Mall Madness
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My name is March. Today is another day of working at the mall. Two staff is off, so hopefully, nothing bad happens.


"Excuse me," the first customer of the day calls.

I put on my customer service smile and answers him. "Yes, what can I help you with?"

"Does the stairs go both ways?"

I.. what....

"...yes, you can go up and down on the stairs."

This is only the first customer of the day.


"You!!" A customer stomps his way to me. He is clearly angry. Ah shit, here we go again. "Every single employee here doesn't do anything! No one in this store helps me!"

"I'm sorry sir, we do have staffing problems," I explained. I can help him if he wants, I said.

Oh, he's having none of it. He wants to show me how useless the employees are. Alright.


I see the two staff in this department are ringing up the line of customers, trying very hard to reduce the line. "They seem to be quite busy."

"Not them! The other ones!"

Other ones? We only have two staff in this department. Then I see the customer pointing to those who looking around, playing with their phones, chatting...

"That's not an employee sir, that's a customer."

"Well, what about him?!"

"He's also a customer."


"Those are customers too!"

He doesn't believe me and leaves while saying loudly: "THERE'S 10 EMPLOYEE HERE AND NONE HELPED ME! UNBELIEVABLE!"1inspired by this post


"Excuse me," the first customer came to me. Seems like he finished shopping. At least he's more polite than the previous customer. "How do I get out?"


"Get out?"

"Yes, how do I exit this place?"


"The same way you enter."

"Oh, how fascinating!" The customer left me alone, which is good, because I need some time to strengthen my faith in humanity.


Greetings, you can call me Dick. Based on my research, it is a common nickname. Of course, that's not my name, but humans cannot pronounce my name. I am what you humans call aliens, and extraterrestrial life. I came here in peace, to examine human life. My body was transformed to a copy of a random human. The knowledge to create our own version of human is still lacking. But we are learning.

I find it hard to identify and differentiate humans. They just look too different from my species. They categorize themselves to a lot of things. Male, Boy, Boss, Customers, Driver, NEET, NOOB, Thot, Writer, Man of Culture... we are still figuring these out. There;s even Daddy and Father, which is the same but different. Humans are weird.

How do they decide who belongs to what? Race is easier to define. It's not very detailed yet, but we already know that race is divided based on their physical appearances. The rest is harder. Customers and Employee consist of various skin colour, hair length, eye colour, group number, clothes, emotions, and age. it doesn't make it easier that you can't just ask humans; they can lie. And we don't know what, when, or where they lie.

The latest research shows that Employee has "Eyes that lack emotion or seems vacant, commonly seen on people that give up on hope or bored"; a very broad definition, but it narrows down more than before.

Today I came to test this hypothesis. Everyone has "dead eyes". Someone said they're not all employee, but customers are mixed in. Further testing required.

My name is Cariprazine2I just search medicine name the Great, the best wizard on my time. I'm on my holiday and decided to visit somewhere with very different culture and travel through space-time and reach Earth.

Of course, I'm forbidden from using magic. Something about preserving the native culture and condition or something. This proves to be challenging for me.

Where I am from, we just teleport to wherever we want to, unless the space is locked. Easy peasy, everyone can do it, just with different distances. On earth? Apparently they have what they call... dih-rek-shuh. And I'm bad with dih-rek-shuh3directions.

There's this thing called stairs, they're dih-rek-shuh to different building heights. They don't need the space coordinates! Stairs are physically taxing and the steps are not a gentle slope. I wonder if they have special stairs for babies and mermaids?

Author reads notalwaysright and often thought, this can't be right, humans can't be like that... and decided to this "explanation" that humans are kind, reasonable, smart, patient, and everything nice, the world is full of hope, and other things not even me believe in 100%