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New Y*rk city: 10:30am 

"In the olden days, this place was considered a place of dreams and opportunities. A place where anyone could makes make it big as you worked hard and possessed a miniscule amount of talent. But thats all in the past now."

"Well then what about now?"

"Now? Now it's a place only the wealthy can afford to live, well, comfortably that is."

"Really? and how do you~ know that?"

"How do I know you ask? Simple. Because I live here too. Right over there on the second to top floor of that high rise down the street."

"That building down the street? I thought that only the elite could afford a place like that!"

"Well my boy, this old man happened to get lucky a few years ago when he went on a trip to South Africa. I found a blue diamond almost the size of my palm"

"Really?! What-dya do with it?"

"I sold it to an old colleague of mine and have been livin off the dividend ever since."

"Is that why you got a divorce grandma back then?"

"BUFO!? cough, cough, Of course not you lil' miscreant. This and that where completely different matters!"

"Okay then~. But if you live on the second floor then who lives on the top floor?"

"The top floor? Ah, now thats a neat story. I've never met the guy but apparently he's a young man only a couple years older than you are."

"Htmp! I'd bet he's just leeching of his parents."

"Thats where things get interesting. Word "round the block is that the guy's an orphan whose made a fortune purely through the stock market."

"Che! I could do better than that!"

"Better? You'd be lucky to makin six digits with your grades!"

"Just you wait till my gaming career kicks off! Then i'll be making more than you and aunt Cindy!"

"Sure~ Sure~. I was informed that you got that beta capsule from Cindy so you'd better watch yourself now."

"Heh! I promise you won't be disappointed!"