Chapter 03: in which Layla studies and trains in magic.
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Welcome dear readers! We have here the third chapter of this story.

This time, we won't have dungeons (sadly this chapter got too long for that lol) but it has infodumping about magic and a small training session at the end.

Honestly I wanted to focus on other stories, but like. I had no motivation for them and I ended up focusing on this story more. (although the current chapter of my OP Gamer Kagura story is half-complete, I think, so maybe I will update another chapter this week or the next, I hope)

It had been a couple of days after Layla realized she was reincarnated into a game world.

During those days, she was taking things slow and just enjoying herself for a while.

But now, it was decided she will try and train herself in the usage of magic.

It is basically necessary at this point, not only for the sake of escaping whatever that might be thrown at her, but also for the sake of those around her.

Layla wasn't completely sure just how much damage her magical affinities could cause if she lost control, but what she could imagine from just the knowledge she has about the nature of her powers were more than enough to make it clear that she needs to control her magic so that way, she wouldn't unleash it randomly whenever she gets emotional enough.

And better not think about the possibility of her changing the atomic composition of the people around her from human-shaped figures to a lump of charcoal, or displacing their heads from their shoulders and teleporting it far away, or sucking life force from people, or, or...

Yeah, better NOT think of how things can go wrong with her magic, and she was glad the only thing happened was her just stopping time, instead of basically anything else.

And this meant that controlling her power and refining it is basically an obligation for her survival.

Which is why she asked one of the maids to bring her some books about magic, how to use it, the theory of it's existence, all that.

As she was outside in the garden, sitting on a chair with a table in front of her, she hummed as she flipped the page of the first book of magic for beginners along with the general theory about it.

As she was reading, the book started with a dramatic beginning of how eons ago, the world was created by a Goddess of incredible might, Aana, taking decades to stabilize before living beings started coming to existence and lived in that world. And as a gift from her, she spread the ability of Magic to be used by all living beings.

Yes, ALL living beings, including humans, animals, plants, and as later years will show, monsters and demons, elves, beast-kin (called demi-humans in many fictional settings), angels, and many more races.

The Gift of magic was given to the population of the world, and from then on, it was their choice to use it wether for good or ill, or not even use it at all. It's all the decision of those living in this world.

The Goddess was worshipped by humans and few other races such as elves and most beast-kin, but was similarily disliked (or hated) by other races.

Layla wasn't sure how to think of Aana not stopping people from abusing her gift of magic, but Aana did it and it isn't Layla's duty to tell a goddess what to do, therefore Layla won't care about it more than she needs to.

The next part is where the whole magic learning starts:

Magic -the book states- is the energy that exists in all living beings (or in some cases, undead beings), and can be harnessed and controlled to manipulate the phenomena in the world via understanding and using it's laws.

It is basically the science of the supernatural and ephemeral in this world, just like how her previous world has science to explain technology, physics and biology.

Both work under different sets of laws that might either coincide at certain points, or oppose each other at different points.

And the book explains that the energy used for magic, the "fuel" as one can think, is collectively called Mana by almost all beings. And it is this energy that allows one to interact with the laws of magic and control it for one's desire.

The book also states that there is a relation between the amount of Mana one has, their understanding (and imagination in some cases) of what they are trying to do, and their level of control of their Mana, as those factors impact how magic manifests.

If one had complete understanding of the effect they are trying to create, and the control to do so, yet don't have enough Mana to use as fuel, the result will be either the magic not working, or the magic working but at the very lethal cost of leaving the caster on death's door from the exhaustion of one's magic energy.

Without enough control, one might also find himself either not causing anything or waste more energy than needed.

Without sufficient understanding or imagination of what one wants, the result will most likely not be as the caster exactly wanted, if at all.

Layla found it similar to how most light novels explain magic: have imagination and enough mana and control and you can do almost whatever you want. (yet of course only the protagonist can have that level of power, and not thousand year old gods)

Next part was about elements and affinities.

Basically, an affinity is how well one can use magic relating to a certain element.

A person CAN use magic from an element different from their affinities, but they will need more effort and energy than if they used an element they have an affinity towards.

As for the elements in this world; there are basically sixteen elements that were seen during the human history:

Water, Wind, Fire, Earth, Darkness, Light, Mind, Body, Space, Time, Matter, Soul, Life, Death, Creation, Destruction.

The first four elements (Water, Wind, Fire, Earth) are the most common elements of the bunch, as they don't need a lot of effort to use and control, though more control and Mana and understanding is always a plus.

Layla was determined to train in a few of those, both for increasing her repertoire just in case her affinities were not suitable for a certain problem and for at least trying to hide her own affinities.

Light and Darkness are a little more uncommon, but only slightly, as there are plenty of people capable of using them, the two elements just need a little bit more knowledge and control, and they are generally used in either healing people and purifying undead (light magic) or restraining targets and manipulating shadows for basic defenses and attacks (darkness magic).

Those six elements can be used by technically all races, with only few being completely unable to use certain elements due to their biology or other reasons.

Mind and Body are two elements that are, unlike the other first six elements, are very uncommon to be used by humans. Not impossible, but much more rarer to find a human with an affinity towards them, let alone being experts in using them.

The Mind element involves mental abilities like hypnotising targets, manipulating senses, mind controlling and even mind reading. Succubi (plural of succubus) in particular are known for having this affinity. Which makes dealing with them very difficult when they have their hands on you. It gets extremely difficult to resist a being that can twist your reasoning.

The Body element meanwhile basically involves shapeshifting, and if experienced enough, even taking control of a target's body against their will for a while. Some races like fairies have the whole package of both shapeshifting and body controlling, while the rest only have the shapeshifting aspect. The Succubi are again notorious for using shapeshifting to look appealing to their targets, especially when combined with their Mind affinity.

Space, Time, and Matter: This trio is the beginning of what humans call as the mythical elements, they are extremely rare that there are barely 10 known users from almost all races, or at least, -Layla thought in her head-, as far as humans know.

Space allows one to cast teleporting magic, put objects in other dimensions (basically an item box standard ability). That was all was written about it. Layla doesn't know if the writer of the book actually knew of just how powerful Space can be, or if no one had found out in the first place.

Time basically manipulates the flow of time, wether to slow , accelerate, or stop it around the caster. There was also the possibility of rewinding time of an object, therefore restoring it to a previous state.

Matter; this element's applications were not clearly defined from what Layla can see, but it states it controls the "shape and constitution" of a target.

Layla concluded that the reason for this vagueness is that the people in this world don't know what atoms are or can't comprehend just how many applications it can be used for. The rarity of the element is also a factor along with how other elements can substitue it in daily usage.

And then we go to some of the more sinister elements:

The Soul element basically gives one the ability to directly affect the souls of other beings, wether killing the soul, effectively killing the being as well, or stealing them or twisting them beyond repair and it is much more difficult to resist than the Mind magic. The only way to effectively resist it is by having either Soul magic or having Life and Death magic to protect you. The usage of this element is basically forbidden by the human church (which worships Aana) and any who practices it will be executed on the spot, even children.

Layla had to double take at the mention of murdering children.

Life and Death are basically two sides of the same coin: The Life element user can convert their Mana into life force to sustain one's life and can use the energy for healing, and can survive even if they are decapitated as long enough Mana is available. Meanwhile, Death allows one to create a corrosive energy that absorbs or destroys the life force of others, basically killing them.

The Life element is generally treated as a purer version of the healing properties of the Light element, and is also unique to very few races such as the Dryads.

Death element is alas looked at less favourably due to it's abilities and only few races can use it like the higher ranked undeads.

And then the two final elements are what are apparently the elements of the Supreme Beings, which are the races of Angels, Devils (not demons, Layla realized) and Aana herself.

Creation is the element that basically allows one to use mana to create things, but on a much larger scale and a more powerful level including creating magical items out of nothing. The book only states that the Angel race, before going extinct. (or almost extinct from Layla's perspective. She isn't sure how a race that can apparently create life isn't around somewhere.)

Destruction is basically the opposite of Creation, and it erases things on a physical, mental and even Spiritual level, used by the Devils before they were apparently extinct as well.

Naturally, it was clear that Aana can use any of those elements at any level, as that level of control and power is what allowed her to create this world in the first place.

"This... is a LOT of elements."

Layla was seriously surprised at how the elements were actually recorded in human history.

She had honestly expected only the first six "generic" elements to be the only ones mentioned and that the mind controlling magic and time abilities and such don't actually fall into "elements" that were discovered.

"Seems the humans in this world had plenty of time *chuckle* to see enough and categorize magic affinities properly instead of just six major ones and other 'never seen before' abilities."

After seeing that summary of the elements (she felt it was too long honestly), Layla reached the part where one can actually learn how to use magic.

Training for beginners involve taking a relaxed pose, and imagining the Mana in one's body as it moves, and trying to control it to make the hands glow from magic.

The book points out that one shouldn't try making any actual magic right away if they are a novice, as that might cause some nasty results (burning one's body by mistake or hitting yourself with rocks as examples).

The first step is to just make your body glow with mana surrounding it.

Layla read the steps carefully, then closed the book.

"Let's try it then..."

She murmured as she put the book at the table.

She needs to put herself in a relaxed pose...

"I'll just stay in a chair and try my luck. I don't like the whole 'Lotus position is BEST mediation pose in the WORLD!' thing and I don't feel quite relaxed about it."

Pulling her chair farther than the table, she sat, calming herself.

Putting both hands on her legs, she breathed slowly.

"Okay, close your eyes, imagine your Mana, like the air around you, gentle and flowing inside you."

Closing her eyes, she tried to focus inside her body, as she searched for the energy inside her.

"Like water as you try to gently move in it."

She whispered to herself calmly, the feeling of the energy inside of her seemingly easy to find thanks to her first experience with using magic, yet also seemingly out of her reach.

Slowly, her mind's eye was feeling something, a sensation of something alien, bizzare and yet...

So... Natural and welcoming.

So that is her Mana.

It felt strange, to feel it inside of her body.

As if it was the embrace of a caring mother, yet not exactly.

She unconsciously smiled gently at the sensation, the warmth feeling so comforting.

She took her time enjoying it for a few minutes, before she started her attempt to move it outside her body.

"Gently, move it gently."

Smiling as her eyes were closed and her face feeling serene, she whispered.

Her Mana feeling pulled calmly by her desire.

"Like a timid kid wanting to surprise their mother with a birthday gift. Taking their time to carefully move the mother humoring them as she closes her eyes sweetly. Carefully direct it, to the outside of your body. And enjoy, the gifts of your effort... In the form of the warmth that will cover you..."

Slowly, Layla opened her eyes, looking down at her body, and she was surprised for a moment when saw that her hands, along with her body, were softly glowing.


She could not stop her mouth turning into a big smile.

"So fascinating!"

She looked mesmerized by the gentle white glow of her body.

To think 'sensing' her Mana was this exciting.

'Although I have to wonder if it was this easy to control my mana this fast. Or is it because I used magic before even by accident? Or maybe because I have many affinities? So many possible reasons.'

But she didn't ponder about this for long.

Layla had more things to try, like the casting of actual magic.

'Best to not train my own affinities here with possibly screwing up badly. Let us do something simpler. Like creating some water!'

With that, she once more made connection with the mana in her body, this time feeling it easier and more instictual, but she didn't think of why that was.

Layla just tried to carefully catch and command her energy to morph from an ethereal energy surrounding her body, into an actual physical water.

She managed to hold her energy surrounding her body in the form of the white glow.

It felt like she was catching a balloon full of air, as she grasped it with imaginary set of hands.

'I feel it! Now is the time! I succeed!'

Her mind's hands squeezed, changing the shape of the imaginary balloon!

"Gu- WhA-! Ack!"

And she was rewarded with a thick sphere of water suddenly materializing with her inside and hitting her as it splashed on the ground, and her body became wet, and she found her nose and mouth full of water as she was breathing.

She caughed as she tried to breathe and she heard one of the maids screaming worriedly.

"Layla-sama! Are you alright!?"

As the maid was reaching her, Layla busied herself by coughing for a few more seconds before she finally shuddered from the cold sensation as her body was now wet from water and she was outside.

"Hah! Y-yeah. I am fine. I just was too excited testing magic and this happened."

Layla spoke to the maid still shivering, and she felt a slight sensation of tiredness seeping into her.

"Layla-sama, that was reckless. Come on, let's have you warmed."

The maid had already caught her hand and started to practically drag her to the inside of her home.

Layla didn't bother resisting, simply taking this as a success.

She was able to use water magic, even if it tired her a little.

Now, she needs to train more in magic to gain more control of her mana, and then try to test her own unique affinities.

"Seriously, Layla. What caused you to play with magic just like that?"

Layla's face was down as her father scolded her while looking at her strictly along with her mother giving her that "I am disappointed" look all mothers (and sibilings, and aunts, and friends, and anyone that cares about someone else, really) somehow gain at max level the moment they give birth.

"Sorry. I didn't think this would happen."

She could only murmur at the looks she was getting.

Her parents' faces felt strangely like a bad area to look at now. Honestly, why can people magically make that guilt-making look and why is she affected like that?

"Hah, Layla, listen. You are not allowed to try magic on your own again. You were lucky it was an almost harmless magic that was activated. But it is still risky."

Layla could understand the reasoning of her mother, but still...

"But I still want to learn magic!"

She raised her head looking directly to them in as much resolution she can pull using her child face.

They looked at each other for few seconds which felt significantly longer for Layla, but it seemed she didn't have to worry.

"Then you shall be given a tutor in magic then, wouldn't you? It is a simple solution to make. Your brother Zain was already starting his training months ago."

Her mother smiled as she stated her idea, and Layla was almost sure her father had slightly nodded in acceptance while still looking at her.

Well, what is she supposed to do other than accept when such chance is in front of her?

"Thank you very much. Mama, Papa!"

She bowed her head to show her gratitude. It just felt as the right and correct action to do so.

Her father nodded at her approval.

"Then, it's decided. In few days, you will be meeting your instructor."

She smiled.

'You know what? Sometimes I forget that I am in a fantasy game world due to becoming more used to how people here have bodies that feel like they will make a lot of models and idols in my previous life go for the kill to even get a fraction of those appearances and beauty. But, there are always things that remind me of being in another world.'

Layla looked at her magic instructor in curiosity and awe.

Her instructor, was a woman that Layla felt she was born for the role of a witch (or mage, whichever that fits someone's perspective).

She was a woman that looked to be in her twenties, a mature-looking face with magenta eyes, a long blue hair that almost reached her hips.

She wore a purple "witch-designed" dress that covers her from the neck to her toes, with only a small cut that showed just a little of her left leg, and a matching violet witch hat that made her look serious when combined with her expression.

The woman's look was finished by a wooden staff with a glowing purple orb held in her hand.

All in all, the woman looked georgeous with that dress style and her calm face.

That's what Layla thought. She didn't even care about the woman's C-cup bust and only liked how her aura screamed "listen to the witch".

It was one hell of an impression.

"Hello, Layla-sama. I am Myrna Clae, a mage. I shall be your instructor in magic for the while."

Myrna bowed as she was talking.

Layla bowed as she also greeted and thanked her.

"Hello, Myrna-san, Thank you for taking your time to help me."

It almost felt like trying to talk to her teacher from her previous life, except they weren't humans capable of giving this level of "respect me" aura.

Amazingly, she felt she can handle this feeling without much problem. She filed the thought in her mind to think of later.

She has a magical teacher to learn from.

Said teacher was looking at her with a slight smile on her face.

"No problem. Let's see how this will go."

They both went to the garden as Myrna sat with her drinking tea for few minutes before they started.

Myrna asked Layla how far does she know about magic, and the princess answered that she had only learned theory from a beginner's book and she had made herself glow and used magic to create water (and unceremonly splashed herself by mistake).

"Interesting. Show me."

Layla followed her order, and once more commanded her mana to make her hands glow.

She had made few more tries those few days to train her mana control and refine it a little bit without actually casting magic, so this time it came as simply as breathing.

A small amount of her mana -she could feel it in her mind- moved towards her hand as they glowed brightly.

Layla didn't know wether this amount of mana is too much but she will try anyways.

Magic is science after all.

If it didn't give desired results, she will find out why.

She pointed her hands towards the opposite direction of Myrna, and once more, sh imagined her mana as a balloon, as she commanded it to change into water while at the same time, trying to push her mana forwards outside her body.

The result was her arm shooting water for a couple of meters away from her.

The push of mana was almost enough to push her back for a few steps, but other than the slight sensation of losing a bit of energy she was completely fine. It was also almost less than what she felt days ago, so her small training paid off.

Myrna clapped as she congratulated her with a slight smile.

"Very good! Still rough around the edges and the control needs more exercising, but better than many novices."

"Thanks, Myrna-sensei."

Myrna waved off the thanks.

"No problem. Now, I see you have a lot of mana for one your age. I am honestly surprised you have a handle on this. We need to have more ways to refine that control. I also assume you only tried water magic?"

Layla nodded smiling.

"Then I think you might try other elemental magic as well. Even if you didn't have affinities for them, it will be very easy to pull off with enough magical power and control. But we will do that later. For now. Mana control."

The witch looked at the young girl.

"Now, please let us go to your house. I recall from previous visits you have a large pool, correct?"

Layla answered in the affirmative and did so.

They both stood around the huge pool inside the castle.

Layla saw Myrna nod then raise her staff for a moment.

The staff glowed for a split second, and Layla felt the place becoming only slightly bit warmer.

"This is your manacontrol exercice."

The teacher then took off her shoes and Layla watched curiously as the magician walked towards the water.

Myrna stepped at the water with one leg, yet when her other leg moved, she didn't fall into the water.

Instead, her body still stayed just above the water's surface.

It was quite shocking for Layla as her eyes widened.

"What is this? Is this water magic?"

Still walking on water, the witch looked at her and shook her head.

"No, this is just a magic control exercice. You see this water? I had used magic to make it sufficiently warm for a few hours when I had my staff glow for a moment before. This water-walking will be one of your training methods for now."

Layla looked at the water pondering on why this felt both new yet strangely familiar, and looked back towards Myrna when the teacher started talking again.

"This method involves having precise control in one's magic powers, as they channel mana through their legs to stay on the surface of water without falling down. Too little power and you won't be able to walk at all, too much and the water surface will become a mess and you will also fall. The trick is to find the balance for your own body. You can try it now if you want, and you don't have to worry about your clothes being soaked. I can dry them immediately."

Layla looked at her before she focused on the water once more.

There is nothing to lose or worry about.

'Okay then, here goes nothing.'

Layla commanded her mana to her legs, and put a leg on water.

The leg stood on the surface of the warm water.

Layla took a breath before moving her second leg.

She managed to stay for few seconds above water, before it rippled around her and she fell with a shriek into the pool.


She emerged, taking a long breath.

"You've put too much energy. This will be your training until the end of our session. And I also advise you to train as well on your own in this training."

Myrna stated calmly as she pointed a finger, and Layla's body flew back to outside the pool.

"Try again, this time try with less mana."

Layla did as told, thinking as if she took a small cup from the barrel that was her mana pool.

She felt that this time, the amount was definitely a lot less than before.

Layla tried once more, but she found that her leg completely submerged, and she frowned.

"Too little. Add more."

Came Myrna's observation.

Layla tried to add more, and when her leg stood on the surface, she tried to step on the water with both legs.

She succeeded at staying on the water surface for a while longer than before, but like the first time, she fell again.

Myrna stated she was doing better, but needs more training.

Layla accepted the praise and just repeated the process again and again, searching for the needed balance for her.

A couple of hours went, and aside from the occasional servant entering the pool room, the duo were focused on training.

In the end, Layla managed to find a blalance that allowed her body to stay above water, but she still needs more effort, and Myrna left after smiling and telling her the next session is scheduled to be few days later, and that Layla has to train in staying on water while also slowly running. Her magical homework one might say.

Layla could proudly say it was a very fruitful day, her body feeling exhausted due to mana usage aside.

Hours passed after Layla's training teacher had left, and Layla had long rested from the feeling of tiredness, and she was currently going to take a bath and refresh herself.

That was what she said to the maids.

She was mostly honest to be fair.

She just didn't say she had another thing to try.

Mana flowed in her body, as she focused intently.

She was sure that now, since her control improved, and she felt her mana much more controlled, she can do this safely.

'Remember it. The first time you used magic. The first experience of time Stopping it it's tracks!'

Her body was softly glowing, as she felt it. The energy, obeying her. Asking to be unleashed.

And she allowed it.


Sensation of power rushed through her, and for a single moment, she felt the reality in front of her warping in a sense.

And when that moment was over, she looked around.

Everything was frozen in time.

"Now, let's try to see how far I can now do this, and how this works."

Layla picked up a random towel, feeling it and using it like a whip, and saw as it's form changed.

So, things she touches when time stops can act like they are not frozen in time, or something equivalent.

She threw it and the towel immadiately froze in time just as it left her hand.

She looked at it.


She muttered as she picked it up again, and threw it with the intent of having it go as far as it can.

The towel this time kept moving until it seemed to almost lose it's momentum.

"So, willing something I throw to move in the stopped time allows me to control how far it can go. Amazing!"

Layla smiled as she moved towards the towel, poking at it for few seconds (how that worked when time stopped she didn't care about).

She dipped her arm in water, and it easily entered under it, even as the few drops flying upwards stopped moving suspended in the air.

It was so fascinating, how the laws of physics worked when time stopped.

She was able to move inside the stopped time, and breathe as well. Of course, the fact that she can also see was also something she had to point out.

Water was still "watery", and other objects seemingly still had their characteristics from before time stopped. Things could very well break just as easily as they can be when time was flowing.

By all rights, time stopping should mean that realistically, her body shouldn't move due to everything including the atoms in the air being almost immovable objects, that her moving would mean the friction alone would set her ablaze, that she can't hear anything due to the sound being air vibrations, and air was currently supposedly immovable.

She shouldn't be even seeing anything as photons should have been alo frozen in time.

"So this time magic. Was it built with more secondary abilities to help the user to even manage to use it in the first place? Or does it ignore the laws of physics since time magic might work on different rules?"

She pondered to herself as she thought of what kind of rules her time magic falls under.

Layla decided that she will test the laws of the time stopping aspect of her time magic for now, as she realized that her mana was now dropped by almost half of it's original amount, and she will really get drowsy if she kept at this.

And she also believed she had stopped time for a couple of minutes at least, if her estimation was correct.

(At least her ability is better than DIO's ZA WARUDO in stopping time. Without taking considering the fact his monologues take ages yet only a second passed when time stopped.)

She will test that later.

"Hmm, I will finish it later. But now, let's relax and have a nice bath!"

With that, she deactivated her magic, and prepared to sleep very well this night.

Layla will train more tomorrow after all.

Me: writing about magic system and things I find interesting. Feeling it will only be 1~2K words.

Also, me: Put them in drafts, then realize I wrote 5K words.

And this chapter ends!

Next one, dungeon exploring and monster killing, and levelling Layla's magic power of course.