(Vol 2) Chapter 35: Bad things happen, in back Alleys
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*In an Alleyway*

A man could be seen coming from the depths of the alleyway. He was a heavily muscled man. With his short dark hair and visibly thick eyebrows, he also possesses heavy stubble and a prominent scar running diagonally down his left cheek.

He wore a simple wrap-around black mask tied over the top of his head, a tight-fitting dark shirt, jeans, boots, and a long hunter green trench coat. On his hands, he wears a pair of dark gloves topped with a pair of brass knuckles, or knuckledusters, from which he derives his name.

"These streets have been very active ever since a few months ago. First psycho-maniac assassin. Then random villains pop up out of the woodwork. A mysterious origination makes people go ballistic. And now random people who can’t decide their occupation. "

Koichi and Pop turned around to face the man.


"Captain Troublemaker." also known as the "Flying Stallion. "An American pro hero involved in many legal cases, mainly related to women."

"See, Koichi, I told you that women are no good for hanging out with such a person."

"Master, did you mean his occupation is changing between a villain and a hero?"

"A hero or-"

The "Master" turned towards the crowd in the distance. More specifically, the structure If you look past them, you can see the sun hanging in the sky.

But what he was looking at wasn’t the sun. But past that, as if his gaze saw through everything. One flying bird got shivers and goosebumps all over his body, despite having flames coating him.


*Azure Pov*

I walked towards the black suitcase to make sure the contents were inside. Although my little hero's outing yesterday was fun and fulfilled my spirit, he didn’t forget my original goals.

Heroes are the ones in the limelight. Although I feel good saving people, I remind myself that I do that every day. Without even questioning the fact that what I do is highly illegal, my age would be an issue if I went public.

And in the end, I’m much more suitable for helping people by getting rid of the problem before it becomes one. The shine that people like All Might, Endeavor, and Captain Celebrity have isn't something I possess. 

As I was thinking of such things, I opened the case. Inside were 3 vials filled with lime green liquid. Accompanied by 3 empty syringes. I held one of the vials up to my eye and shook it.

Bubbles surfaced as the liquid sloshed around. ‘This is that ‘Trigger’ that's been the talk of the streets. ‘

I was sent here due to the increase in villains in this district. After gathering information, I found that the cause was this thing right here. Ideo Trigger: A drug that empowers the quirk while causing whoever takes it to go on an uncontrollable rampage.

 It enhances their quirk, in addition to the consumer undergoing a remarkable physical transformation. Those who use Ideo Trigger have their tongue permanently dyed black.

Tracking down users of the drug was therefore easy. But finding sellers was not. Simply finding them was hard due to their not having a set target group or timing. Even the criminal gangs I raided only knew that they would show up whenever and sell some.

And every time I caught one, they would disappear or run off. However, when I was finishing my nightly scouting, I happened upon a deal. One of their low-level dealers was talking with a low-level thug. 

I was on a building when I spotted the vial in the dealer's hand. It matched the example given by the other criminals. I jumped behind a wall and I waited till the dealer was about to leave. He walked behind the wall where I was.

Due to the weight limit, simply grabbing his neck and burning him wasn’t an option, so I opted for his foot. I bent down and grabbed his foot. Before he could try to escape, the palm of my hands started heating up. 

Without caring for the temperature, I increased it to a temperature where most things melt. And his leg was separated. The bone and everything in between my palm got incinerated, making his keg become a stump, although this time I didn’t get blood on me from it since I kept my hand on for a few seconds.

After I released my hands, the blood evaporated and a charred piece of skin was left. No blood was sprayed from this part. But the other wasn’t so lucky. The lower half of his leg disconnected and started spraying blood, since I didn’t burn the wound shut.

Once again, drenching my clothes in blood and making me have to sigh. ‘Another awkward conversation with the lady at the dry cleaning.’

I put the vial back and packed the suitcase up. I needed to deliver the vials to the police so they could analyze them. Although I dislike corrupted heroes and police.

 They do have the resources to deal with things like this. I glance at the bodies and think about what they will think tomorrow.  

‘Normally Ash is all that remains from my outings. Along with burn marks, that's all the police could use to identify me if I was here. However, for the first time in some months, I would leave a body. They must be confused when they arrive.’

I muse to myself while gathering my things and walking towards the intersection of the alley. Normally, I burn the body in order to avoid leaving any evidence and because controlling the heat of my flames in the middle of a fight is tedious and annoying.

'But this time it was to send a message. " I’m hunting you." That would be what both organizations get. The one distributing the medicine would probably go into hiding and lay low. But the criminal one would panic. 

A low-level mod dying isn’t out of the ordinary, but one who’s dealing with Ideo Trigger would be. The drug is extremely popular in the current age, but the problem is that the dealer died. The group behind Ideo Trigger is mysterious and powerful to all who come into contact with it.

They are able to come and leave on their whims and not get caught by the police. This gives all gangs comfort, so what would happen when not only a mob of the gang but a member of this organization died mysteriously?’

I open my palm.

‘Anarchy. Everyone would get the message and wonder who’s going to be next. If the origination is secret, then interrogating their consumers would be the best option. And to be able to defeat this idea, one has to be strong.

That's what would go on in their heads. They would try and contact the organization by all means for an explanation, and that's when they'd slip up. I would use this chance to sweep them down and defeat them.’

I close my palm.

I near the intersection of the alleyway. Four paths to take Two across from each other lead to dead ends, while the other two lead onto the streets.

I hurriedly walk out of the alley. Through these months, many things have happened in Allyways, most being me meeting strong people. This causes me to avoid them when I can. 

"It appears that I’m safe for today."


I hear a crash behind me. My body wants to run since most of my encounters like this come with me meeting strong people. But my mind turns around. To be able to sneak up on me means he's proficient at sneaking around. He might just find me again

"For murderers like you, safety isn’t an option. Why? Because I am here. "

Said a burly man, in a green overcoat and wearing brass knuckles.