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Pov: Battoski

It was a bad day. Every day was a bad day. I haven't had a good day for as long as i can remember. My parent's left me at this house when i was 11 and i have been bullied since 8th grade. I live in one of the smallest cities in norway, even though i am polish and was born in ireland. Chaos, i know. My life has always been chaos. Anyways, what set this day apart from other days in it's awfulnes was that i had tried sending a love letter to my crush, Inez, and had been rejected heavily in the form of a beating from her friend Sofie. I hate my life. The fact that she didn't even face me herself but sendt her friend to beat me up. 

Those are all bad things, but what really takes the cake is that i'm about to commit suicide. Yup. You heard it right, i'm standing inside a noose. I'm kicking the chair soon, i just need a second to contemplate. The thing is, as it turns out, i don't get to do that. Before i even tried to kick the chair, a small girl popped up in front of me. This was quite weird, as i live alone, and as far as i can remember small lolis with bondage suits can't fly. As i was wondering if i had already died, the loli spoke.

"Don't kill yourself!" she shouted. 

That's when i knew i had died. Yup. Noone would ever tell me not to kill myself. Most people in class even told me to kill myself on a regular basis.

"No! You haven't died! I'm a demon from, well uh, you know, hell. I would know if you had died, i can even read minds!" 

Yup, she's a psycho, i should just kick the chair now. I was about to, but suddenly i got a worldsplitting headache. It was so bad i fell of the chair, and as i thought i was going die i was caught by the surprisingly strong little flying girl. How strange. I doubt other people who try to hang themself get visited by flying psychos. she was talking about something but i fainted from the pain of the headache without hearing anything.

Pov: Demon

"Shit He fainted."

I knew we shouln't have dumped all the info at once, but we had to. The man with the most potential to be evil was about to kill himself, and we couln't let that happen. I haven't seen anyone that evil since Adolf Hitler. We have searched the entire surface of the earth, and there were only two canidates for these powers. One was Mark Zuckerberg, but we wanted a human so we chose Battoski Gorskosz. Well, he'll know when he wakes up.