Chapter 17
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“Are you sure this is wise, Edward-san?” Hitori asked, lengthening his stride to keep up with the taller man. “I’m not sure it is safe to share this information with others.”

“There are no secrets among my family,” Edward said, his voice stern. “Besides, I’m sure you’ve told your entire Nexus that you gave Will your power. That’s not my fault, and you can’t force me to keep it a secret.”

At this, the others muttered loudly among themselves. Will, standing at the front with the two Alphas, looked particularly at Charlisa and James. James’ mouth was open and his eyes were wide, as if someone had just hit him over the head with a club. Charlisa’s face was almost expressionless, but even she couldn’t hide her shock at the news that she’d just heard. She got to her feet.

“Dad,” she said, her voice clear. “What did you just say? Will has the power of the Soul Nexus too?”

“Yes,” Edward said, ignoring the slight frown on Hitori’s face. “It wasn’t on purpose, but it happened. Hitori says the power is still in him, and it wasn’t replaced by the flame.”

More mutters followed this proclamation, and Edward made no effort to quiet them. Instead, he gripped Will firmly by the arm, and forced him to stand front and center. “We’re going to see if he can use any of the power that Hitori gave him, then make our decision.”

“Decision?” Charlisa said, her eyes narrowing as she looked at her father. “You can’t possibly mean to throw him out. He’s one of us!”

There didn’t seem to be many who agreed with her, Will realized. His heart plummeted. And here he’d thought that his introduction to the Nexus had gone well. He thought that they were finally starting to accept him as one of their own, bonding together through intense training. Edward and his daughter stared at each other in an angry silence, and Will swore he saw the Alpha look him over quickly, as if doing some quick thinking.

“I am not going to banish him,” Edward said finally. This time, he did glare to silence the muttering. “It is not Will’s fault that he gained the power of two Nexuses. The blame for that relies on Hitori not communicating his actions clearly. Now shut up, all of you.”

He looked pointedly at Charlisa, who tilted her head back slightly, the stubborn glare in her eyes not fading. She glanced at Will, who made a small gesture with his hand. Just let me deal with it, the small movement said. She didn’t look too pleased by that, but nodded her acceptance, and sat back down. Beside her, James was still staring at Will like he’d just discovered a new species. Probably not far off the mark, Will thought morosely. Why couldn’t he have just stuck to a normal life? He could be applying to college like the other normal people of the world right now.

“Right,” Edward said. He seemed to be breathing a little heavier with the emotions of the day. “Will, show us your flame.”

Knowing it was best just now to obey, Will obediently compressed the heat in his body until it gathered in his hands, creating two small flames there. Edward nodded his approval, and Will let the flames disperse. “Good. Now, Hitori, how do you grow your power?”

All eyes, including Will’s, turned to look at Hitori. The Soul Nexus Alpha looked upset for the first time since he’d arrived, and Will knew why. Edward was asking him to give away one of his secrets. No Nexus knew how the training of their counterpart’s was done. Hitori looked pointedly at Will, beckoning him closer. Will made a point of looking to Edward for permission before doing anything, a gesture that his Alpha clearly appreciated. He gave a small wave, and Will crossed over to the older Japanese man.

“Will, do you know how to meditate?” The Soul Alpha asked. “I mean, of course, to center your spirit.”

Will nodded his understanding. It was one of the earliest lessons he’d been taught when he began studying Kendo. His sensei had been quite strick on it. A warrior had to learn how to sharpen not just his body, but also his mind and his soul. Through physical training and fighting, one sharpened the body. Through reading and poetry, one broadened their mind. Through meditation and prayer, one strengthened their soul.

“I have to sit to do it,” he stated. “I can’t focus well on my feet.”

“I know for a fact that you can,” Hitori said. “I witnessed you during your tournament, remember. Your Ki flowed like a great river.”

“You mean gathering myself for a strike?” Will asked. Hitori nodded his confirmation. “I see. I’ll try that.”

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, sensing Hitori taking several steps back. Will focused on his natural senses, exploring the space around him with his ears. It had been a while since he’d last meditated, he thought. His mind was muddled with all kinds of distractions. He forced them away, focusing on a single thought like his sensei had taught him. Something that calmed him. Charlisa’s face swam into sharp focus before him, wearing that coy smile that he found so attractive. Once he’d centered himself, his body seemed to move of its own accord, stooping low and striking with his fist.

He was aware of a faint whisper of amazement as he came back to his full senses, shaking his head slightly. Something about that last move had felt different, he thought. He’d cleared his mind before a fight dozens, if not hundreds of times, but that had always been a superficial thing, just a way to help him focus. But that time, he’d actually felt something deep inside his body move.  It had felt like an extra concentrated sort of heat, flashing through his body with the speed of lightning as he’d moved, coiling in his fist and striking as he struck.

“Holy shit,” James’ voice said, breaking the silence. “You were so focused, and that punch! Can you teach us how to do that?”

Will frowned, not sure what James meant. By way of explanation, Noratuk came over, holding up her phone. “I recorded it. Watch this.”

Will glanced at the slightly uneasy expression on Hitori’s face, then looked down at the phone. Noratuk had indeed recorded his punch. At the start, it looked perfectly normal. He’d taken a deep breath, gathering himself. That was what he always did before moving. Take a deep breath, gather the fuel into his lungs, then strike. But as he watched the actual strike, his eyes widened. Just barely visible through the camera’s low quality lens, he saw a ripple of fire race up his legs. It raced up his torso and down his arm as he’d punched, releasing as a small, tiny burst of fire at the end of his movement.

“What in the hell?” He asked. “How did I do that?”

Noratuk let out a quiet snort. “How should I know? You’re the one that did it. But I suggest you figure it out, because even I could feel how hot that flame was, and I was ten feet away.”

Will frowned thoughtfully as Noratuk turned to show the video to Edward. The Alpha was frowning as well, clearly thinking something through. He looked up. “Do that again, Will.”

He did it again. This time, he was aware of the flow of energy flying through his body. It was too fast for him to accurately track, but he definitely felt it pass through his chest and down to his arm. With his eyes open, he saw the flash of fire that appeared. It was a little stronger than what the video had captured. An instant later, there was a sharp pain in the back of his mind, and he let out a grunt, dropping to his knees. That was his Condition breaking.

“After just two punches?” Edward asked. Will nodded slightly, grimacing as he clutched his head. The fist he’d punched with was a little red. So he hadn’t just broken his Condition, he thought. He’d even gone a little further. “How much power was in one of those hits?”

Will got shakily back to his feet, cradling his red hand. Now the pain was a little more pronounced there. Seeing him wince, Hitori moved forward. “Please, allow me to help.”

Before Will could reply, Hitori had placed one hand on his shoulder. He felt a cool sense of relief sweep through his body, similar to the cold water at the end of his shower. The skin of his right hand was no longer red, and the pain was gone in an instant. To top it off, Will felt rejuvinated, as if he’d just been given a shot of adrenaline. Something flared up inside him. Had he just been boosted?”

“Thank you, Hitori-san,” he said, bowing politely. Then he turned to his own Alpha. “So, what does that mean?”

Before he answered, Edward looked to Hitori. The Soul Alpha shook his head almost imperceptibly.  “Well, we couldn’t sense any of Hitori’s power in that move.”

“But it’s definitely still in me,” Will said. Edward nodded. “Well, how else could I bring it out?”

“That was the way,” Hitori said. He kept his voice pitched low so that only Will and Edward could hear. Noratuk might have caught the words, but she seemed to be busy with her phone, and her expression gave nothing away. “I have my students center their soul. It is the only way to harness and train my power.”

“That’s what I did,” Will said, frowning again. “I wonder if it’s dormant because I gained my flame?”

Hitori actually shrugged at that, a gesture that belied the years of wisdom lining his face. “I have no clue.”

Despite himself, Will grinned. It was so out of character for Hitori to admit that, he thought. He turned to Edward, who was smirking slightly. It was the same sort of smirk that his daughter often wore, a simple expression that indicated sarcastic amusement. The smirk faded as quickly as it came once he met Will’s eyes, however, and he let out a long sigh.

“I don’t think we’re going to learn anything else today,” Noratuk said. “As I’m this boy’s teacher, I think we should drop it for now. He needs to rest for a while, that Condition break looked severe.”

Will looked at her gratefully, receiving a small smile in return. Hitori and Edward both nodded their agreement at once. The Soul Alpha held out his hand for Will to shake, who did so. “Well, I will still want to check in again, Will-san.”

“I understand,” said Will. “It can’t be a comforting thought for you, that I carry the power of two Alphas in me.”

Hitori smiled warmly. “It is not a comforting thought, you are very correct. But if there is any individual of whom I’m sure could handle the burden, it is you.”

Will wanted to ask what Hitori meant by a burden, but the man was already moving on to Edward. “Thank you for hosting us, Edward-san. It is a pleasure to see you, as always.”

“Likewise,” Edward said, gripping Hitori’s hand firmly, his smile seeming forced. “But please, let me know when you come next time, so that I can be more prepared. I don’t like surprises.”

“You promise not to avoid me?” Hitori asked, his smile broadening.

Edward actually laughed at that, a rare show of relaxed emotions. “I promise.”

“Then it is decided,” Hitori said, offering Edward a deep bow, which Edward returned, though with less grace. “Until our next meeting, then. I look forward to watching you grow, Will-san.”


An hour later, after the hubbub of questions and exclamations had died down, Will found himself in his room, on his bed, staring up at his blank white ceiling. Charlisa found him, entering his room without knocking. Will glanced around as he heard the door open, and smiled at her. “Everything okay?”

“I’m fine,” she said. “How are you?”

“I’m doing alright,” he lied. “Just a little tuckered out.”

Her smile faded every so slightly, not believing him at all. “I was worried that Dad would banish you.”

“Yeah,” he said, sighing again, putting his arms behind his head. “You’re not the But I don’t know if this is much better.”

“Of course it is,” she said. Crossing the room quickly, she climbed onto his bed and lay down next to him, putting her head on his chest. “You get to stay with me. Isn’t that the best option?”

He chuckled quietly and put one arm around her shoulder, stroking her hair. “Definitely. I just hope that more trouble doesn’t come my way.”

“You do have a way of attracting trouble,” she commented, looking up at him with her bright brown eyes. He lifted his head to kiss her lightly. “Almost as if you like it.”

“Definitely not. I like the quiet life, me.”

“Oh please,” she retorted with a snort. “I’ve seen the look in your eyes before you start fighting. You live for it. I bet you’ll win the tournament when it comes up.”

Will had indeed caught himself daydreaming about that exact thing whenever his mind had been allowed to rest. He gave a wry smile that she didn’t see. “We’ll see.”