Prequel 5: Nutrition
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I have grown to be able to crawl comfortably and have successfully cleared every primary meridian outside of my head. Because my core qi flow is unimpeded, it is time to think of attunement and jing.

Jing is a catch-all term for the nutrients needed for healthy meridians. Jing is necessary for increasing both the capacity and attunement of the meridians and dantian. However, specific jing is used for specific tasks.

I was born with insufficient jing, so my body started to get clogged with mana before I was even born. The nurses milk has made my meridians capable of holding up to outside forces.

Now I must focus on attunement. Attunement is the changing of the dantian and meridians to be able to handle certain energies. Right now Sarah is trying to ween me off of her milk, but because my teeth are still underdeveloped and there is a shortage of soft foods, this is going poorly.

As it so happens, milk is both the perfect source of motherly qi and the Jing necessary to use it. I can only use motherly qi while I have yet to reach puberty. While this will have an odd affect on the body, if I delay, I will have to travel up one side of the trigrams to get this same opportunity.

My own natural qi is of the youngest son. This is to be expected, because I am at my youngest. When I enter puberty I shall change to have the qi of the middle son, but I can just use atmospheric qi to fix that. So long as I can keep the motherly qi attuned, I can also work on all of the three daughter qis, so I should prioritize getting my three son qis.

As I attune myself, I feel my body gaining softness. This is the receptive nature of motherly qi. Eventually this will increase my defense, but for now I only have my dantian attuned. This will keep a spark of motherly qi inside me, preventing me from losing the affinity I have for it as a child. As my body is maintaining this spark, core qi flow will temporarily decrease.

Embarrassment returns to me as I realize I have become comfortable enough to use breast milk as a power source. I sometimes forget they forcefully keep us calm. I hope I can forget things easily, because many of the things I have lived through deserve forgetting.

In my desperation to forget, I focus on the blocks they have provided us. They are plain unmarked wooden blocks. Thinking about it, I realize unmarked is a theme around here. The only markings are on a poster on the wall. This poster is definitely political. It features a pictures of several regal looking people, each wearing expensive looking clothes. Without literacy, this means nothing to me.

I continue my routine...

This chapter is hopefully the last of the prequel chapters. Because the protagonist needs to become a scholar, he can't be talented enough to be a warrior. However, as a scholar, he will be utilizing countless varieties of energy. I have to introduce the basic energies and the rules behind them to give context and meaning to the actions that grant power and enlightenment. I also have to develop a setting where the world can be explored and colorful individuals can be met.