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Have you read the April Fool's chapter?
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This is the story of a brave man.

This is a story about a man who refused to accept his fate, and against all odds, fought for his dreams.

This is a story of a man who was named Emperor Timothy Walter Anderson Trouble, a man born in a middle class royal family, with nothing in his pockets, who rose to inherit his father's kingdom.

In his life, Emperor Tim achieved many feats some may call miracles, myths even. The tales of his glory spread far and wide, even to the ears of the British Queen, and Czars of Russia, such was his presence.

A man can start writing while in womb, and write till he die, and yet, he still could not be able to compress the marvelous events that transpired throughout the life of Emperor Tim.

However, we aren't here to talk about his life, we are here to talk about his birth, and more specifically, his death.

You see, when Emperor was born, and the entire kingdom was lit with lamps, and girls danced in their beautiful skirts and men drank like there was no tomorrow, the head astrologer furrowed his brows.
Dipping his pen in ink, he started writing a letter to the at time Emperor, father of the later known Emperor Timothy.

On receiving the letter, the Emperor asked the head astrologer to explain the contents of his message, and he explained with a few simple words,
"I am extremely sorry to say, but, the stars incline and it seems the gods themselves wrote Lord's fate, for he is destined to die someday."
The Emperor was enraged, the queen fawned, and the guards besides them couldn't help but tremble for a moment, for how unfortunate the moment was,
Just as tears were beginning to flow, a holy soft voice came, "Oi, wisecracking cunt,"
Everyone was surprised and looked around, it seemed as if the voice had come from the infant prince himself.
But how could it be! The baby is merely a few hours old,
"Hey! I'm talking ta ya, towel faced cunt," there was no mistake, the young prince spoke in a crystal clear voice, "you bloody idiot, tell me something I don't fecking know!"
The head astrologer was surprised, not only could the infant speak, it also raised intelligent questions, he raised his round horned rimmed glasses up his nose, and said in a matter of factly, "The Prince was born under the star of the Orion, who once saw a goddess's bare body, which resulted in him forfeiting his manlihood. Hence, the Young Prince too, shall experience his death in a similar way."

One might think the young Prince would dampen his crib at the forthcoming future, but the Prince stood on his two legs, and proclaimed, "Hide yo chicks, everyone!"

That was a certain part of history that scholars are sceptical about, for it might be influenced by hyperbole done by ancient writers.
However, let's move on to a more well known and studied fraction of the story.

The Prince grew up like every other child his age, he drank milk, studied English, watched plays, was raised by a woman, ate food, and many other fun activities like eating mud.
At the age 13, The Prince bought back to the castle a strawberry print panty, and threw on the head astrologer face,
"My Prince, you can steal as many pieces of clothing you desire, however, you must be deterrent with the hundredth piece. You should never touch more than hundred panties"
"What happens if I steal the hundred and oneth piece?"
"If that ever happened, I shall burn all my books, shave my head, and become an insurance agent."

From that day, the Prince devoted all his time to stealing women's underwear while they bathed in the rivers. He had announced that he shall not partake in any in any political affairs till he had slain the innocence ninety nine more girls.

As the Prince, who was now the Emperor reached the age of twenty five, he had stolen twenty five panties.
However, a disaster struck.

The number of women who wore underwear reduced drastically.
The Emperor would look for every brook and cranny, even the rooms of every house of the kingdom, but there was no panty in sight, no panty to be seen.

The Emperor was furious, for how close he was to his goal, it seemed as if the panties had migrated to another Emperor to be stolen.

The Emperor one day, called for the head astrologer, and told him his situation,
"I'm sorry sir, but I am not wearing any, if I were, I would had given them to you long ago,"
The Emperor explained his plan, he wanted to marry,
"But Highness, even if you marry me, I still won't wear panties,"
The Emperor explained further, he wanted to marry a girl, a princess of a kingdom whose majority of women wore panties.

The head astrologer got to work right away, and drafted a long table, and finally found the kingdom, a medium size one, with fifty eight percent female population, each of who should be wearing a pair of unstolen panties.

After the marriage, the Emperor would often visit his in-laws. Everytime he would visit, he would steal a panty or two, and so, his count soon raised to seventy panties stolen.

The Emperor's conquest wasn't without it's risk, sometimes he would be discovered during his act, and had to beat the women till they give up their clothings. He once had to beat a woman using another woman as a weapon.

Once, a 'Sir' visited from England, who had a fondness towards pure cotton panties. The soft plain kind, one that school girls often wear. Many called him a man of dangerous tastes, and kept children away, but he insisted he only liked them because of their soft texture,
The man requested the Emperor that he wished to take a look at what the kingdom has in store when it comes to art of cherishing elementary school girl's butts, but the Emperor refused.
The man negotiated, and offered that the Emperor may steal and keep the panty for himself, till the Sir can get a feel and a picture with it, but the Emperor still refused, his iron pride wasn't ready to move.

The man went back furious. Afraid of losing his throne, the Emperor sent the best jewels of his treasury to the Queen of England, with a letter attached saying she can choose any one of her choice and send the rest back.
A few weeks later, the Emperor received an answer, a thank you for the jewels, and alongside the letter, was no package. The Queen had chosen all the jewels.

As the Emperor neared his thirties, and forties even, he finally reached a count of ninety nine panties stolen.
By this point, the panties were practically extinct and non existent in even his in law's kingdom, and the Emperor's temper was shortening every moment.

He passed severe laws, the tax was increased, and would be waived off only when he found the hundred panty. A huge reward of three times the tax was offered to anyone who could give reliable information on whereabouts of a panty.
The Emperor began to become more and more cynical, he would not return back to the castle for days, spending his time in the forest and in streets. The Emperor held a rifle in his hands, he no longer planned on stealing panties or fighting for it, he would just one tap death anyone who he finds wearing it.

The head astrologer foresaw the fate of the kingdom if the Emperor wasn't curbed down, and he knew the hundredth panty had to be found.

One day, he knocked at the Emperor's doors, and was allowed in.
Before he opened the door, he looked at the piece of clothing in his hand. It was a makeshift panty, made by his wife by tearing his shirt. Perhaps this would be enough to bring the Emperor back to a rational mind.
"Emperor," he opened the doors, I have found the hundredth panty. Now you can finally end your conquest."
However, the Emperor disagreed, the conquest shall not, and cannot end until he steals his hundredth panty, for that was his way of doing this.

Forced into a corner, the head astrologer was forced to wear the panty, and the Emperor proceeded to steal it. It was a tender moment.

Now that the hundredth panty was collected, and the Emperor was still alive, he finally ended his thirst of panties and began focusing on more important matters, such as his family, his people and his kingdom.
It was just in time for the Emperor's daughter's fourth birthday, so the Emperor took upon himself to find a present for her.

He entered a once famed shop, which was now in ruins because of the economic depression that occured for years, and now only housed cheap items.
The Emperor looked around, and finally found something that caught his musing, a pink laced panty,
He asked the price, and the shopkeeper, knowing that the Emperor would punish him for presenting cheap goods, said that it costed three gold coins, for it was a panty made by an esteemed tailor, who came from a family of tailors.

The Emperor bought the panty.

Later that night, the Emperor and the Princess decided to play together with the panty. The panty was made by an unskilled worker, and hosted cultures of E.coli and many types of yeasts.
Several of these spores entered the Emperor's nail.

The next day, he had a severe itching, which he ignored.

The next few days, it flared into an infection,

Surgeons from Germany were called, and said they had to remove the Emperor's hand to prevent the infection from spreading.

After hours of surgery, the surgeons emerged, and said the surgery had failed, the Emperor had died midway of the operation.

And that is the story of how Emperor Timothy died by the hands of the hundredth panty he touched.