Step 11 – Shame
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The worst part of having fallen face-first into the mud was the shame you felt afterward, although the rain washed a lot of it off I was still very dirty.

Our run back turned into a light jog as Kathie carefully navigated the forest avoiding any roots and guiding me through it. She was doing it all for me but somehow it hurt me even more, it reminded me that I was just a spoiled princess who bad at everything.

I kind of wished she had just left me there in the mud…

The house was now in sight, we were soaked as we quickly got through the door and immediately shut it close again.

“Are you alright?”

She asked between bated breaths, I couldn’t even turn myself to face her, not only had my confession attempt failed but I had also embarrassed myself in the process.

“Ye- yeah”

I couldn’t contain the tears that were falling, my voice was weak and unsteady.

All followed was an excruciating silence, I could hear Kathie trying to say something but she was struggling to even say a word, in the end, she seemed to have given up.

“I- I will prepare a bath for you”

A bath? But she doesn’t even have a-

The noise of her pushing something heavy filled the room, a big wooden tub, large enough for a person to fit in. It seemed to have been tucked away in a corner that I hadn’t noticed before.

Our eyes met for a split second but I quickly looked away, what followed was the sound of water pouring, I couldn’t contain my curiosity and peeked once again. In her hands was a water jug, from it was pouring an amount of water too big to be contained in such a small thing.

“This device was a gift from one of my teachers, it can hold plenty of water without getting too heavy”

I averted my gaze once again. Even if I was feeling ashamed I really wanted to take a relaxing bath…

“And as a final touch~”

She said while knowing that it would attract my gaze, in her hand was a small ball, and seeing that I was once again paying attention she threw the ball into the tub, and what followed was something incredible!

The tub that was just filled with normal water was now filled with steamy water full of bubbles. I couldn’t even contain my excitement, it just looked so inviting.

Kathie put her hand to her face to poorly hide her smile.

“You can go in first, I will be in the other room searching for something for you to wear~”

She quickly left the room before I could say anything… I once again looked at the tub, there was no way I could let the water get cold, right?

I struggled to take off my dress, it was soaked, muddy, and glued to my skin. After taking off everything I carefully stepped into the tub, it was decently sized and wasn’t filled to the brim so that it wouldn’t spill when someone got in.

The water was just the right temperature and I felt instantly relaxed, whatever Kathie had put into the tub had the power to help you relax~

I could feel my worries melt away and my mind clear, even the shame I felt seemed to have taken a break to relax, that was the most relaxing bath I had taken in a while…



I had to gather all my strength to leave the tub, there was something about soaking in warm water that just makes you want to stay there for just a little longer...

After getting out I noticed that I was now standing naked in Kathie’s house, my mind went blank and a chill ran down my spine as I heard steps coming from the other room.

“Erm… I forgot to give you a towel…”

From the doorway, I could see her hand sticking out holding a big towel.

“Tha- thanks!”

I sheepishly walked towards the door letting water drops fall over the wooden floor.        “Don’t worry about getting the floor wet, I will dry it after I take a bath too”

As if she had read my mind she said while still from behind cover, even so, my face was already burning from embarrassment.

“Su- sure”

I grabbed the towel and heard her footsteps as she quickly got away from the doorway.

I did my best to quickly dry myself and then wrapped the towel around myself, it didn’t cover as much as I’d wished but it should be enough. I took a deep breath and steeled my resolve before confidently stepping into the room where Kathie was.

“I- I am- I am finished!”

My voice sounded anything but confident.

“Now it’s my tur-”

She turned around to look at me but quickly averted her gaze.

“No- now it’s my turn, the clo- the clothes I found for you are on the bed! Yo- You can choose whatever you want”

Her face was beet red as she quickly passed by me. Maybe the towel didn’t cover nearly enough…

I quickly made my way to the bed and looked through the selection. I wasn’t used to choosing my clothes on my own though…

In the end, I chose the one that had the softest material. I did not know anything about materials and such but I could guess that it was a high-quality one.

Strangely enough, the clothes fit pretty well, even though there was a big size difference between me and Kathie.

I wonder if she might live together with someone, I never asked her after all…

Maybe it’s even a girlfri-

I couldn’t finish on that train of thought and fell back-first into the bed, in the other room I could hear the sound of water splashing, I wonder what would have happened if I asked her to take a bath with me.

I buried my face in a pillow nearby, what was I even thinking!