Chapter 1 – The drunk and the fat guy
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“L-let me go!”


“Hehe~ What’s a pretty lady doing out here in the middle of the night~? Come over my place for a while and we'll play some fun bedtime games together."




Tsk! I didn't want to help her since I thought it would be bothersome. If I were a lovely girl like her, I'd just go to the shop first thing in the morning or find someone to accompany me. She is being harassed as a result of her own stupidity.


I made the decision to turn around and leave. But her abrupt remark caused me to pause and turn around.




“Heh, So you’re already taken? That turns me on even more~”


I was watching them from behind a wall and witnessed the guy grabbing her and sexually assaulting her as she tried to fight back.


“Hahh… I’m still too soft”


That's what I told myself, and the next thing I did was rush up to the drunken guy and gave him a clean kick him on the balls.




While he was wailing in agony, I turned my gaze to the girl and found her crying devastatingly on the ground.


“I took care of him already, so just go home and look after your kids.”


Her tears subsided as she listened to my words, and after a few minutes, she began to calm. I handed her a bottle of water that I had purchased along with the other items.


“T-thank you…”


She sipped the water with a trembling body. She's probably still shaken by what she had just witnessed. When I returned my sight to the man, he was nowhere to be seen. He probably fled because he was overpowered by me; I'll let him go this time, but if I see him again, I should give him another kick.


“I’ll leave now then.”


That took nearly half-an-hour to resolve, and it's now almost 3 a.m. I was excited to finally being allowed to come home after 3 days, but... It appears like God doesn't want me to relax.


“P-please… Stay with me, won’t you?”


She pleaded to me as I attempted to stand up, clutching the helm of my shirt. Despite my repeated attempts to throw her off, she clung to me like a child.


“Fine! I’ll walk you back to your house but stop grabbing onto me.”


This is one of the reasons why I distance myself away from women. They'd strive to keep someone who appeared to them as a prince on a white horse. I don't like it when others touch me, but I felt like a criminal when I saw her eyes well up with tears.


“Stop crying already. Hurry up while I still have time or else, I’m leaving you here.”


I tried pressuring her a bit to encourage her to hurry up, and it seemed to have work as she rose up and led me back to her place.


She led me down a dark and filthy alley after only ten minutes of walking. I couldn't believe how dirty this area was, with broken streetlamps that hardly worked. How could such a parent raise their child in such an environment that would harm their health simply by breathing?


Her looks led me to believe she was a rich woman. But now as I look at her properly, I notice that she's dressed in shaggy clothing that even the poorest of people wouldn't wear. We finally made it to her place, but it was far worse than I had anticipated.


The rusted door she opened shattered when she touched it. When we entered, the awful odour made me feel nauseated, as if someone had been drinking and smoking inside on a daily basis.


I followed her inside the house, just barely at the front door. I should've just gone back because the agreement was for me to walk her home. However, after witnessing the situation, I became really concerned about the child who had potential but was forced to suffer as a result of their parents' behaviour.


“A-ah I forgot you were here. You can leave now...”


She told me that, but then the door behind her burst open, revealing a big, hairy and ugly man.




“A-ah Yushi-sama… I-I’m sorry something h-happened and I forgot…”




He shook with fury and rushed up to her, slapping her so hard that she fell and smashed her head on the wall. I could have stopped him, but I decided not to become involved in her family's problems. After all, I merely came to check how her kids are doing. Only a few people are aware of this, but I have a soft spot for children. BY THE WAY, I'M NOT A LOLICON!


“Damn you Yushi…!”




When I turned to face the voices, I saw not one, but two children, who appeared to be twins, standing behind a sliding door, watching their mother. The boy has a blazing hatred in his eyes while looking at the fat man, while the girl is sobbing because she must witness her own mother suffer.


“Heh, so who’s this kid over here?”




He turned around and looked down on me, calling me "kid,". If you didn't know, I have an inferiority complex. I despise it when others look down on me since I deemed myself to be a respectable and honourable person. I could let it go since he doesn't know who I am, but it doesn't take away my rage towards him for ruining my pride.


“A-ah I told you to leave…”


I heard a shaky voice calling out to me. According to what the fat man yelled out before, her name seems to be Yurika. She was crawling on the filthy hardwood floor, attempting to elevate her head and speak with me. As the man's focus shifts to me, her children rush over to her to see if she's okay.


“Yurika bought a man home? I see… I never gave her permission; it appears that you have defied me once more. I assume you still haven't grasped the importance of your lesson. Tsk, like one could expect it from an uneducated child anyways. I guess I really need to educate you more."




She remained silent the entire time while he slandered her. Despite the fact that it wasn't directed at me, I felt he was too vile to be considered a man. He has no shame in stomping down a helpless lady like her. That type of person irritates me the most. When I was young, that happens to me very often, so, maybe that's why I felt a kinship with her.




I know it wasn't going to be a typical educational experience when he mentioned "educate." But witnessing him grab the children's hair and lift it up, then bashing both of their heads together while their mother cries and begs on the ground eventually convinced me that I couldn't feel sorry for him.


“Hah? This kid dare stop me?”


I rushed up to him and grabbed his arm, preventing him from injuring the children. I then twist his arm around, causing him to drop the kids and to also dislocate his shoulder. I was merely trying to stop him from hurting the kids at first, but when he called me a kid again, my anger rose.




I couldn't bear having the kids hear such horrible remarks any longer, so I chopped him on the nape, causing him to lose his consciousness.




When I turned back after hearing the voice, I saw both the kids and the mother in disbelief. I approached them to see whether they were injured, but they both backed away, afraid of me. I was frustrated since I had helped both of them, yet they treated me as if I were a criminal. It's not like I don't understand how they feel about a stranger entering their home and knocking out their father.


“… Are you alright?”


“A-ah yes… Both me and the kids are fine, thank you…”


"Ah, I see. I'm going to leave right now. Nonetheless, you should report him to the police; having someone like him with you is both risky and foolish.”


“… I know.”


After hearing her words, I turned to the door and left… Well, I thought I would.