Vol 1, Chapter #3 True Wishes
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[Unknown Location]

What the fuck? Where am I? Oh yeah. that person who I was talking to. Was it me? God? It sounded like myself. Where was that? My stargaze? I am so god damn confused. I guess God didn't even understand me. Why can't I move? Why can't I see anything? Who the fuck is crying? Stop, it's so damn annoying.

huh. it stopped. Was I the one crying? What is going on? 

"You've been given a second chance at life."

What the fuck? Who is that? 

"Your wish."


"You wished for you to know somebody who could answer the questions for you. I am that person."

Is this the "gift" god left me? 

"One of them."

There are multiple?


If you can answer my questions, who are you, and why can't I see or move?

"I am you, and you've just been reborn. Simply speaking, you are a baby."

Oh...Wait what the fuck?

Hold on. Just give me a moment to think over everything. So you are telling me God has given me everything I wished for, have been reborn, and have an all-knowing second conscience? 

"...yes. I guess."

What else have I wished for?

"You have wished to have the power to teleport away, know somebody who has the answers, become invisible, control time, have the ability for people to understand you, to not feel pain, to have the strength similar to a bullet, and also have money."

But none of that will be helpful right now, because I'm a fucking baby! I never asked for this. 

"Yes you did, when God made the deal appeal to you. We said, "I wish to be born into my dreamscape. my stargaze. A world of magic and wizardry."

I wasn't being serious. He didn't understand me. Nobody does. Nothing goes the way I want. Why? why do people still not understand me? Why don't you understand me? You are me. Didn't I wish for that?

"I used that skill to allow you to understand people of this world and they, you. They speak a different language."

So you really didn't understand me. What's the point of being reborn if it's going to be a repeat?

"Perhaps I did understand you, but you didn't want to admit it."


"You may ask for things when in reality, you want another. Such as a case like this. You may ask for people to understand you, but in reality, you want to understand people. You want to understand why people are different from you. You shield yourself away from people in hopes that you will receive attention. But when you do, you push them away like your childhood friend."

You-...You're wrong. Just shut the fuck up! Shut! up! You are lying! What do you know about the situation I'm in?

"I know of it because I am in it with you."

Stop. Please. 

"You ask "why?" but you already know the answer. But you can't and won't accept the answer given, which is why the loop of depression continues. Your life became the reason for denial, so when you escaped your life for brief moments in a dreamscape, you felt happy. But now that it has become your life, you can't accept it."

How am I supposed to respond to that?

"By living your life. God has given you a second chance to live because you couldn't accept that you were living before. So, accept this life, and live it."