Chapter 1
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Terra Year 2012 ab


“And so in this scene from Lord of the Gnats, we can see here that the actual monster was actually …”




“Well, we can continue tomorrow, remember to read up to page 74 tonight as homework.”


With that, the class of students all gathered their binders and backpacks to head off to their next class. It was a normal day at school, painfully so. Walking along these monotonous halls, the dreary childish ramblings of high schoolers all around me. *sigh. It’s not their fault. They act their age after all. And it's a good school. No graffiti, or violent bullying as far as I could see. 


It’s no one’s fault for this tedium but myself. 

At the end of school, I head off to my part time job, as the cashier at Crack in the Cup. I need to make all the money I can afterall. Hehehe. I allow a smirk to show on my face as I imagine how easy my life will be. Ever since I could, no even before I was legally able to work at 16, I was scrounging and saving all of the money I could get my hands on, and investing it all into buying WitCoin. Its only a matter of time until this ticking time bomb sets off and the value skyrockets. Even if it's not the main or right one, all these crypto currencies are sure to soar in value thanks to mob mentality. 


This world still hasn’t had its crypto craze happen yet, well I should be thankful since it gives me more time to gather more currency at its cheap current cost. I predict that it’ll explode within at most 10 years, but it could happen at any time. The several thousand dollars worth of WitCoin I've amassed will soon be millions of dollars and I’ll be able to live a comfy and cushiony lifestyle. WitCoin from all my research is closest in similarities to Bitcoin, so it should be the one to gain fame, but I've also invested some in others like ephemeral and …”




‘What the’, I thought someone must be hammering a window or building with how loud it was as I turned around, but no such thing was visible. Instead people were looking up. Turning my gaze, I saw.


It was afternoon, the sun was in the sky but dropping, it was slightly cloudy, and the sky was beginning to gain yellow and golden hues. But there, in the middle, high in the sky, was a crack. A fissure encompassing far across, extending beyond what I could see in the horizon. Then more and more cracks began to form. The sky was shattering as if made of glass. What was beyond the cracks, I couldn’t see. After what seemed like hours, as people just stood there, dumbfounded, the cracks stopped growing. Across the sky, like a spider's web, broken lines stretched above. The clouds still moved like normal, the sun was still setting, and it began with one person talking, then everyone began yelling and screaming and moving about. 


“What the fuck” I cursed as I was still stupified by what happened. ‘Is this an illusion?’ I couldn’t sense any magic, nor were there any formations or spell circles I could discern. Normally something would have lit up to indicate such a thing. But whatever this was, it couldn’t be good. I was about to go back to my apartment when, ‘wait, this is going to cause panic, I don’t know how many people saw this, but if the world, no if even one country all experienced this, it's going to cause enough panic that people may die. I need to stockpile now. 


I immediately started running to the nearby grocery store, Prestons. To live humans need food,water,shelter. Then we need protection and information. Food for long stockpiling means cans, dry food. Water, well tap should be fine for a while, but if it goes bad, I may need bottled. Shelter, I have my apartment. Protection, I do have a bat at home, and I can’t really buy a gun without a guardian. Information, my phone and internet should be fine, but if those go off, I should get a radio. Solar powered rechargers in case electricity goes off. 


I get a cart and start shoveling every canned food I can find. The store is actually quite empty, save for the remaining employees, who are on their phone talking to people. Maybe others left to go to family. Canned food, energy bars, bottled water, solar recharger. I bring everything up to the cashier, but I realize I can’t carry everything and the water by hand. I never bought a car either. I tell the cashier I’m leaving the water, pay for the rest and return to my apartment. Dumping everything in my room, I leave to go and stock more.


Better safe than sorry. I’ll be rich with crypto after this all blows over, so for now I should just use whatever I have left. I only have almost a thousand dollars on me right now. I always kept around 700 as a safety net in case something goes wrong and a few hundred for groceries and bills. But now is the time to use it all. I mean worse case I live on canned food for a while. 

After a couple of trips for the food, and several for the water, because they're heavy and I can only really carry one 40 pack at a time. I consider myself adequately prepared. While I was walking between my home and the store, I browsed my phone to see the news. Some news outlets are claiming its a terrorist act, others are saying its from global warming, illuminati, etc. Nothing concrete or substantial has surfaced yet. 


I estimate that I have about a month's worth of food  and water with me now assuming three can meals a day. It could last longer if I ration myself. So I started to place all the food. There's too much for my cupboards so I just leave the rest in the corner. 


So now all we do is wait and see. I need more information after all as to what the fuck that was. Although I wonder, do I still have school tomorrow?