Dishonest Maiden and Fragile Honesty
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A prospect of a new day opened up for me, ready to face the future endeavors I could met up with. However, being pushed back to share my life with Amy didn't reassure me in the slightest; remembering the fateful moment we shared in the past.

 Movin aside from those dark toughts, I directed to the bathroom to prepare for a new day. Slowly putting on the red blazer and white shirt that served as our school uniform, after taking a bath. As I arrived to the sleeves, I was confronted with my reflection in the mirror, met with piercing eyes that judged me from the inside. I ignored it, quite satisfied of the form the clothes managed to make, the green pant with flowers particularly to my tastes.

Arranging my collar, i was completely satisfied with my new form.

" You're looking pretty great", I tought to myself, drowning in my own ego, before looking closer, inspecting every aspect.

" Maybe not..."

Cutting my little self satisfaction session, relentless sounds of knockings resonated throughout the rooms.

" Coming!"

I responded, not concerned in the slightest about who could be here so early in the morning. Actually, who was it? Nobody ever comes here anymore.

Precipitating towards the front door, I almost fell from the stairs that connected the main room to the bathroom, my clumsiness taking over. Fortunately, trough a great performance of equilibrium, I could restrain the impeding doom, standing back on my two feets once more.

" What are you doing, my dude? Don't make me wait all day", I voice  I recognized expressed with anger.

I froze in place, wondering why the hell she had come to my bouse for after so many years had passed.

" Amy?", I asked, looking trough the len of the door.

From the other side, on the outside, she indulged in her toughts.

" ( What am I even doing here? )"

" Why are you waiting for me?"

I asked , bewildered by her current predicament.

" I..."

She searched for her words, trying to find a reasonable explanation for her presence. Never having announced in advance the little surprise.

" I'm just here to wake you up!"

She resorted to the lies, panicking in the process. 

" Huh?"

" After all, you ended up being late last time .So it's only natural that someone takes responsibility for an undecided being such as yourself."

Since when had she started talking like that, she didn't sound like before.

I scratched my head,befuddled by her made up explanations.

"Weren't you late as well?"

She punched the air, bothered by my retort.

" How dare you, Mime! Resorting to stabs in the back like that! How typical of you."

" Ehhhh?"

I had no idea how to act, as well as how to handle her. As I couldn't understand a single of her actions. Denying something as soon as she expressed it.

" And you said I wasn't clear before..."

I confronted her, finally opening the door.

" What was that!", she asked while shouting at me.

Among my replies, my eyes couldn't help but focus on her new hairstyle. A stylish bowl cut replacing her characteristic braid she had stated before to be extremely proud of.

She arranged her hair multiples time, without ever noticing my eyes were rivated on the top of her head.

" Hm."

I wondered if I  should point it out, unsure of how she would respond. Pretty sure she was still bitter concerning what happened.

" Hey, Mime. I don't care about your opinions or anything but this haircut is pretty cool, isn't it?"

Fortunally, I didn't have to bring it up myself.

" You just said you don't care about my opinion..."

She punched me in the stomach, venting her frustration.

" I told you I was gonna punch you next time. You dimwit!"

She upped her pace, trying to be the one above, in an attempt to avoid looking at my face.

" ( I don't remember her being so aggressive and violent before...)"

Without another choice presented to me currently, I just accepted my fate, letting her lead the way.

We walked for a while, quietness overtaking the atmosphere, nobody ever exchanging a word. The little scene from earlier this morning seeing it's impact be diminished, returning back to what felt like our roots, unsure of how to handle each other presence.I was frightened, spiraling between the toughts this situation may have been perfect and how it wasn't in the slightest. Two old friends separated by circumstances, reunited once again. That is, if you could call us friends. No one ever opened their mouths to quench the calm atmosphere set on.

Walking, marching, advancing, towards our destination, the sounds of our steps of being the only other source of sound complementing the peace of the moment.

" (Why isn't she saying anything?)",I tought, unsettled by her reluctante to ever entertain a conversation.

She closed both of her fists, the two shaking uncontrollably.

" Mime! Why are you walking behind me?"

At last, she finally took account of my presence behind her back.

" Not sure where you're getting at?"

She pointed out to her side, using her finger to design the spot near her. Arranging her hair again, she addressed to me:

" You don't have to walk behind me, you know. Just here is fine."

Not trusting her in the slightest, massaging my stomach to take away the pain from her violent assault, I squinted his eyes.

" Hmmm."

She raised the weapon of the right, ready to rumble, responding with anger to my introspection. However, she noticed my position had never been right in the process.

" What are you doing all the way here?", she shouted, bewildered by my stubbornness, standing fifteen meters apart from her.

" I tought that may be a safe distance", I responded, crossing my arms, all proud.

She tapped her left leg on the floor, in a frenzy, unconfident on how she should handle me. Choosing to question what she considered weird behavior.

" Come here, you imbecile!"

Not wanting to receive another strike, I obliged, gulping down my fears.

" What are you so afraid of?", she asked, immediately after I reached the point she indicated. A gigantic grin forming up her face. From so close, it looked like the grin of the devil itself.

I turned pale, while my brain twisted her innocent words into :" Stay right here or I'm seriously gonna kill you." Unable to comprehend she never meant any harm.

" Eiel?", she asked, with a mellow tone, confused by the expression I wore.

Replicating hmy current condition, she turned pale as well.

" ( Maybe he doesn't like the hair?)", she pondered, completely horrified over the prospect.