Chapter 1 (Edited)
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What is good?

What is evil?

What is right?

What is wrong?

Are heroes always good?

Are villains always bad?

If both "heroes" and "villains" are titles, then doesn't that mean that they are given to people by others?

If titles are given to someone by others, how do you know that the person lives up to and deserves the title?

Nobody knows someone better than themselves, so doesn't that mean that titles only describe a part of someone that others are able to 'see'?

Which are you if you committed both villainous and heroic actions?

Are you a hero who is good and saves people, always being kind, virtuous, and righteous?

Or a villain, someone who does what they want, thinks only about themselves, is selfish and greedy.

Dante, or, Azure, is going through life trying to answer these questions. This is the saga of Dante.

Welcome to {MHA: Phoenix Awakens from Its Slumber (New)}

*In Musutafu Kindergarten*

3rd Pov

We can see a young boy, around 5 years old, with hair as black as night and eyes blue like the deep sea, sitting outside while other children are playing, some look different and seem to have physical mutations.

"Hey Dante, want to play tag with our group?" said one boy, who has extremely long legs.

"Sure, Rick, let's play," said Dante.


Me, Rick, and the others are resting after playing tag for 5 minutes.

"Hey Rick, no fair, how can we have fun if you have a quirk that makes you fast," I said while looking at Rick.

"It's not my fault that you all have losers' quirks or no quirks at all," Rick said while pointing at me.

"At least I have a quirk," the boy said, pointing towards his two tongues.

"Yeah, me too." said a girl who had an extra eye in the middle of her forehead.

"Let's play a game of quirk heroes, but only those who have a quirk can be heroes. Hey Dante, since you're quirkless, then you can be the civilian who gets attacked by the villain. " Said Rick, looking at me.

"No, that's not fair. Every time we play, I always have to be the one who gets attacked. Why can't I be the hero or sidekick? I have great looks, so I can stun the enemy. "

Suddenly, Rick looked shocked and angry.

"Who told you that big fat lie."

Angry I yelled, "That wasn't a lie. My mommy told me so herself. "

"We'll you moms, a liar, Come on, let's go play ourselves. No need to talk to this quirkless loser. "

Then everyone in the group left.

Sitting on the ground with tears welling up in my eyes, I think, 'Not fair. Everyone always says that I'm weird for having no quirks and that I'm a quirkless wannabe.

I even saw that green-haired kid who was quirkless and was beaten because of it. Some bullies once came up to me and said that if my mom wasn't a hero, I would be beaten just like the other quirkless kids.

And how is my mommy a liar? She constantly says that I'm the cutest kid in Japan, and even the aunties next door say it.'

"What's so great about them? When I get my super cool quirk, they'll be wishing that Dante the Great and the number 1 hero would talk to them. " Said Dante acting haughty.


'Well, it looks like recess is over. Time for class again. '



Looking around, the teacher internally nodded at the fact that his student turned quiet when he coughed. 

"Alright, students, today we’ll be discussing an interesting species of animal. Can anyone guess what type of animal it is? "

Instantly, the entire class erupted into loud voices.

*Loud Noises*

Winching slightly from the loud voices, the teacher put on a stern voice and said, "I will be picking some students, so raise your hands."

The classroom quieted down, but you could still hear the occasional "Pick Me" or "Me, Me."

Pleased, the teacher picked on a random girl in the front row.

"Sensei, is it a shark? They have been notorious for being dangerous and killers in movies, but they don't really have such a high kill record as people believe. Isn't that interesting?

Under the students' questioning gaze, the teacher simply shook his head. Then he picked some random boy in the middle.

"Sensei, is it a cammelion? They can look like something else despite the fact that they are not. They can disguise themselves to blend into the environment, and people can mistake them for one thing, but they are really animals. That's interesting, right?

Again, looking at the student's expectations, the teachers stood unmoving and untalking. He then pointed toward a student in the last row. Who, surprisingly, was Rick?

"Sensei, is it a cheetah? They are fast and are named the fastest in the jungle or the world, and yet, with all that speed, they are still, not the king of the jungle or the world. That's interesting, right?

Finally, not able to bear the wrong answers, the teacher opens his mouth. The students, seeing the teacher's lips move, are excited, with Rick being the happiest that he got it right, yet they're destined to be disappointed.

"Neither of you were right. The animals I was going to be talking about are birds. They can fly and do other things, too, that are interesting, right? "

The students at first had an expression of awe on their faces, but when they heard the truth, their mood instantly turned sour.

"Some even shouted, "Sensei!  That's just boring, they poop in my jacket and my mom's car, so they're not interesting but gross. "

Hearing his "persuading" words, many of his other classmates nodded, expressing their similar thoughts.

"Common students Does anyone know how strong birds are when they first conceive? "

The students looked at each other, wondering who had the answer, yet one of the boys called out. Since they have the guts to poop on my clothes, they must be fairly courageous, right?"

The students couldn't decide if his words were true or not, so they looked towards their teacher. 

*Sigh* The teacher looked at his note on his desk and said, "No, birds are quite weak when eggs are laid, so they are protected by their parents.They can’t bear against the winds of this world or the changes that occur, so they get heat, warmth, and other things provided to them by their parents. "

The students who were initially bored had excited looks plastered on their faces.

The teacher then went on to discuss many things for a period, answering many questions.


"We’ll students, that's the bell. I’ll see you tomorrow."

3rd Pov

As Dante walked into his house, a woman sitting on the couch turned her head in the direction of the door. Her name was Asuka Tanaka, and she was ranked 39th Pro Hero: Eagle.

While walking into the house a little behind Dante, there was Daisuke Tanaka, one of the best doctors in the Mustafu hospital, and with his quirk, the chances of him saving a patient are as high as 90%.

The woman was listening to the news.

"And in other news, the rate of vigilante crime has been soaring. And increasing, contradictory thoughts on whether their actions are beneficial have been taking place all around. Some say they are nuisances, and others say that they are heroes who don't work to get paid. "

Azuke turned around and noticed that her son didn't run for a hug anymore.

"What's up with my little fire? You usually never hug me before taking off your stuff, "

Dante, who heard this, hid his face and timidly asked, "Mommy, is it true that you and all the other aunties lied to me and I'm not the cutest boy in Japan."

Hearing this, Asuka, who is protective of her kid, became more serious. "Of course, you are the cutest in Japan, no better yet in the whole wide world," Asuka said this while spreading her arms wide.

Dante, who heard this, peeked his eyes out and had a huge grin on his face.

"But who told you these things? Are you being bullied? If so, don't you remember what I said? Just beat up the person who says things like that. "

In a low voice, Dante said, " Some kids at school said that I'm a liar and I'm useless because I don't have a quirk."

Daisuke, who finished putting his stuff down and walked over, said, "Son, don't worry with my genes there, no way you quirkless. Just look at me. I married such an amazing woman, I realized that when you get your quirk, you can probably marry 2 or even 3 women. Heck, why limit yourself with power? You might even be able to get a whole harem. "

Daisuke, who had just finished giving such an amazing speech, felt a cold chill running down his back. Turning around, he saw the angry face of his wife.

With a dark expression, she said, "Honey, don't give our son bad ideas. He should stay faithful to the ONE woman who he fancies. My little fire, don't worry, I'll help you get strong and prove everyone wrong. "

Daisuke, who heard this, could only nod, but when his wife got up and started walking away, he turned to his son and whispered, "Don't worry, I'll still support your dream. Just keep it secret from your mother."

However, how could the #39th hero have bad hearing? Turning wrong in such a way that you would think she had broken her neck, she said, "Daisuke, the couch will be your bed for the rest of the month. And Dante, don't ever think about trying out what your father said, and go do your homework. "

Both males could only nod fervently. Both have the same thought, 'She's scary.'

*TImeskip Dante Pov*

It's 2 pm, and for the past few weeks, school has been boring. The same things continued to happen, but while I was sketching in my notebook while waiting for class to end, my hand burst into blue flames.

"Teacher! " I say panicking. 

The flames grew even though I swatted at them. Everytime time My skin was burned the flames returned, and the even seemed to be slightly hotter each tim.

"Dante, calm down; that's your quirk." said the teacher, calmly analyzing the situation.

"I can't teacher it won't go out and it's starrting to burn," I say, on the verge of tears.

The teacher, seeing this, calls an ambulance to pick me up.

*Hospital 3rd Pov*

Daisuke rushed down from his office upon hearing that his own son was admitted.

He opened the door frantically and asked the head doctor, "What's wrong."

"Your son’s quirk activated. It seems to have flames like yours, but the temperature is drastically different. Your son's flames are constantly increasing. 

He does seem to have a healing factor, but his healing rate is still small in comparison to the damage. His body is too young, and he cannot handle the heat of his flames.

We have some people with ice quirks working on lowering the temperature, but as none of them is too strong, it can only temporarily stop it.

Since the temperature is constantly rising, the effect will eventually be useless. We've called in for some ice-type heroes to be sent, but the strong ones are either in combat or too far away.

We’ve tried isolating him from oxygen, but any tubes or covers used get burned in a matter of seconds. Fire extinguishers also do nothing seeing as at night-instantly the flames remerge.

And with a higher ferocity. We’ve figured that his body is constantly trying to protect itself with the flames, but from what? We don’t and can’t know. In any case, I'm afraid that when they get here, Dante will have severe burns, even with healing, and, in the worst case, he might be disabled."

Daisuke squeezed his son's hand. Because of how anxious he was, he suddenly lost his cool and calm demeanor needed by a doctor. His countless worries ran through his head. 'Will he be okay? What is going to happen to him? Please be okay. '

Suddenly, one of the doctors that were cooling him down shouted, "His temperature is constantly rising. At this rate, forget about severe burns or disabilities, he is going to die before the heroes can get here. "

When this finally registered in Daisuke's head, he went blank. 'Dead' he thought. He could do nothing but watch as his son's body was being burned. He tried to use his quirk, but he required touch, and his son's body was too hot.

Even when he gritted his teeth and touched Dantes' body, his quirk didn't work.

Daisuke's quirk allows him to send a small turquoise flame on a wound, and this flame can heal whatever it is touching in a very slow process. Daisuke's flame would appear on Dante’s small frame, but instantly be engulfed.


Dante’s small body thrashed more violently. Daisuke, caught off guard, fell off of his chair and looked at his scorched hand.

The doctors rushed over, trying to stabilize Dante once again. Daisuke could do nothing but watch. His efforts to heal his son? All for naught.

At that moment, he felt his title was worthless. Japan's best doctor.Someone who would revolutionize the medical field. The hottest man in Japan.

It's all useless at this moment. He could only stand in the corner of the room and hold his head downcast as his son's screams reverberated throughout the room.

"Is there nothing I can do? One of the greatest doctors in Mustafu. What a wonderful career. This tile can't even save my son. '

"Daisuke, we’ll monitor him, but there's nothing more we can do. You should prepare for the worst. " Daisuke’s colleague solemnly watched and said as he watched his best friend.

They had been together through thick and thin. When Daisuke was sent to court for breaking the hospital violations and saving a patent who clearly couldn’t pay, without confirmation of payment.

And the night before he proposed to his wife (then girlfriend-soon to be fiancée), he, Daisuke, and a few others were cheering him on and encouraging him to propose.

He had congratulated Dauske during Dante’s birth and also prescribed some medicine for his broken hand. They shared a drink during the event and a few laughs.

Seeing his brother (something best friends call each other when close enough) in such pain and having to deliver the news tears him up inside. Not to mention that he’s been in Dante’s life since his birth. 

Daisuke refused to leave. All the other doctors left him there, allowing him to have his (possible) last peaceful moment with his son.

Inside the room, Daisuke was having the worst moment of his life. Worse than when he saw his mother leave him and his father alone in a divorce. He was distraught, The only thing he could wish for was a miracle.

'Anyone, please? I'll give anything for my life, just to please save my son. '

As if answering Daisuke's pleas, Daisuke and Dantes' hands were suddenly enveloped in a turquoise color.

 Dante was mysteriously recovering, but Daisuke was aging unnaturally; the tips of his hair were turning white, and the process of wrinkling on his face started speeding up.

When the lights died down, Dante looked like he was just sleeping, not like he was facing a mortal crisis a minute ago. His body seemed to have grown a bit, and his body temperature was perfect.

While Daisuke, who looked older, had passed out, instead of looking like he was in his mid 30's, he looked like he was in his early 40s.


The doctors, who were standing outside, rushed into the room upon hearing the noise. What met them caused most to rejoice. Over the miracle of Dante’s recovery. While some are concerned about Daisuke's new changes,

*Timeskip 1 hour*

Asuka was having one of the worst days of her life. She was on patrol, and today she decided that going far away from the city was a good idea. 

While working, she received a call that her son was in a life-threatening condition. Wasting no time, she dashed towards the hospital.

Then, when she was close, she suddenly heard that her son was fine and that her husband had something abnormal happen to him. Walking into the hospital, she was led to a room full of doctors.

In the room, she discussed her son's situation and present state. When they were finished, she said, " Then why did you say that my husband could be in danger?"

A short man in his 60's walked forward and said, "I'll talk about that. Hello ma'am, I'm Dr. Kyudai Garak. I appeared after the fiasco happened, but as I'm well versed in such things, I’ll be giving you the answer. 

Have you ever heard of the quirk singularity theory? This theory explains why quirks will get more powerful with each generation.

We believe that your son experienced a mutation between your husband's quirk and that caused the drastic increase in the flame temperatures. 

Your son has the powerful healing of Mr. Tanaka, but it only works on himself. The mutation, to compensate for that, seems to be the potent increase in speed and temperature.

But the reason that your husband looks older is that he has aged abnormally. I have a quirk pertaining to life force, and I can sense that your husband has aged over 7 years. From what we have collected, we theorize that your husband went through what we call a "quirk awakening."

A rare occurrence for those with enough talent and in distress situations that cause their quirks to evolve into a stronger, or awakened, version of their quirk.

According to what we’ve observed, it seems that the "healing" that was done to him made it so that he could now resist the current highest temperature of his flames. This will make him resistant to the heat from his flames.

But down the line, as his flames will get stronger, so will the danger. He should constantly practice with them to maintain a stable resistance..

There might be other things we don't know, but besides the aging, nothing else should have happened. They will be staying here for a period of time to monitor them, but besides that, watch out for any problems concerning the age of your husband. "

With that, all the doctors walked out of the room. They gave Asuka some time with her family since she had also gone through a traumatic event in her life. Asuka walked towards the room where her son and husband were in and thanked God that they were fine.

But were they really found? Was this really a blessing or a curse? Although this healed Dante, all good things became the envy of others and made people covet them. Will the Tanakas live a good life?

(A/N: I decided to rewrite the book and this is the first chapter changed. I hope you like it and please enjoy the journey of Dante and through this turbulent world.)