Chapter 20
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Chapter 20


I’m sure many of you are confused by the last couple of chapters. Some questions may be answered in this chapter, and if not, remember them for when i post the Q/A chapter. Without further ado, let's get started.



Little did he know, that this ‘little fight’ of his would be the reason that he was now on the radar of the heroes, police, and villains. By noon, all the high ranking and influential people of Mustafu alal got the same report.

They all had the same thought, ‘It seems that Mustafu will be assuring waves after a long piece. All the influential people issued the same news. "A new powerful person is in town. Be wary. " 

But the villains had an extra sentence in their orders. "- The person has strength equal to the six court guars, Additionally, if spotted, immediately report to headquarters. Also, immediately engage regardless of strength.

The leader of Paradise’s former organization chuckled in his office. He had a dark gaze in his eyes as he muttered.

 "Some newbie enters the scene and those bastards in the other orginazations wet their pants, even warning their subordinates to not engage as long as they are not provoked. It seems that they are getting old for their position. "

The man looked at the single pawn placed on his desk and muttered as he toppled it over, "Let me use this newbie, as a stepping stone to take over the underworld."

The man looked at his dependable assistant, who was bowing and waiting for orders from his superior.

"Brian, order everyone in the organization. Prepare for Project: Takedown. "


In a room, a lone man was sitting in his leather chair, as a chess board was placed in front of him. The boards had pieces arranged in such a way that anyone who first looked at them would believe that the man was in the midst of a game.

However, surprisingly, there was nobody besides the man, only the fireplace, which illuminated the surroundings and was the only source of light in a place like this.

Winds breezed through the window, since it was winter. Normally people would shut it and huddle around the heater.

But the man only "looked" at the fireplace in front of him, as if the wind and cold weren’t a bother to him.


A sound was heard as the curtains swayed from side to side. There wasn’t a breeze, but a sudden influx of wind could be felt all through the room.

A man was kneeling on the ground, mysteriously as if he had just suddenly appeared. No thumps could be heard as the man appeared out of thin air. 

That didn’t seem possible, but the world was full of unique things.

The man who "started" at the fireplace as if he didn’t notice the mysterious person entering. The mysterious person, however, soon opened his mouth and talked as if this was a normal occurrence.

Keeping his head facing the ground, he spoke, "Master, the target is progressing at the predicted rate. His strength has slightly exceeded expectations, but phase two was not required. He has the heart of a hero and his goals remain the same, with a slightly higher viciousness than regular heroes. "

Despite reporting for the next couple of minutes, the room was silent. Not one did the man quit prostarting himself, sweat trickled down hsi face as he realized something.

‘The master was only this silent, if he spotted a mistake in something he did.’ Despite noticing that he still protasated himself while racking his brains trying to find out how he was exposed.

After 5 minutes, the man in the chair turned his head and ‘looked’ at the protarating man. "Paradise." The eyeless man spoke.

Hearing the tone used to address himself, Paradise, the person who was fighting Azure not too long ago, the aloof man who seemed strong and headfast throughout the entire fight, the person who seemed to have predicted everything was slightly shaking.

Despite harboring deep resentment for the man in the chair, he was feeling something he hadn’t felt in a long time. After "that," even all those years ago, he became monotone, rarely showing or feeling emotions. However, now such a man felt something he thought he had long forgotten. 


The fear a deer feels when seeing a tiger, knowing that he could die at any moment. Paradise knew that he wouldn’t die. The Master wouldn’t let such a useful piece die so easily. Even so, every fiber of his being wanted to immediately escape.

However, his rationale side of himself knew that even though his quirk was powerful and that he may have had a chance to escape, the lessons from long ago told him that it was unlikely and even if he was lucky enough to escape, he would get far.

Paradise  was a man who had long given up on many things, people, life, not to mention such an unstable thing as luck.

Paradise inwardly scoffed at the side of himself that wanted to escape, doing that was tantamount to asking for ‘lessons’ again. He would rather commit suicide than go through that journey.

As Paradise was having an internal monologue with himself, the blind man in the chair started speaking.

"Do you know what the role of a pawn is? Hmm. "

Despite asking a question, Paradise on the floor couldn’t answer. The pressure he was feeling increased. He had formed a puddle of sweat below him, but the unhygienic display was the least of his worries.

He knew that he had fucked up! He was caught red handed, and he could only pray that his master's mood was even slightly uplifted from hearing that the plan was on course.

"Not going to answer? Then I'll let you know. A pawn's goal in the game and in life is to pave the path for the game master to win. Whether that be sacrificing themselves for even the slightest of opportunities to appear, or being the one who cuts off all their opponents' options. 

They all serve the same purpose. Even a slightly more precious rook is nothing in the grand scheme of things. A mere piece shouldn’t try and interfere in the overall game on their own. They are to move as the game master wishes and pray for themselves that they’re chosen by the game master as a important piece and that they survive till the end. "

Paradise’s pupils were dialating, staying conscious was a task he was trying to fufil, his body was divided one wanted to flee for their life, teh other wanted to rest, but Paradise new that either of those hcoices would warrenet him in the future whishing death upon him.

He was barely maintaining consciousness when the pressure suddenly drastically increased. He couldn’t hold on and was about to fall unconscious. ‘Stay awake…stay’ As he spoke, his pupils almost receded and his scarla almost turned full white. The pressure disappeared as if it was all an illusion.

Paradise’s body dropped onto the floor, his body and haggard breathing being evidence that the pressure wasn’t fake.

Looking at this piece on the floor, the man in the chair only ‘glanced’ at the chess boards and said, "Clean up your mess, and when you're finished, rest. Your ‘training’ has been quite lax, mainly on account of your mission.

Now that it's finished, I believe that you should meet my disciple, and prepare for the future.’

Those were the last words Paradise heard before blacking out. His body instantly untensed. Even though he was resting in his mind before passing out, he was berating himself, never to try to interfere with the "game".


And that's the end of the first ark. 

Man, what a long journey.

The Q/A will be up shortly, so everyone who has questions can post them there.

I’ll be taking a 2-3 week break to stock up on chapters, possibly edit, and do other things. 

I hope you enjoyed the chapter and selamat tinggal.