Chapter 2 – Being Tough Makes An Ogre
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It has been roughly two years since Narl was given the female human baby. During that time the human baby has given Narl plenty of surprises, one of the biggest changes being how the girl wasn't really afraid of Narl anymore. When she sees his face she doesn't cry nor look away and, though she still shuts up and even flinches when she become old enough upon hearing Narl's roar, she wasn't as scared as she originally was when she was younger. It was all so fascinating to Narl.

"Quick to trust people, ehh?" Narl asked his imp, Gretchy.

"Yesss, human babies tend to be like that. It is what makesss them easier to raise and handle after all," Gretchy explained.

"Hmmm. Being that trusting when not in battle is a terrible thing for an ogre," Narl said with a slight snarl in his voice, causing the girl to look up from the wooden blocks she was playing with.

Another interesting fact is that she perks up when hearing Narl let out anything that hints that he is angry or annoyed. 

"Buuttt good for you. That means ssshe'll be more loyaal to you if you treat her right," Gretchy pointed out, "Aaand she'll be able to learn very well the way of how to be an ogre if taught properly. Currently, she is too weak both mentally and physically to learn how to be an ogre."

"Hmmm. Well, I'll wait but only for so long," Narl said, coming to a conclusion. 

Though, his conclusion didn't last long when he looked outside his window and saw two lesser imps fighting with each other. 

"Actually, I have a better idea," Narl said, a smile forming on his face. 

Gretchy instantly didn't like whatever idea Narl had planned. There was something about how Narl's smile kept on getting wider that told him his plan was nowhere near the norm. 

"I'll show her a real life lesson. Not now, of course," Narl added, seeing Gretchy's expression, "I'll wait till she is older. If she survives, then I'll give her a grade. If she dies, then I'll take her body and throw it in the pot."

Gretchy felt like he should say something but thought better of it, deciding to nod instead.

"Underssstood, my Master," Gretchy said with a bow. Yet, despite what he said he couldn't help but cast a sideways glance at the baby human girl...knowing the poor fate that awaits her. Whatever his Master has planned for her, it can't be good. Well, it might be. If there is one thing Gretchy has learned from his long life so far, it would be that life is unpredictable, and benefits things in strange ways.






When the girl finally became four years old, Narl started spending less and less time with her, ordering his imps to do the same. The effect was immediate. The girl started to panic and look around for them, even walking among the other ogres. Most ogres never saw the girl before but word has gotten around that Narl has a new pet. No ogre dared to try and harm her, knowing full well that Narl is watching over her. Some ogres even felt pity towards the baby human girl. While ogres are monsters by nature, feeding on pretty much everything, including other ogres, though only rarely, they are capable of feeling emotions just like any other sentient race can. They have Villanlia, the word humans call Humanity. 

Seeing a little baby, even if it is just a pet and not an ogre, walking around on the verge of tears while desperately looking for someone, (which the ogres had a pretty good idea of who she was looking for) was enough to even get them to feel bad. 

Yet, even if the ogres didn't want anything to really do with the baby human girl, one had to test their luck. He was a big bull of an ogre, having slightly orange skin and, unlike Captain Skichmear, his skin was rough and somewhat scaly. His name is Yager, and he was a known trouble maker, famous for getting drunk easily and challenging those who he knows he can't win against. But no one really paid it any mind. He was one bull among the bunch. One ogre among many. There was no harm in not teaching him a lesson.

Today, or really this afternoon, he was in a particularly foul mood, and the delicious glazed pork he was eating wasn't helping him like it usually did. When he got worked up like this he would find someone to fight, and now was no different. Yet, as he looked around the tables in the feasting hall, he realized that there was no one stronger than him in sight. There wasn't even anyone bigger! 

The reason for that was simple. The great commander of the ogres, Tyraon, was running a practice exercise today, calling the biggest and strongest ogres. He had caught wind that a large group of highly skilled mercenaries were approaching the ogre lands, looking for apparently a caravan that went missing inside. To Tyraon, he thinks the entire thing is a hoach. Firsty, why would a human caravan go into ogre lands? They know fully well that, with no trade agreement between any human nation and ogre tribe, they were free food and loot. Secondly, there were no caravans that popped up. He spent a good deal looking into things just to make sure that there was a caravan in the first place and, just like he thought, there was none.

If there was a caravan, then it would have had to been the one that was attacked around four years ago. Now, who in their right mind would look for a caravan that went missing four years ago that apparently went through ogre lands with no protection? The only reason is the mercenaries are trying to find a reason to attack the ogres and, if they are, then that means some nation is backing them up. While Tyraon isn't worried about the ogres being wiped out, he is weary of the mercenaries involved. They are more than capable of killing a couple thousand ogres. Plus, one must think about the long run. Why would someone want to fight with the ogres? The only reason is that they don't want the ogres involved in something.

But, back to the start, that is the reason why a lot of strong ogres are missing from the feasting hall at the moment. Even the two ogre guards that guard the doors are missing. 

Yet, Yager did find something to take his anger out on. A baby human girl walking around on all fours, on the verge of tears. Yager knew full well who this baby belonged to yet, in his drunken state, he didn't care. With big hulking steps he made his way over to the baby and lifted his leg, planning to turn her into fine paste. 

With a mighty stomp his foot hit the ground, catching a couple of ogres attention. Upon seeing what he did they dropped what they were eating, catching other ogres' attention until a large portion of the feasting hall was quiet, staring at Yager.

With a deep chuckle Yager lifted his foot, hoping to see the bloody pulp. Yet, instead there was nothing but a chicken leg.

Yager frowned and looked around, stopping when he saw a red imp with black spikes running down her back holding the baby human girl he intended to crush.

"Trisy," Yager growled, taking a imitating step forward, "Just what do you think you're doing?"

Trisy's black eyes narrowed and glowing purple pupils appeared, shaped like diamonds.

"Thhaatssss what I wasss going to asssk!" Trisy hissed back, showing her sharp teeth. 

While Trisy may be an imp, she is a high imp, and a demon at that. They may be simple servants but there is only a couple handfuls of mortals that can match a high imps power. She may not be muscular but she has enough strength in her scrawny limbs to crush solid steel, and her mana pool is enough to put any archmage to shame.

Yet, even sensing the thick amount of mana and bloodlust in the air, Yager did not back down. Instead he reached up and took out his black greatsword.

"No one is caring for that little thing. Narl has left her, and it ain't not obvious!"

Yager looked around, looking for supporters from the crowd of watching ogres. Upon seeing none, he snorted and went back to glaring at imp.

"She is weaker than an imp! The only good she is, is as food!" Yager roared, swinging his greatsword at Trisy. Trisy snarled and got ready to dodge when she saw something behind Yager.

Before Yager's greatsword could meet its target it was stopped by the head of a bardiche, and a very unique bardiche at that. Before Yager could understand what was going on he felt a heavy and strong hand grab his right shoulder.

"Did you know she's my pet? If I want my pet to be an ogre, I'll make 'er one."

Yager shuddered upon hearing the voice of his Tyrant. He turned around, his eyes shrinking upon seeing the jolly smile on Narl's face. Despite the smile, one could tell that Narl was angry by the simple fact that he has an accent when extremely mad.

Before Yager could say anything to his defense, Narl swung his bardiche up, imbedding it in Yager's gut. Yager let out a roar of agony and swung his greatsword at Narl. Before it could connect, however, Narl tripped Yager, causing him to fall flat to the ground where he pushed down on his bardiche, cleaving Yager almost in half. Then, with that done, Narl darted to the left, avoiding the flailing swing of the now dying Yager. His greatsword hit Narl's bardiche and bounced off, not even making a dent. Noticing this, Narl let out a slow chuckle, disgust in his eyes.

"Weakling," Narl said before spitting on Yager's face. With the deed done, Narl turned and noticed that Trisy was no longer holding the baby. Immediately Narl frowned and spun around, his eyes scanning the crowd of ogres. He didn't have to look far when he heard a wet sound of something piercing flesh. 

Looking down, Narl saw the girl had grabbed two of the tusks hanging off of Yager's loincloth and had impaled Yager through his eyes, killing him. She was even growling at his corpse, like a little dog. Seeing this, Narl couldn't help but let out a bellowing laugh, catching the girl's attention.

"You're not much of a baby anymore, are you?" Narl asked, leaning down to gently pat the girl on her head. 

The girl let out a happy sounding cry and snuggled against the oversized finger, a blissful look on her face. 

After picking the little girl up Narl turned to face the rest of the ogres, his eyes narrowed.

"I expect you are now going to think more than twice than messing with what is mine?" Narl asked, his voice lacking its normal jolliness.

All the ogres nodded. Seeing this, Narl nodded is head in satisfaction and walked off into the darkness of the feasting hall, leaving the dead body of Yager behind.