Chapter 29 – Repairing the Doctor
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"Micro machines have mapped a new neural net for the doctor. Do you wish to initiate the installation?" Tandy watched Aya's eyes, and could see the reluctance. Aya closed her eyes, and took a deep breath.

"Initiate the installation procedures. Begin to map the missing pieces of Tandy's brain by mapping Danica, Sol, Jill, and Connie. Note similarities, and incorporate." Aya said quietly.

"Installation has begun. Neural net will require additional layers to fully integrate new portions. Some organic matter is also required." The computer said. "Retrieving organic tissues from frozen specimens that have had their memories wiped. There is a zero point zero zero one chance their memories or intent will remain. Flashing tissues to ensure a zero percent chance. Ten percent loss of tissues. Acquiring more and continuing procedures. Materials acquired."

"You've made extensive programs for this." Tandy said with a gentle smile.

"You have only an inkling of what I've done." Aya said. "Computer, continue to monitor the progress of reconstruction. Once complete, put the doctor into a lower awareness state, and slowly bring the new portions online. Slowly increase her awareness until she's fully integrated the rebuilt areas. Continue to map, regenerate, and adapt the neural net to optimize her abilities. Analyze fully. Make an estimate as to when she can have a skeletal frame fully integrated."

"According to the numbers, of her current ability to regenerate, and the machines newly enhanced ability to rebuild, within three months, the new enhanced frame can be installed." Aya nodded.

"Yes, that's my thoughts, unless she adapts and awakens her regenerative capability." Aya thought for a few moments, while Tandy frowned.

"Newly enhanced frame, baby?" Tandy asked.

"The one I've let you see is only the prototype. The one I've had installed. However, the machines have made thousands of alterations, and updates since then." Aya rolled her eyes. "All due to my subconscious mind reprogramming them." Aya sent a mental command, and a new schematic appeared. Tandy looked it over.

"Baby, heavily armored, but still light? Enhanced strength and reflexes too?" Aya blushed a bit, which is something only she could integrate. Her blood vessels still responded to her emotions, even if she was more machine then human right now.

"As well as enhanced memory storage, and fuel processing ability. Like a human is able to eat, our gel packs can allow our frames to operate without additional power needs from the mini reactor. That will reduce the need to vent access heat, and reduce our heat signature." Aya smiled. "You'll be able to eat real food, but you'll also need to eat the gel packs once a day."

"Thank you, baby." Tandy smiled. That was one of her real vices in life. Good food and wine.


* * *


"This is your pet?" Ava asked her sister. Jenni slipped under the blankets and went down on Ava while Brit firmly pushed the strap on within Jenni's ass.

"Our pet." Brit said. "She was a bad girl, and this was her only chance at life." Jenni kept her head down. "She serves the club, but I grew a bit fond of her." She slapped Jenni's cheek. "Focus, pet. Ava isn't moaning yet." Ava smiled a bit.

"I'm suppressing it. I want to see how she'll respond. She's quite good, sis. I don't like the idea that I have to share you with her." Brit twitched a bit. "What's wrong?"

"A message from the boss." She rolled her eyes and fell forward.

"Brit!" Ava panicked, but Jenni held her down.

"Don't worry. The boss does this sometimes. She invades their minds, and gives them information. Or instructions. The power of it can give her a bit of an overload." Jenni smiled. "She's alright."

"She's right, Ava." Brit said in a low voice, as she laid on Jenni's back during the information surge. "The boss reminded me, quite forcefully, that I belong to her. You belong to me, but I belong to her." Ava's eyes became a little unfriendly.

"I don't like how that sounds." Ava said.

"That's too bad, baby sis." Brit said firmly. "The boss saved my life, and everyone here. She sent me to save you. The only cost she requires is our absolute loyalty. She is the one who I owe my loyalty to first. The girls seconds. You and the pet are my third priority." Brit tapped her forehead. "That is the order she set for us." Ava sniffed.

"So I'm third in your life?" Ava let a tear slip down her cheek, but Jenni slid up her body, and licked the tear.

"The boss will allow her to spoil you, fuck you senseless, and love you for the rest of your life. The only thing is that Brit has to think of others before her own needs. You're her first need, but she has to think about others." Jenni said and kissed her on the lips gently. She then slid down her body, sucked on her nipple, and worked her way down. Ava blushed brightly.

"I'm your first need, Brit?"

"Always have been, Ava." Brit said firmly. "Before food and water, my sister has always been my first need." As Jenni went back to work on her button, Ava's hand held onto Jenni's hair and kept her on her button. When she shuddered, Jenni eagerly lapped up her fluid.

"She's really good, Brit. Can we keep her?"

All the while, Brit heard the click of points being deposited within her account, as she firmly rejected her love of Ava over the club, and the boss.

A new category flashed within Brit's mind. Accessories for pets, including a collar that didn't require the prongs. Also, in that category, things she could buy for Ava, such as an interface that would allow them to jack into each other while they slept.

That was one thing that became clear to Brit. In her boss's mind, Ava and Jenni were Brit's pets. Even if Ava was her sister, and she loved her, in order for it to work, Aya could only see Ava as Brit's pet. She was not mentally intact enough to join the club.

Brit could also see two types of collars under Ava's category. One that goes around her neck, but without the prongs. It contained circuitry to allow Brit control if she lost her marbles. The other one was an integrated control chip for her interface.

When Brit mentally clicked on that chip, she got a lot more information then she bargained for. Jenni immediately felt Brit's thrust grow stronger, and more determined to make her climax as she focused on the both of them.


* * *


"Surprised?" Danica asked her.

"No. I gave her those options so she could keep her sister safe. The control chip will allow Brit deeper and stronger controls over her sister's behavior, which will give her more peace of mind when she is on jobs for the club. Ava's safety has been on her mind for a long time, and now that she's safe, keeping her safe is the next step. She wants to ensure that Ava doesn't put herself in danger. Soft conditioning will give her that control." Aya relaxed against Danica's ample assets.

"Computer, are there any signs of rejection?" Danica asked the system.

"Negative." Danica sighed and held Aya close.

"Any signs integration?" Danica asked the computer.

"Minuscule. It is happening, but at a much slower pace. The doctor has adapted to the lack of grey matter, and doesn't seem to want the upgrades." Aya frowned.

"Explain." Aya asked. Silence.

"Hypothesize." Danica redirected.

"The doctor might believe the upgrades will change who she is to you." The computer went silent.

"Of all the stupid beliefs to have!" Aya said angrily. "I went to all of this trouble to save her! I want her out of that vat! I want to hold her again! I don't care if she fucks the snot out of Jill and all the members of the club! She belongs to me!"

After Aya's outburst, the half percent integration moved to one percent. Tandy's subconscious mind registered her outburst, and started to accept the upgrades and repairs.

As she accepted the upgrades, the new grey matter also did something unexpected. Her regenerative ability that had been suppressed the entire time, now became active.