Chapter 2
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After knocking down one part of the ‘hut’, that the girl had previously been residing in, the beige wolf was off, and I was in my own little compartment, not worried in the least.

That was because, things had gone so quick, that I needed some time to catch up!

I had really transmigrated…This wasn’t a dream!

I was really here! On another, entirely different world!

Haha! I was also now…A werewolf…Or shifter…

I asked the puppy what they called themselves and he got even more uncontrollably angry at me for not knowing anything!

He was confused though, he saw the memories of the girl and she seemed to know a lot more then this idiot and I grumbled at his thoughts!

Actually, it was annoying that we seemed to be one, yet at the same time…I liked it.

It was like an angrier, annoying me that had a masculine voice, but still another me…Was that right?



Every now and again, I watched the professional puppy run and even sniff the air. He would sometimes find a high ground and look around, looking for ‘north’ and making sure we were going the right way.

I vaguely heard his thoughts of knowing where his other master was from where we were, but he wasn’t sure in what part of the north his other master would be in, by the time that we would get there.

As to how he was now, currently in the body of the girl’s instead of his original owners, both of us had no idea!

The puppy’s thoughts were more upon thinking of if he’s here, then the girl’s wolf must be with his original master, but I got over the fact because it wasn’t something I could change. To me, all this was new, and I had to adapt and having more and more questions didn’t seem like an option because…The puppy seemed to always be mad at me!

Nonetheless, he continued to the north, even through his thoughts. He didn’t seem worried in case of danger, which was yet another interesting point, because I was sure that rogues existed here, just like in the many books that I had read.


It seemed that this girl was to the south and his other master was far to the north and I wondered if it would be as easy as he thinks to get there…As…He seems to have the ego of a prince!

He was a great wolf and that was that! There were no if’s, but’s or maybe’s, he was just great!

Along the way, I got fed up with him calling me ‘Chelsea’ and told him to call me Naomi from now on. Naomi was my real name back on Earth, but I did use another name on the internet but who cares about that now!?

If I somehow get back to Earth, I’ll worry about it then…But…As I previously thought…My life there had indeed ended, so it was probably pointless on thinking of my internet name!

And that’s when the puppy questioned me and pretty much found out that I wasn’t the girl that he had the memories of and I had to calm him down, stating that I hadn’t demanded this girls’ body and that she was probably gone.

In a moment of short madness, considering that I’m another soul, he demanded that I return the girl back and give every opportunity to move on when she does!

I got upset and really didn’t like how he already seems to hate me so much to have my soul shattered into smithereens! I mean…What am I to do!? It’s not like I asked to be this way!

With a strangled sounding sigh, I accepted my fate to being kicked out of the body if the girl returns…



For a whole day, we were silent to each other, but it wasn’t like we still weren’t able to hear each other’s thoughts. The puppy told me how to put up a wall between us, in which he sometimes already does to me, but I still am unable to achieve it…

But there is a time when every living thing becomes exhausted, and suddenly, I was pushed forward to be in control and commanded to continue to travel ‘north’.

As the puppy went into some deep, coma like sleep, I was then all by myself…In the new world, with new…

Nope, it wasn’t so new. This place had the same type of animals and the same type of areas…

Right now, we were in a bush land type of place and yeah, I’d seen a deer or two, heard a few noises that even sounded familiar…It was very similar to Earth in that respect.

Sighing, I am determined to follow orders because…I just haven’t any other plans yet…

I thought of returning back to the girl’s so-called father, but…

As I was trotting slowly towards the so called ‘north’, I suddenly stopped and wondered if I should really go back. If the girl does take her body back, then…Wouldn’t she want to see her father? She seemed stupid enough to want too…

Should I fix things up for her, so that if she does return, they bow at her feet? But, how would I accomplish that feat?


I let out a snort, startling myself into remembering I was in wolf form once again.

It really wasn’t easy to get used too!


As I was in the back of the mind, I even saw the puppy eat prey like a normal wolf and it somewhat freaked me out! He was quick and agile. He didn’t put much effort into catching and even eating what he had caught. It was just a rabbit, but once he cut through its fur, he dived right into the flesh beneath it and I felt like vomiting!

It was so weird, from seeing animals do it on TV, I never cared to think thoroughly about it, but now…It seemed so disgusting that I had to close my eyes to the view!

But…After a good hour or two, as the puppy had continued, I finally came to the conclusion of what were we to do if he hadn’t done that…Was it like we’d starve! We had no money to buy anything and I wasn’t some caveman hunter that could make a fire and use a bow and arrow!

As much as it disgusted me, I told myself to accept this, I told myself I have to accept this type of way to gain nourishment.

Now though, being in control, what is the first thing I want to do?

That’s right, I wanted to check myself out! Hell yeah!

Who on Earth wanted to be a shifter or werewolf!? And so, I had to make the best of it!

Checking myself out in the water, I found myself adorable. Putting my wolf head into the fur, it was nice and soft!


Then, I even tried to walk like a human in wolf form, just because…Well, I was curious…

But it didn’t last long, and I decided I would practice!


I couldn’t talk, as I tried again. But saying ‘I love you’ in wolf, really does not sound the same in human language! Remembering the dogs on the internet back on Earth saying, ‘I love you’, I wanted to cheer quite hard for them, because it’s a lot harder then I originally thought. I’d have to practice!

Not only couldn’t I talk in wolf form, but I was covered in fur…Which was weird…

I did have a curious nature about myself, yet I had never thought of being an animal with fur…I never thought what it would feel like…

Having fur wasn’t like all the clothes I used to wear. I was rarely in snow, so I didn’t know what it was like to be an eskimo but, I swear, it is different!

I’m sure he…I mean me…Us, would survive in the depths of snow!

Having long fur, that was everywhere…Felt like I was naked but strangely not naked. Clothes didn’t cover my hands, unless I wore gloves, but the fur was long and thick, and even a woolen jumper didn’t supply as much warmth.

Actually, after a deep look, this beige looking wolf was quite cute!

…The tail…

I fell completely in love with my tail!

I wagged it, then wagged it some more and probably looked utterly stupid to my wolfy grin…But, I didn’t care because my tail was not only gorgeous but felt great when I wagged it. I thought it would be hard to wag a dog’s tail when you’ve never had one before, but I called myself a natural at it.

…From then on, it would be rare to see this tail not wagging if I was in control!

…Well, anyway, I do get hotter in the sun, and I realized this quite quickly…

The panting! I did come to realize in my last life that dogs don’t sweat so they pant, but I never thought it would be so much fun to have my tongue out of my mouth like this! Haha! It felt so good, so right, that being in the sun didn’t matter to me anymore!

But…The next problem, was drinking…

Honestly, they lick it up?

I saw the puppy do it earlier, but was there a better way?

I had so much troubles getting water down my throat that I just jumped into the small creek and drank water while inside it instead!


The problem was, after doing all these ‘experiments’, I had lost my way…And I was getting hungry!

It was dark now and I had absolutely no idea on which way was north!

But even though it was dark, I was still seeing that extra green within my sight and only came to wonder if it was normal when I saw a redder area, if I turned to look around.

Upon going ‘north’ this whole time, the sight in front of me hadn’t changed from having the extra greenness, so…Seeing the red, making things around it look extremely weird, I could feel the strange, anxiety feeling from within the red area…Making me back away from it.

Feeling this was not uncommon for me and had even saved me once before from danger…So…Even if I had no idea why, I was not going to follow the red path in the slightest and turned to see a greener area…Wondering now if what I see…Is like a path that has gone on before me, is a path that I should follow.

If I followed the green path, would that have led me to my real death and to something like heaven?

Actually, whatever it was, I was sure that it was better then following the red path! So, that was all that mattered!

Whether I was going ‘north’ or not…I stayed on a green path, making sure to not go into the red at all!



What I hadn’t known, was that I was right, that there was something strange and wrong in the ‘red’ direction. It wasn’t anything to bad and wouldn’t have been a problem if ‘the puppy’ had been in control. But…Since ‘the puppy’ was sleeping and I was in control, with no idea on how to fight in either that of wolf form or human form, I would have come to a bad circumstance.

Two rogues were there, just talking and yapping away, just about ready to head off towards some other rogues who have news from the north…And since many rogues have a much ‘freer’ type of lifestyle, they would have done whatever they wanted with me.

Luckily, I did not venture into the ‘red’…




It wasn’t long, until I finally came across a new scent…It seemed, I’ve finally come to the boundary of another pack!

Yes, I was still getting used to having such a good nose…I mean snout…Well, really, I was still getting used to the whole head thing of a wolf. Bigger mouth, bigger teeth, twitching ears and, of course, the better sniffer!

But I guess I had gone just over this invisible ‘boundary’ because the scent was something that I couldn’t ignore…

By the looks of it, the packs didn’t take every little space of earth there was, and the puppy seemed to have stayed clear of many of the boundaries…But, I found one within the day…

Of course, I had wasted a lot of this day by testing out the wolf form and so I had easily found another pack within just a few hours of being by myself…But…Since it was ‘green’, I did not feel worried for some reason and just trotted like a happy wolf with its tongue hanging freely out of its mouth!