Chapter 12 – Who Are You?
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"Sir, we've received a report." George walked into his boss's office, and handed him a sheet of paper. He looked it over, and his face twitched.

"Interesting. How did she do that?" He looked at the details.

"We don't know. Two are already dead. Both dismembered, but their limbs are not cut off. They are torn off. The heads were...mashed." George watched his boss and waited.

"Keep the rest under surveillance. Do not interfere unless you wish to end up in the same condition." He said. "How was she able to do this?"

"Machine? Their wrists and ankles are crushed. Something must have clamped on like a vise."


* * *


"No no no no! Not possible!" He was aware that if Aya found out he was involved, he would die. Although he didn't really take it as seriously as the Captain, George assured him that he would die. Now he knew why.

Aya moved impossibly fast, knocked out several cops, and ripped off the door to the cells. She walked down the corridor as though she were on a leisurely stroll. Her final target tried to move to the back of the cell, but it was useless.

On one side was a concrete block wall only meant to divide the holding cells from the small station. On the other was a steel door. The door she first ripped off was lightly armored, and easy to remove.

The cell door was thick steel, and at this time, still beyond her strength. However, concrete blocks are hollow, and city builders were famous for skimping on materials.

Aya punched through the wall, walked through the hole, and used the bed as the clamp. She pulled his arms through the headboard, and ripped them off. She pushed his legs through the cell door, walked outside, grabbed his ankles, and pulled.

She didn't have to mash his head with her fists, but she walked back in and did it anyway. He was already dead at this point, but she felt much better for it.

Unlike the movies, she was able to walk out of the station and disappear long before any reinforcements showed up.


* * *


"Boss, I'm sure it's her, but there is no way to confirm it. The person wore gloves, a black track suit, and a hood. No one was able to see her face. She left nothing behind." George shivered.

"That's because there is nothing to find. She's a ghost now. Whatever she did to herself to be able to do that to a human being...I'm not sure if I should congratulate her, or find a way to kill her now." He shook his head and cleared his face.

"No, this is what I wanted. Someone brutally ruthless, and capable of keeping Connie and Coral alive when I die." He pointed to the screen and how she easily turned his former man's head into a mess. "That person can keep my family alive."

"What are your orders?" George asked, and relaxed a bit when he gave them.

"Keep an eye out and don't interfere. When the time is right, start giving her targets. She'll need to make her own way, but at least we can point her in the right direction."


* * *


"Feel better?" Aya looked up and saw Tandy smirk.

"A little." She pouted. "When did you figure out how to bypass the sleep protocol?" Tandy sighed.

"When you had your skull replaced. I rested properly during the operation, but after, I was a mess. Until you woke up, I couldn't stop myself from waking up, in spite of the system helping me to sleep." Tandy admitted it fully, without leaving anything out.

"Can you bypass the stasis?"


"Don't attempt to either." Aya said. "You told me, so I will tell you. I've already installed the interface in your own body. That's the only way I was able to make your brain stable." She closed her eyes and waited.

"I figured as much. With that much damage, it would take too much therapy for my brain to bypass the damaged blocks. Regenerative healing?" Tandy asked.

"For some reason, it's not activating." She sighed a little. "Did you want the upgraded chips?" She asked quietly.

"Not yet. I assume I have the previous generation?"

"Yes, I couldn't entrust you to untested technology, even though I did with the interface. For that, I had no choice. I didn't want you to remain a veggie." Tandy chuckled.

"Can I enter the construct now?" Tandy asked.

"Only with guidance. You don't have an anchor, so Jill, or Danica will need to enter with you at all times." She looked up at Tandy. "I mean it, doctor. Do not bypass this control mechanism. Without the ability to walk around, your mind will cling to the construct like it's reality. You won't be able to return to your body." Tandy's eyes focused on her.

"I see. You struggled." Her eyes narrowed.

"I still do. Danica and Jill do not. Your mind is not anchored like theirs, so you may have that problem." Aya came over to the vat. "My mind tries to expand into the construct, even from here." Tandy hissed. "Yeah. I'm not spreading out to create more room."

"You're evolving."


* * *


Early November, 2015

"Leen! You get the number of that bottle? I have a hell of a hangover." The girl called out. "Leen?"

"Here, boss. No, I didn't, but I think we must have gotten into some bad hooch." She tried to open her eyes. "I have a monster hangover too. No, wait, it is clearing." She sat up. "Where are we?"

"Leen, did we have a party or something?" Another girl sat up, held her hand against her temple, and groaned. "Oh, my eyes feel like they are allergic to light."

"I don't know, Brit." She looked down at herself, and saw she wore new clothes. "What the hell?" She looked at the others, and all wore the same clothes. Fresh tee, jeans, and even good quality boots.

"Mer, what are we wearing?" The blonde Brit asked. "What are these arm bands?" The television turned on.

"Ladies." The group all turned towards the television. On it, a single figure wearing a face obscuring hood appeared.

"Who are you?" Mer asked carefully.

"Me? I'm the one who did not bring you any harm. You are my guests at the Revenant Hotel. Whether or not you remain guests, is up to you."