Chapter 2
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I took a deep breath and looked at the now covered up mirror, I had hung my hoodie over it to obscure it, I was bewildered at my emotions, what was I even sad about? I know I’m a guy why does being told that make me sad, I mean sure id pick being a girl over being a guy any day but everyone wants that.

maybe I should just go out and do my job, get my mind off things, I can think about this later I suppose.

I stood up to join Rose in the cafe.

as I made my way out of the changing room, I saw her chatting with another girl (well, not another girl, but a girl I guess) dressed in a similar outfit to mine, just with an orange colour scheme, Rose wore a red one befitting to her name. they were chatting and giggling, which made me feel a pang of jealousy, so I cleared my throat to let Rose know I was there.

she turned around with a bright smile and motioned to the other maid "I don't believe you have had the chance to meet yet? Alice this is our newest hire, Alex, Alex this is Alice."

I looked up as the orange-clad girl took a step towards me as I held out my hand to shake hers, she giggled grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug "oh my gosh you are adorable, you really were made for that outfit hun" and I thanked my lucky stars that she couldn’t see my now very flushed face

"I’m sure you two will work well together, anyways if you are both ready it’s opening time for my little garden," Rose said with a twinge of pride.

The workday passed without much incident, I spent most of the time not spent helping customers, chatting with Rose and Alice.

” I don’t usually wear such.... girly stuff but gosh it does feel nice, not something id wear all the time but it’s always nice with some variety,” Alice said doing a spin for effect

” It fits you really well! I think you look adorable in it hun,” Rose said pulling Alice in for a deep kiss

” w-wait are you two dating? I didn’t know Rose had a girlfriend,” I said maybe a bit too quickly

” oh, I have a few girlfriends actually,” Rose said slightly out of breath from the kiss” I’m poly”

"that’s a thing? you can have multiple girlfriends?" I said confused and slightly excited at the prospect

"Oh yeah as long as you communicate then it’s usually fine, it’s all about being open with your partners"

...wonder if she would be my girlfriend...I mean...I... I want to be kissed like that

"Anyways I suppose it’s about time to close up shop, do you girls want to help me?" Rose said looking directly at me,

did she just call me a girl?

eh it was probably just a slip-up

not that I mind, to be honest, gender doesn’t really matter to me much, I’m not like some guys I know who are really attached to being a man, I don’t mind being a man but it’s not like I’m attached to it