Chapter 1: Rija’s personal file.
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This is my chapter, there are many like it, but this is mine.

This chapter will be a summary of some of her early life, as you all probably don't care what goes through the life of a baby, even if they are the main protagonist. it is written in a summary style by an orphanage matron, who is supposed to report on child behavior.

Rija Document year 1

Rija, whom we received at 6 O'Clock in the morning, was discovered on the steps to the orphanage by a passerby and brought in to give to one of the staff. Ticker, the nickname they gave the girl Rija, was a reference to the fact that she was given to the orphanage with only the paper that gave her name, and the single pocket watch that she had upon arrival.

The clock had no screw holes and no hole for batteries, instead, it included a little dial that could be winded up, and it also acted as a button, although nobody had a clue what it did when pressed, and a dial inside the pocket watch's screen told how long the wind would last. The note required that the watch never leave her side, which while quite strange, and if I'll be honest, a little confusing a request. We accepted of course, who would take the only memento from a child, we hadn't planned on taking it from her anyway. although we do not leave her alone with it, in case she chokes herself with it.

The note also said that the watch did not work right, and when examined, it ticked a little quick by 0.03 seconds, so that was the assumed problem, although there's nothing wrong with a little quick, and the watch wind was wrong, it would continue to tick by a few extra hours after the dial said it would stop, which we would have fixed if it hadn't been a memento that seemed to be made by an expert. It lacked any visible screws, seals, or locks after all and it would probably be pried open if it needed repairs, which would irrevocably leave it marred, better to leave it as it is.

Rija Document Year 2

she has started to grow into a personality of Spitefulness and quiet contemplation, she seldom babbles unless it's for something she wants, and if you bring her something she dislikes she'll take a vow of silence against you. one of the caregivers who was a little green was not expecting this attitude and tried to force it into Rija's mouth, in which Rija grabbed her plastic spork and knocked the food away. Rija wasn't punished, but the silent treatment that she gave the caregiver was a punishment in itself, it was like being looked upon like you weren't worth the dirt outside. The Caregivers Resignation was expected, I think Rija was the final nail in the coffin for him.

Rija Document Year 3

Rija seemed to take to drawing very quickly off, something that not a lot of the caregivers expected her to take the route of an artist, she had such a great death stare that they expected her to be a guardian for other children, although she does do that too. her doodles have joined with the other children over the inner walls of Mildew. sometimes she even decided to add to where others left their art to end, although suitably childish in the creation of stick figures, she creates faces beyond her years when she draws hands though...

I must bring attention to the fact that hands are hard though, so I can't blame her for the lacking skill.

Rija Document Year 3

This year nothing out of the ordinary occurred, although most of the children have turned to asking Rija to draw when they need art projects instead of doing it themself, which has become a problem, although her art is easily distinguishable from other's art. I have notified her to draw for herself and no one else.

She... reluctantly agreed to it, I feel she will not hold to the bargain.

Rija Document Year 4

She's become friends with someone, which was harder with the fact of her timid nature, She has joined with a woman who worked as a clockmaker. The woman studied the watch and pointed out the flaws, but gave the watch back to Rija after the examination, it is strange though that she knew about the timer being off when the clock was winded over.

Rija Document year 5

The care of this child has been terminated, after adoption by one Gertrude Ticker, the woman who was referenced in the fourth year review. I guess Rija grew on her, this file is now over, and any new files must be started under the name

"Rija Ticker"

I hope they have a wonderful life.