Chapter [6] ~ Unexpected system bug
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Iris and Ivy fell asleep. They felt bored on their way and subconsciously napped. When they opened their eyes, Iris quickly took notice that they've arrived.

The bus had just stopped on the nearby bus stop and the twins took this time to leave. 

Ivy hopped off the bus, when she raised her head, she saw the streets she was less familiar with. Never have they left the Estoria Mansion in their five years of life in this world. 

This was the first time, and clearly it won't be the last. 

As Ivy was dazedly looking around, Iris poked her back and pointed at the restaurant just across the street. 

“Ivy, we haven't ate breakfast yet and its almost noon. Let's go eat first.” Iris told her sister as she grasped her sling bag tightly. 

Ivy nodded, her response positive as she held the free hand of her sister in her's. Ivy could feel Iris' hand cold, occasionally trembling. 

Emily's death in the road in her past life was embroidered in Iris' memories, hence, she was afraid of the familiar place that would have not if thousands but hundreds of accidents each year.

 The two waited for the road to be free of vehicles before they ran to the other lane. They then entered the restaurant Iris had pointed out and ate breakfast. 

After that, they exited through the second door and walked aimlessly on the sidewalk. When they arrived in a hidden neighborhood, Iris and Ivy stopped their tracks and looked around. 

Their gaze immediately landed on a run-down place. The sign ‘Twilight Club’ no longer shone; it was placed below the window and was filled with creaks and cracks. Not even the pole remained sturdy when the twins further inspected.

“Iris, here's the key.” Ivy took out a silver key from the bag and gave it to Iris. This was their place; and from the look of it, there's a lot of cleaning to do when they enter, considering that they shouldn't stand still and waste time any longer. 

Iris unlocked the heavy locked door. She pushed the door and it issued a creaking sound, completely speaking it's age itself. 

“This is a quite problem.” Iris frowned. 

Ivy raised an eyebrow and begun clicking the light switch and for sure, the light bulb wouldn't turn on and shine. “It is indeed.” Ivy sighed, thankfully, they've expected this situation and brought flashlights.

Iris took out the flashlights they've bought, each about the size of a ruler. She turned on each one and placed it on the corners, illuminating the interior that was filled with accumulated webs, dusts, dead insects and rusted iron. 

“Ah…” Ivy gaped, her hand slowly lowered and leveled to her hips in distress. “That's a ton of cleaning to do. Heh.”

“Yeah.” Iris shrugged, there was nothing else they could do in this situation but clean, so she took a few cloths from their bag and made themselves some masks. For their clothes, they put on a sweater they no longer used. 

Ivy took the broom that was placed near the door and began sweeping. Iris found a feather duster and began to dust off the counters, the corners and walls. 

It took them a full four hours to clean everything. From the main lounge to the bedrooms upstairs and so on. When they realized the time it was already pass one in the noon; Iris and Ivy decided to rest for the moment and have pigs in a blanket for lunch. 

“I can't believe that its actually this pretty.” Ivy said lovingly as she eyed the result of their cleaning. 

Iris smiled and nodded. There was nothing refreshing than seeing the work they've done. Not long after she sat down, Iris took out her laptop and began to buy online. 

“What are you doing Iris?” Ivy was caught off guard. She leaned over and looked at what her sister was doing, Iris immediately let her see. 

“There's still a need for us to prepare and design everything, especially our necessities. Here, have a look, which color do you think would suit best for the club.” Iris handed over her laptop and asked. 

“Hmmm…” Ivy contemplated for a while before she replied, “I think red is suited. Pair it with blue and blackish grey. And, oh! We need to fill up the empty spaces for the winery and electronics!”

“Okay, okay.” Iris clapped her hands to signal Ivy she had to calm down. “I'll order them, just don't go off yet since I'll need your help.”



“And that's all!” Ivy said as she tapped the buy button. 

Iris looked at Ivy and patted her hair. “Good.”

“And since we're free, let's check our status and magic, Iris! We haven't used our powers for ages, that man and woman wouldn't allow us. I don't even have any idea what magic or elements we have got, but based on my memories, we're about only level two.” Ivy rushed to Iris' embrace and raised her hand into the air. 

The air rippled and a screen appeared. 

  This world differ a lot from the normal Earth. They're would be similar parts but the presence of magic and powers was the difference that only this other world has. 

There are eight elements and four abilities. Ranging from Earth, fire, wind, water, light, dark, space and time to charm, summon, modifier and transform.

After taking a look at their status, Ivy now knew she was a dual elementalist. A fire and a wind wielder. Her ability on the other hand was charm, and each one were at most at level two and three. 

Meanwhile, Iris herself was another dual elementalist. But unlike Ivy who had a pair of wind and fire, Iris had fire and earth. Her ability was summon, a fairly super rare type. And like Ivy, each one spanned about level two and three. 

While the twins were inspecting and trying out their power, the system panel that was floating mid-air suddenly glitched and lagged. 

The two didn't know what was going on, they were suspended in surprise as the interference broke into shards and fled around the room causing a few cracks in the wall and small injuries to themselves. 

Ivy who couldn't handle the pain, cried. Iris was flustered and she hurriedly hugged her sister. 

“Don't cry, Ivy. Don't cry. The pain will go away, yes, it'll disappear, so don't fear, okay.”

Ivy barely stopped her tears, sniffing and puffing towards the wound around her calf as she trembled in fear. 

“What happened...?”

They couldn't find an answer to the sudden change on the system. Not only did it cause harm to it's host, it was also faulty. 

But Iris didn't pay attention to it. She hurriedly took out a cloth and wiped the bloody wound on her sister's calf. After rubbing antiseptic onto it, Iris put a bandaid to shield the wound. 

“Iris...My god, what's wrong with the panel..” Ivy who diverted her attention to the interference found herself gasping in awe.

She was no longer teary, nor afraid. The pain had subdued and she immediately nudged Iris' hand and pointed to the air. 

“Level one hundred...max?” Iris asked a loud as she couldn't believe It. 

Ivy's power multiplied to a hundred at most. Her wind and fire elemental were both maxed out and her charm was upgraded into Seduction.

 Unlike Charm that could influence small number of people at a time, seduction on the other hand influences and control any number of people without any cool down, in addition to that, seduction can enslave anyone (except those with higher level than the host) and even erase a memory. 

Iris also had hers leveled max, and the most important factor of all of that was her upgraded summon. Spirit Summoning/Call of the dead, it can summon undead plus spirits. 

It was very op, and the twins wondered if there was something wrong, and no, they thought it was a glitch. How could they level up that fast, moreover without any hardships? They decided to report their case to the system administrator who was the system itself and they were in disbelief. 

[There was no glitch nor whatsoever. It must be because of a sudden exp gain and so on. There are multiple reasons and there's nothing faulty of. For the sudden explosion of the system on the other hand, was caused by over–leveling. Please don't level up so fast next time okay? And do you wish to Hide your status as Anonymous?]

After a long silence, Iris and Ivy finally accepted the fact. 

“Hide please.” Iris replied to the message and their name was immediately highlighted with a black marker. 

“So new powers...Wanna test it out, Ivy?"

“Of course!”