Successful Mission
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I'm back with the next chapter of Change in Winds. Hope you like it.

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"Normal speech" people talking.

'Normal thought' people thinking.

"Bijuu/Summons" Bijuu or Summons Speaking.

'Bijuu/Summons' Bijuu or Summons thinking.

"Jutsu" is being used.


Change in Winds

Chapter 6

Successful Mission

In Nami

With Blood Clones

"Are you ready, boys?" The first Blood clone asked others as they prepared to execute the plan to raid Gato's mansion.

"Yes! I did my best and got Zabuza's allegiance today and I think he will peacefully go to Kiri. Though I should go with him." He said with a sheepish smile.

"Moron. Why the hell did you say that? Don't you think that's dumb?" The third blood clone asked.

"Come on, bro. I know the original will back me on this. He won't leave them halfway like that." The second one explained.

"There is no time for discussion guys. Tell me what your subjects are doing." The first one asked.

"Uh, Zabuza and Haki are resting. I made sure they are fully asleep."

"Same with Team 7. I put some silencing seals as a precaution. Kakashi can't sense us tonight." The third one said proudly.

"Ok. Let's get-" just then, the memories of the clone made by Naruto dispelled, ordering a status report and all their eyes widened.

"YES! HE IS BACK!" They yelled in joy and made a shadow clone with the most important details and dispelled it to report to the original.

"So he is back and right on time. Dattebayo. We are going to be rock this raid." The clones cheered and waited for the original's orders.

In Uzushio

Naruto was jumping with joy as soon as he received his clone's memories. The things they did were not short of appreciation and he is going to give them what they deserved as few things stood out in their report.

It seems they are planning on raiding Gato's mansion tonight and because of their incredible luck, he managed to contact them in time not that they can't get it done on their own. Naruto made a blood clone and sent it for support. He still needs to do some things here after all and needs to train a bit more.

He dispelled a shadow clone relaying his orders to wait till his blood clone arrives and dispel the shadow clones who had been waiting to practise the Jutsu all this time under the 2nd Blood clone. With that final order done, he braced himself for the information overload that will come with 100 shadow clones dispelling and went through them.

It seems the ritual increased his brain capacity which made him go through all the information fast. What a nifty ability, huh. As he was going through them, his clones were celebrating.

With Clones

"Ok, let's dispel and wait in the scroll. When the 4th blood clone comes, he will summon us again." The first blood clone ordered and three of them dispelled in addition to the 100 clones which were training.

Naruto got all the memories and sat in a meditative posture to go through them one by one while the blood clone made its way towards Nami.

Normally he would dispel the 3 blood clones as well as they are working days without resting and would have exhausted their chakra. But he found something about his Chakra storage seal.

His Chakra storage seal can not only store chakra but anything related to chakra. Like his clones. So they can recharge while his 4th Blood clone makes his way towards Nami.

Naruto went through everything that happened since he came to Uzushio. The mission itself was special as it is his first official out of the village C turned A-rank one.

The next thing he observed was an observation his clones made. It seems he missed Kakashi's abnormal hand sign speed and they took note of it and started practising it. Clever of them.

The third thing was the Tree Climbing exercise Kakashi put Team 7 through. 'Honestly, Tree Climbing when you are half dead? Genius, Kakashi.' Naruto thought rhetorically. Wasting their time like it is just another candy to eat.

Not that his clone cared as he completed the exercise quickly and did hand sign training beside the training area which Sasuke was not so thrilled about. Kakashi tried to push Sakura on him, but his clone evaded it skillfully.

Flashback Begin

"You seem oddly intelligent with Tree Climbing, Naruto. Why don't you help Sakura?" Kakashi said with an eye smile.

"Hmm, no. I have some training to do. I think you should help her improve her chakra pool, Sensei. It's not like she can do much with her meagre reserves." Naruto said with a shrug.

"What do you mean by that! Take it back!" Sakura yelled in a high pitch pointing an accusatory finger at him and readied to punch him.

"Honestly, tell me something. How come you mastered Tree climbing so fast? Did you have any previous training?" Naruto asked and Sakura denied it vehemently as she saw Sasuke's full attention on the topic.

"Then it's only one thing. Small chakra pool. Since you have less chakra than Sasuke, you were able to master the exercise fast. If you don't work on improving those reserves, I think you know what happens." He said with a shrug and walked off.

As a bookworm, Sakura knows how important chakra is and how it can help in any situation. This nudging by Naruto pushed her to improve her chakra reserves. (For her Sasuke-kun of course.)

While Sakura was in her dreamland thinking of all and everything Sasuke, the Uchiha became impatient. He can't help but think that Naruto is ignoring him and not seeing him as an equal.

He is an Uchiha, an elite. He will show that bastard not to underestimate an Uchiha. First though, he needs to master this Tree climbing. He can't take that banshee's 'motivating' cheers anymore.

With renewed vigour, Sasuke started Tree climbing while Kakashi sat with Sakura in an attempt to increase her chakra reserves and make her concentrate on that.

Flashback End

'If everything goes as planned, Gato would be out and… yes, yes.' Naruto cheered happily as he went through any last adjustments in the plan and after finalising everything, went to sleep in Uzushio.

A Few Hours later

In Nami

As the Blood clone reached the area his brothers used as their meeting spot, he saw a Shadow Clone waiting for him in the clearing.

"Yo. Is everything ready?" The blood clone asked and the shadow clone nodded.

"Yes. Privacy and silencing seals are already drawn around Tazuna's house and as per boss's orders, a few more shadow clones went to draw them around Gato's mansion as well."

"Good. Let's get started then." He said and unfurled the scroll the clone was guarding and swiped a drop of his blood across the seal.

With a puff of smoke, the 3 Blood clones came and coincidentally, they were the same blood clones as before as Naruto ordered them to rest in a separate part of the seal.

The Chakra Storage seal Naruto made was divided into parts. There are 9 parts in each seal with 3 holding 3 Blood clones each and rest holding 5% of Naruto's current expanded chakra reserves.

In addition to this, a separate area was created in the scroll to accommodate something separate from the 9 parts in the scroll and is very abundant in chakra. It's designated as Naruto's go to if he needs an immediate boost in reserves.

"What, why are we here?"

"Aren't you gonna summon others?"

"Don't tell me this is what the boss planned!" All of them reacted to their sudden summoning.

"Yup. Boss wants you to complete this mission and wants you all to be the ones to achieve the planned results." The 4th Blood clone explained with a smile. The 3 Blood clones jumped in joy.

"Let's get started, boys. We have a mansion to take over." He said and they all nodded seriously. As the original was already sleeping, they didn't dispel any clones but slowly made their way to Gato's mansion.

The 3 Blood clones were way better than they were before as they refilled their depleted chakra and were given 10% more for this operation, which is a bonus from the separate part of the scroll.

With each having many Jounins worth of chakra, all of them made their way to the short tyrant's mansion which was once used by the Daimyo of Nami. The coward left the country as Gato bared his fangs and gave Nami and her future a silver platter.

At least that's what was found from his investigations. Though they had a plan to use it. The clones knew where everything was and what they needed to do to achieve swift success.

At Gato Mansion

"Let's discuss the layout and how to take over them." The first Blood clone whom the original decided to be the leader of this mission spoke with authority.

In front of him were 80 Shadow Clones in addition to the 3 blood clones in attention, listening to him. The 3rd blood clone who is doing the reconnaissance started explaining about every place in the mansion and what their purpose is.

"The mansion is a big place with many small parts in it. The first is the warehouse for all the shipping materials and raw materials for Gato's shipping and construction company.

The second one is another warehouse, but this is for his not so legal activities, like drugs, human trafficking and illegal companies.

The third one serves as his bodyguards' residence and their rooms and the last is the Mansion. They will be in a loose U shape with the 3 warehouses guarding the mansion in the middle. Maybe it was made like that for security, but it was well made. On the other end of the Mansion is a clear view of the ocean and an easy escape route for the heightless bastard. The Mansion is big and is 3 storeys high with many rooms and waiting areas."

"Hmm, so we should neutralise his escape route first and then take care of all the guards and warehouses to break into the mansion. What a pain. What's the time?"

"It's about to be 2."

"Ok, we have wasted enough time. Let's get started. We have 4 Blood clones and 20 Shadow clones for each of them. Divide into 4 groups and attack from all sides. I will take my team and guard the mansion while Team 2,3 take care of the warehouses while Team 4 seize the exit route. Is that clear?" The Blood clone asked and all of them nodded with an 'hai'.

"Good. For Victory, Boys!" The leader cheered as all of them dispersed to do their assignments.

As they dispersed and took positions, the 1st blood recollected everything they found about the short scum in their mission.

The 3rd blood clone disguised as one of Gato's men went in to find all the information and it was a great payoff and found more about Gato's largest shipping companies and other 'activities' in detail.

First came his business deals and supplies they made to different countries. The shot good for nothing bastard managed secure good deals with small nations and secured a good market.

Though all his records are filled with corruption and other means of acquiring deals, Naruto found out about all the other businesses Gato was part of and the pleasure he is having being part of them.

The clone would have burnt the whole estate when he found everything if not for the explicit order to just spy for information. He had to suppress his murderous urges to do the job smoothly and the letter for Zabuza came as a relief.

As he went into detail, his blood boiled. Every day, Gato's bedroom, which was on the 3rd floor, will be supplied with a different woman and their 'activities' take place there for the whole night irrespective of the women's willingness.

The second and first floors were other rooms where he regularly meets with different 'clients' who in this case would be most bandit mob leaders and terrorists. Naruto confirmed them from the Bingo Book he carried.

He understood the need for them after his 'real' mission and started carrying one with him everywhere. 'Where am I again? Ah, Gato's businesses.'

First, he is doing the shipping business as his company says but taking complete control over Nami which allowed him to do shipping as he liked and that resulted in other businesses he started.

He is smuggling drugs to other nations in his container ships under the disguise of scrap supplies. He is doing human trafficking with women he brought from somewhere as all the faces don't look to belong here to Nami.

He also had so many dealings with various bandit gangs as he is a supplier of weapons for them. He had planned to kill Zabuza and Haku and keep the money for himself. The last part interested Naruto.

He didn't think that Gato was foolish enough to kill an A-rank Missing ninja and his accomplice easily with some roadside thugs. Poor fellow. As this was happening, other clones started their work.

The first group of clones cast the Hidden Mist Jutsu, which is a recent addition to their repertoire and as the area was covered in a thick blanket of mist, they activated their Sharingan and slowly moved forward to neutralised all guards were perplexed by the sudden blanket of mist.

They slowly killed all of them silently and proceeded in. While the other squads are busy with their assignments, the first blood clone had enough recollection to kill Gato slowly and painfully and after making sure everything is ready, he moved in.

"It's simple, boys. Step in, neutralise anyone who comes in our way and move to the useless scum's bedroom on the third floor." He explained in a whisper and got resolute nods.

After getting a successful dispel from 3 other squads who were successful in their assignments, he made his way to Gato's bedroom.

They neutralised anyone who could get in their way easily and went up and reached the only room on the third floor. Without any delay, the Blood clone kicked the door off its hinges and entered.

They saw the short scum with a woman who was sleeping under him, both of them naked. All the commotion made her open her eyes which stared directly into a spinning 3 tomoe Sharingan and put under a Genjutsu.

She was sent away to the secured hostages in the warehouse where some of the clones are asking about everyone's whereabouts and other details.

The ignorant short businessman didn't even move while the woman left and was blindly searching for something he could squish in sleep and the blood clone walked up to him slowly.

He kicked Gato hard in the balls which made the coward's eyes open in fury. His words were ready to shout. Naruto waited for him to completely go through the pain and when he looked up, he smiled wickedly.

"Hi there, shorty. What's up?" He asked deviously. Gato's fight or flight instincts kicked in and even though naked and barely reaching Naruto's ears, he jumped towards the table and pulled out his cane.

"Ww-w-who a-are y-y-you?" He asked in a low tone while pointing his cane towards Naruto. He can't understand. How can one person have this many twins? Maybe he can use these people to further his business?

Even when his death was standing in front of him, all Gato could think of was how he could use Naruto to further his greedy ambitions.

"Oh me? I'm just a little old friend others call Death. I have come to liberate you." Naruto said with a sweet smile. Hearing the person in front of him is not going to kill him, Gato regained his brave composure. How did Gato come to that conclusion? Only Kami knows.

"Oh, that's right! I'm Gato the Great. I will have everything in this world. Tell me. What do you want? Money, drugs, women, ports, ships-" he went on listing everything he can offer for this 'liberation' Naruto is offering.

Naruto was perplexed. How can someone with such a greedy and criminal mind can be such a clueless idiot thinking liberation he is offering to be some kind of plaything. Fool.

"Damn fool, stop your useless rambling. I don't want all of them. I just want one thing." Naruto interrupted and this made a frown appear on Gato's face but he turned to listen to the blonde anyway.

"I want…your life," Naruto said slowly, his eyes changing from the cold blue Gato saw till now to blood red with 3 tomoes spinning which was giving the shipping magnet a death glare.

"Genjutsu: Jigokumon (Gate of Hell)," Naruto said, dragging Gato into a strong Genjutsu which takes him to the gates of hell and gives him a taste of every punishment Naruto made for him after recollecting everything Gato did.

Gato started to wheeze out in pain and started gasping for air and crying in agony. But Naruto didn't stop. This continued for 15 minutes while Naruto watched in satisfaction after which Gato passed out.

They woke him up with the same kick to the balls and continued. After 3 hours of repeating the punishment, Naruto started talking.

"Gato, transfer all of your business assets and dealings to the Uzumaki Undertakings or else…" Naruto doesn't need to complete that statement as the bloody and pale Gato nodded vigorously.

Only one thing was running in his mind. He needs to get out of this. He didn't think a day like this would come. But after witnessing those horrific gates, again and again, he is not going to do anything like this again.

He signed all the required papers after which one of the clones knocked him out and threw him into a holding cell. They searched Gato's office to separate everything into various categories.

Everything went according to plan and only the final part needed to be executed. All the clones assembled in the master bedroom of the mansion to discuss.

"Well done, boys. Boss will be happy to hear our progress." The first clone said in appreciation.

"What do we do with Gato? Should we execute the last part now?" The second blood clone asked.

"Nah. We will do it in the morning." He turned to the 4th blood clone the original sent here. "You know what to do." He said and the 4th blood clone nodded and vanished in a shunshin.

"Let's go to the vault and value his assets. We still have work to do." He ordered and everyone fell into work again.

Next Morning

With the 4th Blood clone

The 4th blood clone disguised himself as one of the Daimyo soldiers and raced across Nami.

"HE IS HERE. OUR SAVIOUR IS HERE!" He yelled as he raced across the empty streets of the island nation. Lights started coming from the households as they walked out in the early morning to see what the commotion was about.

"Who is here?" One of the impatient men yelled at the running soldier.

"Our leader. He is back. The one who is wandering has come to help us. He challenged Gato and will be victorious. Come to the constructing bridge if you want to witness this." He yelled and started repeating it.

The people were surprised. Who is their saviour again? They didn't know. But if someone is willing to fight Gato on their behalf, they are willing to help.

"Spread the word across the nation and come to the bridge construction site. We will get our freedom back!" The solder yelled for the last time as he moved past the road and into the woods.

'Now that's done, let's wait for the day to come.' The clone smirked, going to Gato's mansion to help its brethren.

Few Hours Later

On Tazuna's Bridge

"So who do you think this saviour might be?" One of the villagers asked as they waited for this 'saviour' to come.

"Who knows? Let's see what this poor soul will do against Gato." He said picking his ear.

"Is this a joke to you? The future of our country is at stake here and all you do is talk nonsense." One of the villagers yelled.

"Do you have any problem with that, missy? I can take good care of you only if Gato-sama has permitted me. You are lucky that he reserves that right for us." He yelled, taking a sword.

"That's not the way to talk to a woman and are you one of Gato's men, mister?" A voice asked from the man's back.

"What! When did you sneak up on me?" He yelled in surprise, trying to cleave the man in half with his sword.

"These are some dangerous things you are playing with. I suggest you implore caution while using them." The man said, breaking the sword in half with his hands.

"Don't kill me, please. I did everything Gato said. It's not my fault. He threatened to kill my family!" He begged.

Everyone stared at the new arrival. He is a young man of average height with a lean build, gold eyes, and messy black hair. His outfit consists of a pitch-black shirt with a high collar and long sleeves. The sleeves have brown leather that covers the wrists and upper arms.

He wore light brown pants that are cut below his knees and, around his waist, a pair of brown belts that cross each other. Additionally, he wore a pair of dark-coloured socks and a pair of boots. But a symbol can be seen on every part of the fabric as it represents something.

"It can't be. Daimyo-sama! How did you survive that attack?" Tazuna asked with a gasp.

"No, I'm not your Daimyo. Unfortunately, Tou-sama died during the attack, saving me from the world in the process. I have come to help my country regain its former glory." He said as he carried something behind him, dragging it along the unfinished bridge.

"Huh, Sensei. Look at that. There is something behind him." Sakura pointed as Team 7 heard of the saviour and came here to watch with others.

"Citizens of Nami, I, Azai of Nami, son of Kozui, Former Daimyo, hereby vow to protect Nami with everything I have. I'm sorry for my long absence. I was on a training trip to become strong enough to protect you to the best of my abilities.

I learned many things on this trip and promise to protect you from anyone like this. Are you willing to give me a chance?" Azai asked the people present.

"If Azai-sama is back, then we can do anything. We are with you on this, Azai-sama!"

"Yes, Azai-sama. It's a tragedy that Kozui-sama couldn't make it. But you have our support!"

"Yes! Yes! YES!" They started to cheer and Azai bowed to them in respect. "Take your revenge on him for what he has done. I want some help to send everyone I found in the mansion. And Shinobi-san, thank you for helping our country when we are in need." Azai bowed to Team 7 to which Kakashi nodded.

"I hope you can stay till the bridge finishes. It would be a great support for us." He respectfully asked and Kakashi nodded.

"Move, men. Let's get started. We are going to rebuild Nami!" Azai called and with the cheers of hundreds, everyone moved to the Daimyo's mansion. No one suspected a thing while Naruto kept smiling for some reason.

'Huh. It's that simple? Tell them your father is killed and you are here to support them and they accept you? Well, maybe I should do this more often. What are you planning, Kakashi?' 'Azai' thought as they moved to Daimyo Mansion.

Daimyo Mansion

At Nami's Daimyo mansion, it's a rush of activity. Naruto clones are working to hide everything they don't want anyone to see and arrange things for the Daimyo's take over.

Soon they heard footsteps and vanished to the port, changing their appearances and coming towards the mansion to stand in line.

"Welcome back, Daimyo-sama!" They said in a chorus and Azai nodded in acknowledgement.

"Relax, gentlemen. I have brought our people to help you. Ask them where you need help and they will help you." Azai said and everyone was given a job to do. Might it be to help all the victims or change everything in the mansion.

Kakashi approached Azai at this moment to talk about some things and coughed into his hand to get his attention.

"Yes, Shinobi-san, how can I help you?" Azai asked in a respectful tone.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you, Daimyo-sama, but can I know where you were all this time? Sorry for the intrusion. But it's part of my mission." Kakashi asked politely. He dealt with circumstances like this before.

"Of course. You would be suspicious as I kinda appeared out of nowhere. A few years ago, Tou-sama sent me to Tetsu no Kuni to be trained to protect Nami from any external threats.

When Gato came here, I was in deep training and couldn't come here while Tou-sama tried his best to protect Nami, but his strength is not enough. He made sure no news reached me. But when I heard about his death, I came to check on the country and found all our soldiers on the way.

They explained the situation and with the help of my senseis, decided to train more and they all trained with me. We came back to liberate our nation. But Tou-sama's loss is a great loss to our country." Azai said in a sombre tone.

'Tetsu no Kuni? Like in the Samurai nation? Why the hell did the Daimyo of Nami send his son to train with them?' Kakashi thought, perplexed.

"I know it may sound absurd. But it's true. It's done in secrecy so that the opportunist people like Gato don't know. Even my people don't know except for a few." He said in a sombre tone again.

Kakashi understood what happened. 'So Gato killed the few who knew about that, huh. It's a great way to nullify the threat and thus delaying his return.'

'Hehehehe. How's that, Kakashi? Can't make heads or tails, eh? Well, you can't go to Tetsu no Kuni to confirm that, can you? It's the best plan. Dattebayo!' 'Azai' thought with a cackle.

"Here is your mission payment, Shinobi-san," Azai said, pushing a cash bag towards Kakashi.

"But isn't your country in need of money? We came on this mission to help your country, not to demand you for money." Kakashi said with an eye smile.

"Oh, we have money. Don't worry. Gato had enough for us to bounce back and prosper again. Tell Hokage-sama my gratitude. Your help and concern are also appreciated, Shinobi-san." Azai said with a bow and Kakashi rubbed his cheek in embarrassment.

He bowed in respect and accepted the mission payment and started to Tazuna's home to rest.

"Heh, the island got rid of Gato and got a Daimyo so fast that I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see with my own eyes," Zabuza said, sitting on a tree branch.

"Look, Zabuza-sama, it's Naruto's team," Haku said, pointing to the retreating Team 7.

"Oh, let's pay them a visit."

"Going somewhere, Kakashi?" Zabuza asked, landing in front of him.

"Zabuza? I thought you would have left seeing how Gato was neutralized." Kakashi asked while Sasuke put a hand on his Kunai pouch to attack.

"Heh, I got a better option even before the short fool fell. So I took it. Calm down, kid. I'm not going to kill you." Zabuza said to tease Sasuke.

"Good to know that I don't need to deal with you anymore," Kakashi said with a shrug.

"The feeling is mutual, Kakashi. Do you trust that fellow?" He asked, gesturing to the kindly talking Azai.

"He is ok, I guess. I didn't find any deception in his words. So yeah."

"Well, it's not my concern anymore. I look forward to fighting you again, Kakashi." Zabuza said and vanished in a water shunshin with Haku.

"What's that about, Kakashi?" Sasuke asked impatiently. This mission is a complete failure except for the tree climbing, he didn't learn anything. At this rate, he can't reach him.

"Nothing. Let's work on your chakra control." Kakashi said dragging the fuming Uchiha and Team 7 with him.

The construction work of the bridge increased at Azai's behest and the bridge was ready in 3 days. Team 7 trained to further their chakra control with a fully healed Kakashi.

And Cut.

That's it for this Chapter folks.

Hope you have liked it.

See y'all in the next chapter.

Suggestions are welcome.

Black Infinity1289,

Ja Ne.