Chapter 32: What do They Mean by Captive?
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Reiko POV

The burst of shockwaves were like powerful bellows of wind. The two on the arena, fighting to the death. Each punch, each hit made my ears ring.

I could only watch as the younger fighter was being brutalised by his opponent, blood spewing, bones breaking.

The fight ended with the older fighter, the other one unconscious, likely dead. As he was being taken away, suddenly from the bushes, multiple figures appeared. 

They shot needles at the paramedics, breaking them apart. The needles were like icicles, they were small yet deadly. They took the unconscious half wolf boy away, before one them saying out loud.


Wh- what?



My body froze, the words finally struck.

"what do they mean by captive?"(Reiko)

Time stopped, it couldn't possibly mean that I stuck here right? Yeah, I am just a guest, nothing more, just a guest who will stay and leave.

But, but, what if, no one can leave, guest or not... maybe, no that can't be real...

My skin became itchy, as cold sweat drenched the silky cloth I was wearing.

It's going to be alright, let's just enjoy the festival while it's still here. Let's ask questions later.

"Reiko, let's go do something else while things get settled."(Kamoume)

"... okay"(Reiko)

As the flames roared, the crowd murmuring. The cold wind whisking path, leaving me shaking, riddled with goosebumps.

An old brown leaf being crumpled, while we slowly left the scene, leaving the chaos.


Doo Bee Duh Bee Do Bado

The drums were struck in a constant, unchanging pace, just like a metronome. The sky was set ablaze with multicolored flames. The entire village made a long passageway for the chief. Adorned in his fancy robe, he was bowed down by every member. He passed by merchants, blacksmith, chefs and much more, slowly approaching what looked to be stone pedestal.

As soon as he reached the pedestal, he stopped moving. He took out a long, rusted iron sword, raising high into the air and...

He thrusted right down into the it.


The entire crowd roared, breaking the silence in the atmosphere, throwing flowers into the air.


my ears hurt  bit...


Gradually the noises died down. The mob of people dispersing, the chief leaving the premises.

There was a very, a very calming atmosphere in the air. Kamoume was almost about to fall asleep, barely keeping her head up. And me? Well I- Hwuaagh~... hmm? Why are my eyes so heavy...

I- I...


I fell asleep, falling onto the soft dirt. Yes, the very softy dirty dirt. The balanced nutritious dirt. Mmh yes... Dirt... 1R- reiko... should I be concerned?-Cheryl

L- like I was saying I fell asleep, and along with it, so did the festival end.



I gently woke up, being greeted by the calming moonlight, on a fluffy bed.



Wh- what is this magicry?!? I fell asleep on the grass and woke up on the, the, ZE BED!? THIS! CANNOT BE POSSIBLE! Wh- what kind of great sage teleported me!? 

It must be a legendary sage, I am too heavy to be carries! 



...2... -Reiko

oh yeah I'm a midget...

I came to my sense after making several ninja poses on the bed.

"Heheheee~ cute~"(Cheryl)

Oh, oh no.


"Sorry, I can't hear. There is too much cuteness in the air."(Cheryl)

I made a giant frown at Cheryl, making sure she knew full well I was not happy in this predicament.

Her giggles increased.



A few seconds passed and Cheryl stopped her accursed giggling's. Now sitting on the bed right next to her, I hugged my legs, angry and disappointed.

"Awweee, don't be so grumpy."(Cheryl)

I'm being patronized. I, a 100% ADULT man am being patronized.

This is, unfair! Why must I look like a little girl!


As time moved along, like a gentle stream, that worrisome feeling crept closer and closer. Latching to my body, it was a parasite. My hands twitched, just thinking, ... 


Just thinking, that, if, what they said were true, what the mysterious group of people said were true. I mean, even if it was, doesn't that only account for the people born in the village? Wouldn't I be excused? Wouldn't I be able to leave anytime, anywhere.

"Something bothering you? 


Was it the festival? Were you feeling alright?"(Cheryl)

Cheryl was quick to see it, to see how I felt.

"no, well, I mean yes, but not really...?"(Reiko)

I sighed my nails digging into my head like an aggressive shovel. I breathed out a heavy sigh, the thought was scurrying around, just like an annoying bug that you just can't get rid of. Even after moving every chair, filling your room with insecticide, turning it into a toxic waste land. 

Man... I just really, really wanna forget about this.


"it's nothing..."(Reiko)

I groaned, resting my head onto my palm, my cheeks being pushed upwards as a result. A tuft of hair half hiding my face, tickling my nostrils. 

"come on, it's alright, tell me what's been bothering you?"(Cheryl)

Her voice was gentle and soft, like a fluffy cloud passing by, or the warm embrace from a mother. Soothing but sharp like a bell; the words twirling gracefully as if it was a ballerina. Cheryl's hand lightly caressed my back, gently gliding it, ruffling my already messy hair.

"I'm just worried.


worried about what they said, the people in the masks, I mean."(Reiko)

"so you were worried about all that captive part?"(Cheryl)

"... yes..."(Reiko)

"It's going to be alright, what they said were probably and exaggeration, plus, I doubt they would let a guest stay here forever."(Cheryl)

"I guess... I think you're right... maybe I was worrying about nothing."(Reiko)

"Well then, let's get back to sleep, don't want to let the boogey monster out."(Cheryl)

I suddenly felt something grab hold, and before I knew it, I was thrown onto the bed, face facing the ceiling. 

"um... Cheryl, can you let me go?"(Reiko)

"no, it's comfy this way~..."(Cheryl)

I felt her hug tighten. 

"uh, Cheryl?"(Reiko)




I heard the sharp, hushed buzzing noise coming from the back of my head. I was being detained in a cosy prison, unable to escape, unable to leave. I was basically a teddy bear to Cheryl. 

. . .






I- ... hah... forget about it. 

Relaxing my body, accepting my fate as Cheryl's personal teddy bear.


The toasty rays of sun beamed through the window, into the bed I was sleeping in. I woke up, stretching my arms, crossing it into a plus sign. It seems like Cheryl woke up first.

"Boop~! Slept well?"(Cheryl)

"Oh, yes."(Reiko)

Cheryl greeted me by poking my nose a giant smile on her face. Getting up from my bed, I jumped off, landing on the wooden floor. I pushed the door away, then went up the stairs. 3I REFUSE to climb the vines! -Reiko

"REIKO! Good morning!"(Kamoume)

Making my way into the dining room, I was greeted by the ever so bubbly, Kamoume. She stood om her chair waving her arms around like one of those balloon people in car dealerships. Her cheeks were puffed up like a hamster; there was bits and chunks of food smeared on her face. There were plates of food on the table, both Mr. Umesou and Moume, silently, and calmly, eating their meals. 

"g- good morning..."(Reiko)

I said, bowing before trudging to a chair, taking a seat. I was given a plateful of food, it had bread, side of vegetables and... and... A TONNE OF MEAT! What is this, an an animal? It's kind of intimidating.

I saw Kamoume wolf down her meal like a hungry dog, and here I am, struggling to eat another bite.


It was difficult, I felt bloated and exhausted, after a fearsome session of eating, I was successfully able to eat, 20% of it all! ... haha... not really that impressive.

Kamoume was sleeping next to me, belly full of food. It's scary how much she is able to eat... 

Mr. Umesou had already gone, leaving me with Moume and Cheryl. Cheryl appeared, taking a bite of my leftovers. 

"A little shocked by the amount of food huh?"(Moume)

"oh, uh, y- yes."(Reiko)

"Hehe, it's an old tradition of ours, to eat large amount of food after an important event."(Moume)

Moume giggled, patting my head. 

"It's really nice to have such company."(Moume)

Moume had a genuine, affable look on her face. 

"Well, it's about time I should get to work, you three have fun."(Moume)

"oh wait, m- moume, I- I have something to ask you."(Reiko)

I jumped off my chair, reaching out towards Moume. Her ears bent, she was looking at me with a curious face. 

"What is it?"(Moume)

"uh, it's that, I am uh, it's it's..."(Reiko)

No words could escape my mouth, my entire list of vocabulary just vanished, poof. Think think think! You know what to say! You just have to word it carefully. Ah ah ah

"ah ah ah..."(Reiko)


Moume had an even more puzzled face, one of her brows up the other down.

"She wants to ask about what transpired yesterday, about what they mean by captive."(Cheryl)

Thank you Cheryl! You're my life savior! 

Suddenly, Moume's face turned dark, her hands clasping, her teeth biting into her lip.

"I- I- I cannot say much, but, no one leaves the village, no one enters. I must leave now, goodbye."(Moume)

"w- wait-"(Reiko)

Before I could even say a word, Moume left, disappearing into the village.

Enough procrastination for me