank you.”
“Yes, thank you, Otto.” Terrie also thanked him.
“He knows I appreciate him. Num. Num.” Nikola said.
“Ah, yeah. It’s not a big deal.” He held back his smile and acted like the girls thanking him wasn’t a big deal.
“Am, yeah, num, thanks, Otto.” Bella was also at the table. “Oh, by the way, we finished the office upstairs.”
“Oh, you did… We can hold the interviews there.” I thought aloud.
“Will the applicants come today?” Garth asked.
“Calm down. We only placed the ads yesterday. It won’t shop up in the newspapers till today. It should be in the morning newspaper; do we have the morning newspaper?”
“I don’t think anyone delivers out here,” Wilf said.
“Oh, he spoke,” I said.
He looked down at his plate and said nothing else for the rest of the day.
“I think one of the girls picked it up on the way,” Bella said. “I can find it for you if you want.”
“Will you?” I asked. “That’s great.”
“Yeah, sure. But you should subscribe if you want them to deliver.”
“Yeah, I think we’ll have to. The hotel had newspapers laying around, but now…”
“We should subscribe to The Twilight Times,” Nikola said.
“No.” I instantly refused. There’s no way we’d subscribe to a publication that prints so many fake stories.
“Why not!?” She bellowed.
“Because the stories in it are fake.” Woodie tried to set her straight.
“You don’t know that!” Nikola shouted.
“Come on, Nikola…”

Garth ignored them and asked, “Do you need me to do anything today, master?”
“No, I think- Yes, I forgot to tell you yesterday. You can fill up the preservation box with sweets. Sterling, you go with him and help him  choose.”
“Oh, okay.” Sterling nodded.
“Then-” I tried to check my pocket and realized I was in my panties. “You have to mail it. I’ll give you the address.” Then I remembered the address was for a fairy. “You can’t go to the post office. Not the  regular post office.”
“Then where do I go?”
“The Delaron park. The city park.”
“The park?”
“Yeah, there should be a big tree in the middle of the park with hundreds of birds perched on it.”
“Oh, we went there before. I think we saw the tree you’re talking about.” Woodie said, “Didn’t we, Nikola?”
“The one with the cute birds,” Nikola recalled.
“Those cute birds can eat a child whole,” I told her.
“What? No, they can’t. They’re the size of pigeons.” She said. “But  they’re so colourful. All yellow and cute.” She pretended she was  holding a bird and made kissy faces.
“They’ll eat your face.”
“No, they won’t.”
“They’re from the fairy world. They’re called Yellow Etamors. You know what that means? It means yellow big eater.”
“You believe aliens are stealing farmers’ cows, but you don’t believe this!?” It was one of the stories in The Twilight Times.
“They leave coded crop circles!” She stared into my eyes.
“Okay, stop looking at me like that! You can go with them, see for yourself.” I said.
“Master, I’m not sure I understand what you want me to do.”
“Right, after you fill-up the box with sweets- I have to get you the letter… Anyway, I’ll give you the letter, it has the address. Take it to the big tree in the middle of the park with all the yellow birds, and  knock on its trunk. And wait… You might have to knock on it a few times.  It’s the fairy post office. They’ll eventually open up, and when they  do, give them the address and the box and… I forget how much it costs now… I think it’s 50 copper? Or was it 70 copper? Anyway, pay them what they want and watch what the bird does.” The last comment was directed  at Nikola. Even in the game, it sent shivers down my spine.
“I was going to grind today.”
“It’ll be fun if you come along, Nikola,” Garth said. “And you’ll get to see me work.”
She didn’t have the heart to tell him she didn’t want to watch him work. “Ah, yeah, so much fun.”
“Yeah, and I’ll buy you some sweets.” He talked to her like a child.
“Alright.” She smiled for her boyfriend.

So Garth, Sterling, and Nikola went off to buy sweets, Otto and the other boys got started on lunch, Terrie found a quiet spot behind the mansion to swing her sword, and I went to my lab to finish the aphrodisiac.
Terrie was a diligent swordswoman, constantly swinging her sword and honing her skills. Of course, honing your skills the traditional way was  nice, but I wish she’d take levelling up more seriously…


“Please don’t eat the goods,” Garth told Nikola as she reached for another cookie.
“But- but- but it’s so boring.” She moaned. Garth was  regretting asking her to come along. And Sterling was by the counter with one finger on his chin, trying to decide what to buy. “And you  promised me you’d buy me, sweets.”
“I bought you sweets, and you already ate them.”
“That was so small! I’m a grown woman!” She bellowed.
“Alright, alright, I’ll buy you… Pick something from there.” He pointed at the display case.
“Okay.” So she joined Sterling with her finger on her chin. “Hmm.”
“What to pick…” Sterling said.
“Yes, what to pick…” Nikola echoed.
“Haa.” Garth exhaled.
“We’ll take one of those,” Sterling said.
“Okay.” The shop clerk put it in the box.
“Let’s see, what else…” Sterling scanned the delicacies…

Nikola’s head turned from the display case to Garth. “You know what I want?” She scanned Garth up and down, her eyes stopping below his stomach. She licked her lips and grabbed his crotch. His eyes grew wide.
“We’re in the middle of a store.” He hissed.
She smiled and said, “I picked. I want this twinkie.”
Sterling ignored them and said, “We’ll have that one too.” Pointing out a cannoli.
“Sure.” The clerk ignored them too and put the cannoli in the box.
Garth fought her off while she insisted on humiliating and embarrassing him in public.

In the carriage, she showed even less restraint. She forced her tongue in his mouth and fondled him as she pleased. “Aem. Aem.” He constantly moaned as he fought off her hands from undoing his clothes.
Sterling thought of Sherrie, sighed, kept his eyes out the window, and tried to ignore Nikola.
So, they went around to various sweet shops and filled up the box.

Finally, Garth said, “Alright, Petra, take us to the park.”
“Is it really a fairy post office?” Petra asked. “Why have I never heard of it? I’ve lived in this city all my life.”
“Hmm. Probably… I don’t know how, but master has always known about a lot of… Maybe from the Perfect-Half… I don’t know…” Garth just didn’t know how his master knew about all these… things.
“We’ll find out when we get there,” Sterling said.
“Yeah.” They agreed.

They walked past the couples and sightseers and went to the centre of the park. Past the shrubs to the big tree in the middle. Sure enough, many yellow birdies were perched on the branches. The birdies watched them curiously as Garth knocked on the trunk.
When nothing happened, he said, “Okay, I feel silly…”
“She said you have to knock it a few times,” Sterling repeated Sherrie’s words and knocked the wood again.
“You here to send mail?” A voice came from inside the trunk.
“Yeah!” Sterling shouted.
“Okay, wait a minute.” The voice said. The sound of footsteps climbing wooden stairs followed… Then the illusion magic surrounding the tree disappeared, revealing a huge tree hole. A fairy’s head popped out of  the hole and asked, “Watch’a try na send?”
“Ah, this box!” Garth held it up to the hole. “And…” He rummaged through his pocket and pulled out the letter. “This.”
“All right.” The old fairy took out a thin water-resistant bag. “Let me look at that.” She grabbed the letter and looked at the address. “Okay,  that’ be 40 coppa.”
“Alright.” Garth handed her the money.
She tightly sealed the box and the letter in the thin bag and stuck on a sticker with the address.
“J-5-4-4.” She shouted, and a birdie came down from the branches. She showed it the address and asked, “You know where to go?”
“Kaw!” The bird hollered.
“All right. Take it.” She tossed the package in the air.
The cute birdie’s mouth opened like a snake’s, 10 times the size of its own head. It swallowed the package whole.
They saw, their spines tingled, and the bird flew away.


“It is complete.” I roared in my empty lab. “Mwahahaha…”
“What are you laughing about?” Otto’s sudden presence interrupted my maniacal laughter.
“Ha-” Mortified, I stopped and turned to him. “I remembered something funny.” I blankly stared at him with my bald-faced lie.
“That didn’t sound like a ‘thought of something funny’ laugh… It sounded wrong.” He said.
“You’re imagining it.” I cleared my throat.
“Hmm… Okay. Here’s your lunch.” He put down a plate of fish and something else. “Everyone already ate.”
“Oh, okay. Thanks.” I picked up the fork and knife. After I swallowed the first piece, I said, “You don’t have to bring me dinner; I’m going  out.”
“Where are you going?”
“To an upscale bar,” I said.
“Hm? Why?”
“That’s… Business.”
“I’m not going to stop you from going, but can’t you go tomorrow?”
“I can, but why?” I wanted to cross off enslaving the government official from my list.
He refused to make eye contact with me as he whispered, “I want to spend time with you tonight.”
“You can spend it with me tomorrow.”
“I’m… feeling horny.”
“Oh,” I looked at his crotch, “okay, cool.” If he’s going to go far enough to admit something like that to keep me home tonight, I wasn’t going to argue against him.


It was past lunch, and the sound of construction echoed in the background. The sun fell through the western windows of the castle.

“Thanks for helping me out,” Garth said.
“You’re welcome. I enjoyed it. We should hang out more often.” Sterling replied.
“Yeah, if you’d like, you can learn some of the stuff I do; that way, you can help master- Aw!” While he was talking, Nikola scooped him off  his feet.
“Yeah, thanks, Sterling.” She said with a flat tone while holding Garth in the prince-carry style. “But I can’t watch you guys jabber anymore. I need to use your friend.”
“Oh.” She didn’t wait for Sterling’s response and walked off. Though he did notice Garth was blushing. “Yeah, use away.” He mumbled long after they were gone.

“Oh, god! Can’t believe you said that to him!” Garth complained as she carried him to their room. He blushed, “What’s he going to think.”
“He’s going to think, you’re my little tyke; what else is he going to think?” She said.
“Oh, goddess! He’s going to think that! He is going to think that!” He shouted.
“Yeah.” Nikola shrugged.
He was taught manners and proper etiquette since he was 10 years old to be the perfect butler; civility was his bread and butter. Nikola was the exact opposite, a born hunter, a bad girl who did whatever she wanted. Yet he was unbearably attracted to her. A part of him wanted to suck on her teat and be her little tyke, but he knew he shouldn’t reward her for  her actions. He needed to scold her, “You can’t do that. That’s not allowed. You can’t treat me like that in front of people.”
“So it’s fine if people aren’t around?”
“Ah, that…”
“Maybe, you shouldn’t talk so much next time. You know how long I had to wait?”
“Hm. I’ll try to talk less, but you can’t-”
“Yeah, you should talk less.”
“I will, but-”
“Good, then we won’t have this problem anymore.” She effortlessly opened the door while holding him and closed the door with a kick after entering the room.
Dixon was relaxing on the sofa in his underwear, and Halit was sitting on the armchair, reading a book.
“But, that- Aw!” She threw Garth on the bed. “Wait, we haven’t-” She planted her lips on his. “Aw, em, aw…” He tried to talk, but his tongue  was beaten down. She unbuckled his belt and pulled off his pants along with his underwear. She broke their kiss to kiss his dick and lick his  balls. She scooped up his whole package with her tongue and put it in her mouth. “Aw.” She gave it two sucks, and he was as hard as a diamond. She climbed on top of him and unbuttoned his shirt. “Wait-” Her tongue  was inside his mouth again. He had no chance; he could only wait to be  stripped. After pulling off his jacket and shirt, she stopped assaulting  him to take off her shirt and bra. Garth took this opportunity to catch his breath. Then she stood up on their giant new bed and unbuttoned her  pants. Having caught his breath, Garth said, “We have to talk, Nikola.”
Her response: “Dixon, be a good boy and put your dick in his mouth. I’m tired of hearing him yap.” Dixon was happy to comply. He quickly took off his underwear and climbed on the bed.
“Dixon, no.” He silently crawled to Garth and smacked his slong on his face. Garth flinched.
Dixon Rubbed the tip on Garth’s pursed lips and said, “Be a good boy for mommy, Garth, and put this in your mouth.”
Pants off, butt naked, she looked down at his pursed lips and said, “At least you got him to shut up. Good job.” She patted Dixon’s red hair approvingly and put her pussy in front of his face.
“Thanks, mommy.” He groaned in his manly voice before wrapping his lips around her cooch.
“Em.” She gently caressed his hair as he tongued her clit.
Garth gave in and opened his mouth.
Nikola looked over at Halit sitting by himself on the armchair and said, “Why don’t you take off your clothes and put your dick on his face  too.”
Halit looked up from his book at Nikola, who was standing butt naked on the bed with Dixon’s face between her legs. Then his eyes travelled down  to Garth, who was lying, belly up, with Dixon’s slong in his mouth. “I’m good,” he said, “I’m on an interesting part. The grey knight just  defeated the bridge-keeper.”
“Hm. That stupid book.” She said and pushed Dixon off her crotch. She  sat back down on Garth and slipped his twinkie inside. “Aw. That’s a  sweet twinkie.” She said as she began to rock her hips. She pinched  Garth’s nipple. Dixon followed her example and pinched his other nipple. “Copy cat.” She smiled and grabbed his red hair, and kissed his lips.
“Eeei!” Garth squealed as they squeezed his nipples. She picked up her pace and, “Ew!” He spurted his cum in her pussy.
As soon as Garth was finished cumming, she pushed Dixon down and jumped on top of him. “No, I wanted to go on top.” He groaned. She engulfed Dixon’s slong before even a second had passed since Garth’s last spurt. She slammed her hips down and forced his whole dick in her pussy. “Aw,  not everything… Ew…” He groaned and clenched his jaw. She continued to  thrust her hips and force every inch of his dick in her pussy. Forcibly squeezing his big sensitive dick into too small a space. “Aew.” He  grunted. “You’re too tight. Ew. Don’t…”
“Mommy has a big pussy.” She claimed.
“No, you don’t! Eew!” He protested as he was forced to endure her  pussying, her constant dick crushing thrusts. “No, mommy.” He grunted.
“That’s it, baby. I’m almost there. Don’t lose your erection.” She grunted as she thrust her wet pussy on his dick.
“Ew. Aw. Momma.” He took a few deep breaths and watched her floppy ears dance. “I’m go cum.” He groaned.
“Hold on a little more. Mommy’s almost there.” She said, rocking her hips even harder.
“I can’t.” Then she felt his dick spurt, and she stopped fucking him.
“Mommy was so close, baby.” She said, feeling frustrated.
“I’m sorry.” He said between breaths.
“Alright.” She looked around the room and spotted Halit reading his stupid book. Dixon’s softening dick slipped out of her cum filled pussy.
She got off the bed, walked straight to the armchair, grabbed Halit’s book, and threw it aside as if it was garbage.
“I was reading that.” He said as his book hit the floor.
She lifted her leg over his shoulder and put her foot on the armchair’s top rail. He was reading a book a moment ago; now, he was face-to-face with a cum covered pussy. Her pussy was so close he could smell Garth and Dixon. “Eat.” She said.
“I said I wasn’t in the mood.” He looked up at her horny eyes.
She grabbed his hair and forced his lips on her hairy pussy. “Eat mommy’s pussy.” Their eyes locked, and he knew she won’t let go till she  got what she wanted. He closed his eyes and opened his mouth. “Em…” She  moaned. “Yeah, that’s it. That’s what boys like.” While he licked, she kindly took off his glasses and gathered his hair. She put one hand  behind his head and pushed him tightly against her pussy. And he relaxed his tongue, but she said, “No, no. Keep doing what you were doing with your tongue. Don’t stop doing what you were doing.” He got back to what  he was doing. “Yeah, that’s it. I just want to help you out a little.”  Then she started grinding on his face. She slowly mixed in her movements  with his tongue’s motion… Then it wasn’t long before she grabbed hold of the chair and grunted, “Mommy’s going to cum.” She kept him pressed  against her crotch as she came, “Ooow. Fuck yeah.” Finally, she let go of his head and said, “Good job.”
“Yeah.” He said as he caught his breath.
She put her foot back on the ground and gently caressed his face. “Let’s see how you’re feeling down here.” She leaned forward and grabbed his  crotch.
“You’re soft.” She was confused. “I thought eating mommy’s pussy would’ve turned you on.”
“I’m not in the mood.”
“Hm. You got a little…” She touched her chin.
“What?” He touched the wrong spot on his chin.
She shook her head. “Let me.” She leaned in and licked up the cum that was on his chin. “Got it. Hmm. This is… Dixon.”
“Oh.” Halit frowned and touched the spot she’d licked.
“Don’t worry, I got all of it.”
“If you don’t want to go a round, I’m going to take a shower.”
“I don’t.”
She shrugged. “Alright, suit yourself.”
He watched her swinging tail and sculpted ass disappear into the bathroom and clenched his fist.