Chapter 19 : VIP Guest
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"Have you been feeling a little bored lately?"

The owner suddenly appeared at the door.

"Little bit."

White Fox put down the gift box in her hand. Now her room is filled with gift boxes of all kinds, from gold and silver jewelry, rouge, to the latest kimono accessories. She gave most of it to the owner, and gave some to other ladies and maids. But every day, gift boxes are constantly being sent, and she doesn't know what to do with them.

"It's no wonder. Although there are countless guests who want to invite you for tea, but according to your current reputation, you need to carefully select the guests you like. Also due to etiquette, you have to refuse seven times before you can make an appointment. Presumably You are indeed bored by being too leisurely."

The owner sat across from her and poured herself a cup of tea.

"Indeed. So, what plan mother made for me today?"

Admiring her sharpness, the owner put down the teacup with a smile.

"There will be a VIP arriving today. Be prepared."

If the owner can specially come to inform, this guest must be quite honorable. As for how noble it is, White Fox couldn't guess and didn't bother to ask.

"Yes, I will prepare."

The owner nodded in satisfaction.

"Then I won't disturb you."

After she left, White Fox called Haru to dress her up and choose a kimono to wear at night. No matter who the distinguished guest is, she always has to show her most beautiful side, and this is her only fun these days.

By the time she finally put on her makeup and put on a white kimono embroidered with red lotus flowers, it was already dark.

"Come on, let's meet this honored guest."

Haru helped her through the passage of the inner garden and walked into the reception room on the fourth floor. There are already musicians playing the guzheng. When White Fox came in, everyone else stopped.

"Tamamo Mae has made our honored guests wait for a long time. Please forgive me. "

She bowed slightly apologetically and sat across from the guest. She looked up at the so-called VIP and found that he was not much different from ordinary people.

"No, I was in a hurry. It was an hour early."

White Fox thought to herself, it seems that this VIP has a good temper. She picked up the sake glass and filled him with one.

"I've heard for a long time about Miss Tamamo Mae, and seeing you today, you really deserve the reputation."

"The glorification is too much."

White Fox originally thought that the honored guest specially instructed by the owner would be a difficult noble to serve, but he did not expect that he was an excellent talker. But then she thought about it, since she started receiving guests, she really hadn't encountered any difficult guest. 

It's just a little hard to sit and chat with guests and wait for them to drink tea and sake according to the rules of the house. Because she was used to lying lazily, she liked to lean on something even when she was sitting. However, the most important thing for this tea lady is to sit upright. She must straighten her back and keep her dignified. When she was tired from sitting, she would think of Jiang Ziya, the Taoist priest who always sat upright and meditated. What is he doing now?

"Miss Tamamo Mae? Are you listening?"

"Huh? Ah, I'm really sorry. What did you just say?"

It's really outrageous to be distracted when receiving guests. If the owner found out, maybe she would scold her. She refocused on serving the kind-hearted man in front of her.

"Tamamo, are you asleep?"

"Not yet, please come in."

The owner knocked on her door that night. This is rare, and White Fox is a little surprised.

"Mother, it's so late, what's the matter?"

"There are some things I want to discuss with you."

"Mother, I'm listening."

White Fox sat at the tea table in her nightgown and poured a cup of tea for the owner.

"VIP tonight, very satisfied with your service."

White Fox remembered that kind man and smiled.

"That's great."

The owner took a sip of tea.

"What do you think of this guest?"

White Fox felt a little strange. It was the first time the owner asked her what she thought of a guest.

"Nothing special, if I had to say it, he was very nice."

"Well, that's fine. You don't seem to dislike him."

"Why does mother ask that?"

The owner finished her cup of tea.

"Do you know who he is?"

"I do not know."

The owner smiled.

"You are always different from other ladies. You never ask the identity of your guests."

"I don't think their identities have anything to do with me."

The owner poured herself a cup of tea.

"What if I say, he is the emperor of this kingdom?"

"Oh? The Emperor? I didn't see it."

The owner laughed out loud.

"Hahaha, you are so cute!"

White Fox silently drank a cup of tea.

"Is that mother just here to tell me who he is?"

The owner smiled.

"Tamamo, he wants to take you as a concubine, are you willing?"

White Fox was surprised.

"Me? How could the emperor accept a tea lady as his concubine?"

"Tamamo, how could you be just a tea lady? You underestimated yourself too much."

White Fox pondered for a moment.

"Since that's what the Emperor meant. How did mother respond to him?"

"I wait for your reply."

White Fox smiled.

"Really? If I don't want to, can mother refuse the emperor's request?"

The owner smiled.

"So I hope you don't refuse it."

White Fox looked at the sakura tree outside the window, the flowers had already withered.

"I see. So just let it be. I will be his concubine. "

It's not that she can't refuse, but refusing means continuing to find another place to stay. Eastern Wasteland may be very big, but she is really too tired to wander. Because who can guarantee that the next place will be better than the current one?

The owner looked at her, as if she couldn't bear it.

"Tamamo, even if you enter the palace, Dream House is still your home. You can come back at any time."

White Fox smiled and said nothing.

The next days are to prepare for her to enter the palace. And the news that the first beauty of Dream House will be brought into the palace by the emperor soon spread all over the streets and alleys, and attracted a new round of heated discussions. 

Many noble officials lamented for not being able to spend the night with her as they wished. Some even took the risk and broke into the inner courtyard in the middle of the night in order to see her before she entered the palace. In this way, the news of "Dream House's No. 1 Beauty Tamamo Mae" from morning to night in Pin An city, without exception.

Amid the hustle and bustle, it was time to enter the palace in a blink of an eye. The mighty welcome team arranged by the emperor walked from the palace to Dream House, and picked up White Fox in the crowd.

Sitting on the high sedan chair, she looked down at the crowd on both sides of the road, recalling the day she first entered the palace many years ago. Although she was in Zhaoge at that time, and now she is in Ping An city, everything seems to have returned to its original point.

In the dark, as if there was a pair of invisible hands pushing her, she was sent to the palace again. It's just that this time waiting for her may not just be the luxurious life.