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An exhilarating sensation surged through my body as though my body had at long last broken free from its shackles. Each one of my muscle fibers and nerves fired off uninhibited. My amplified senses set about gauging my surroundings with a new perspective. Pleasure superseded pain with a vigor I’d never experienced. Hitting harder than any drug I’d ever tried at Ricky’s in the past. Hearing a small cough in the background, my shoulders fell at the same time that I became painfully aware that our cadre were standing around staring with amused expressions they didn’t bother to hide. My cheeks were hot, flushed with blood that rushed through my face after realizing that they had been watching the entire time. I shifted from side to side while I pretended to cough a bit into my elbow as if nothing had transpired. I hadn’t noticed that most of the other recruits had done the same, with everyone ending up in a similar situation. Metal clinked against the floors as my eyes shifted to First Sergeant Ackerman taking the center stage once again.


“Nice to see everyone enjoying their new duds. I just want everyone to do one thing for me. Get the fuck over yourself! Not one of you has accomplished shit yet, a bunch of bare minimum mediocre ass maggots. Now line up and prepare to be sorted into your combat teams.” First Sergeant Ackerman said, spittle flying in a straight line.


Waves of heat surged through me while my skin became hot like an old-school stove top burner. Who the fuck does he think he’s talking to? Was the first thought that popped into my mind, not even questioning whether my next move would be the best one for myself. Funny part about it was I wasn’t the only one who was rubbed the wrong way. I didn’t have to look hard to see many of the surviving recruits make faces that looked like they had eaten a gourmet plate of dog shit. It was obvious that the senior, battle-hardened Superiōrem was provoking us on purpose, instigating our already fluctuating emotions to see what we’d do. But that didn’t matter to me as my feet started moving on their own. A few others followed suit as we made our way forward from multiple differing directions. My chimera suit helmet retracted back, exposing my face to the world around me, catching sight of those that had joined in on the impending debacle.


One was a recruit of medium height compared to the rest of us that came from the opposite end of myself. It was difficult at first to guess their gender, since their v-shaped face contained a blend of masculine and feminine features. Their ink-black hair was a stark contrast against their fairer skin as it fell over their face and narrow upturned eyes in a messy bowl cut. Planted on the lower left side of their mouth was a dark beauty mark that complimented a fiery looking six-legged insect tattoo that glittered on the right side of their neck. MF-09 was stamped proudly on their chimera suit. To his left, my right, I saw a taller male with brunette hair and a scar on his chin that brought out their energetic green eyes, while the last person resembled a bulkier version of Ricky. Minus the short onset of peach fuzz that decorated their face. I couldn’t get a good look at each of their tattoos, but that was irrelevant while each of us encroached as several of the Superiōrem cadre took up position to intercept our paths. I encountered one of the opposing cadre whose blank stare unsettled my nerves, though not enough to stop what I intended to do. I came to a full stop within arm’s reach of the defending Superiōrem cadre, my hands balled into tight fists. My fellow recruits did the same as we all acknowledged a begrudging tingle to push further. My pride mattered more in the end, unable to back down.


“Oh, do we have some dissenters here? That’s good. It’d be no fun breaking you if none of you had any moxie. Go easy on them y’all, they’re still just some pups, all bark and no bite, yet.” First Sergeant Ackerman said, pulling out a familiar-looking metal case he opened to showcase his own set of Tranqs giving everyone an uninterested look. “Well, what are you waiting for? Go for it. I know each and every last one of you dreamt about what you’d do the day you got a chance like this while you were in those little white cages. Go ahead, punch a Superiōrem Drill in the mouth.”


First Sergeant Ackerman plucked a Tranq from his case while he spoke, sparking it in his mouth with a swift snap of his armored fingers. Something about the unwavering bravado that hung in the air around the senior Superiōrem was irksome. Cocky prick. I’ll show him. My eyes stuck like glue to the Superiōrem in front of me the whole time First Sergeant Ackerman spoke. I watched for the smallest of movements, a twitch, the flare of a nostril for air. Hell, even a blink of his eye. Seconds passed uneventfully while the air between us thinned. There was nothing but space and opportunity standing in between us and as a former Destros I knew what happened to those who let opportunity slip through their fingers. 


I was the first to move as I aimed for the more experienced Superiōrem’s stomach with a right straight, my follow up already in mind. Few things go as planned, however I came to realize as the world around me once again became a blur. Everything became flipped upside down, my hearing was gargled, and pain that inevitably came from poor decisions made rushed through my body like a current. My arm was caught in a bone-joint lock that dislocated my shoulder, twisting my elbow in the opposite direction as I ended up on my ass before I knew I’d touch the ground. My vision was red, but I couldn’t tell if it was from being pissed off or the fact the cadre started pounding my face as the sound of a drum echoed between my ears. My consciousness started fading.


“That’s enough, you guys. I’m sure they’ve learned their lesson. Besides, like my dear mom always used to say, a hard head makes for a soft ass. They’ll get it, eventually.” First Sergeant Ackerman said at the same time, my world became darkness once again.




I snapped awake, peeling away my back from the sweat drenched sheets that laid under me. My stomach rumbled with a vengeance, alerting me it was meal-time. I was starving. I didn’t know how long I’d been out, but it was long enough for them to drag my sorry ass to a room. I could still feel the soreness in my jaw while I moved it around and my elbow was a bit crooked, but not out of commission just yet. As I manipulated my arm, I heard a crackle and felt the muscles in my shoulder loosen up. Fingering the muscles that made up my still unfamiliar feeling limb. At least they had the decency to put it back how they found it. I thought to myself as I threw off the scratchy green blanket while I jumped out of the bed. Facing the wall closest to myself as I began stretching, working out my aches and pains. Wanting to be ready for whatever may come. I didn’t know what First Sergeant Ackerman thought of me now as the last few words about combat teams echoed in my head. My future was uncertain and my position unclear, but I could only focus on one task at a time and for right now, that was to get some information.


I turned to inspect the rest of the room as I locked eyes with the fair-skinned recruit from earlier. We flinched at the same time in unison, realizing that we weren’t alone while we stood there unsure of what would happen next. They fixed their chin, stroking back their ink like hair with their hand as they flashed a porcelain white congruent smile that was a bit too perfect to be real while taking a step forward. Pretty boy. I moved too unintentionally to meet their challenge, my body carrying itself without a thought in my mind as I came within inches from another Superiōrem for the second time in a day. Until this point, neither had been under the most optimal of situations. I hoped this time would be different. I wasn’t in the mood for another fight. I peered deep into the pale boy’s eyes, that stared back with a level of hunger, want, disdain and desire that I could sympath–no empathize with. He’s like me. His softer features contradicted the beast beneath that laid the seemingly flawless skin and pretty face. My hand extended outwards before I knew it. Never breaking eye contact nor lowering my head. I needed to keep up my Noblesse persona no matter what. I’d already made myself look like a jackass hours previous. But that didn’t mean I could not make allies whenever I could. Even if they’d snap at my neck in the end.


Recruit SSM-13, Noblesse, but my friends may call me D.” I said, putting mental space between us as I gave a brief nod. “What’s your name?”


They stared at me for a second, almost oblivious to the question. Do they not understand what I’m saying? Or maybe it’s rude for Elites and Noblesse’s to shake hands when they’re alone in a room depending on gender…shit this would be a lot easier if I could whether they were a boy or girl. The surrounding air moved eerily as his almond-shaped eyes scanned my face. After a brief moment, their lips parted again to give that wide toothed smile at the same time that their hand met with mine as we shook. Testing each other’s strength, we were about even with him just barely edging me out. 


Elite, Dae-Seong or Recruit MF-09. I’d prefer it if you’d refer to me as Dae for short, though. I don’t need to hear you butcher the elegance of my name with your accent. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Dae-Seong reciprocated my nod while he stepped closer, squeezing even tighter as he continued to ask. “That’s an interesting little scar you got there…I’d love to hear the story behind it some time. You got any idea where we’re at?” 

I touched the long scar that sat horizontal across my nose out of habit. Flicking the side of my nostril as a cover for my moment of insecurity.


“Not a clue. But it wouldn’t hurt to look around. I doubt we’re in confinement, since they did the sorting already.” I ignored the petty dig, even though I wanted to sock him in his jaw. I matched his strength as best as I could while I lifted my chin even higher to look down at him. “There're four beds and only two of us. Chances are that fuck-face Ackerman tossed us at random into a team while we were out cold.”


Dae-Seong let go of my hand, his expression twisting for a quick second as a sharp glint of respect passed through his eyes. Weirdly enough, I couldn’t tell whether it was respect given to an equal or worthy prey. Seemed like both were the same in the Superiōrem army. I passed his little test, which wasn’t too hard considering I knew a thing or two about someone getting up in your grill. He was an ass for sure, but it didn’t seem like he had bitch in his blood which meant he’d at least stand and fight when the going got tough, hopefully. I watched him study the other two beds. Neither were made, which meant that the other two recruits of the team had come and gone. 


“Looks like that’s our only viable option.” Dae-Seong said, rubbing his stomach while it growled. “Besides, I’m starving. I could go for another round of tiger, it’s such a beautiful animal. One of my favorites, I’d say.”  


We both chuckled, but neither of the smiles on our faces reached our eyes as we stepped out of our newest cell.


“Tigers are too gamy and tough. Bears are better. At least they have some fat on them. Helps the meat go down smooth. A more practical option.” I said.


“For a Noblesse that was a very Destros thing for you to say. We higher-born are meant to enjoy the luxuries in life even if they come at a price. Anyway, you probably only think that because you didn’t get enough chews in. You have to chew at least fifty times to properly process your meal with etiquette. It helps build your masseter muscles. See, look at mine, trained to give the perfect smile every time and stress the sharpness of my cheekbones beautifully.” Dae-Seong flexed his neck and jaw muscles.


Weird flex, but ok. Remember, shoulders back, chest out, chin up and let your arms hang. I continued walking, self-conscious of every small bit of body language I had made in front of Dae-Seong. He was obviously someone that cared extremely about appearance. There was no saving grace for a slipup. There was no way to know if Dae-Seong was trustworthy. I had to make sure my act was bulletproof or Dae-proof.


“So what franken-insect did they splice you with Dae, if you don’t mind me asking?” I changed the topic while we wandered down a new set of halls.


Myrmeciinae Formicidae.” Dae-Seong said with a certain venom in his tone.


“And that would be?” I questioned further, seeing an opportunity to get back at him. Ignoring the small vibrations, I sensed from a group of incoming individuals.


“My medical officer said it was an ant. The bulldog ant.” Dae-Seong said, flashing another stupid smile. “I think its strength suits me pretty well, but they could’ve chosen something with a little more…suave. What about you D? What little creepy crawler in the night did our favorite mad scientist give you? I hope it was something worthy of someone of your class.”


A genuine piece of fucking work, if I saw any. 


“Scolopendra Subspinipes mutilans…the red-headed centipede. I guess you could say I got a hundred kicks of death for anyone dumb enough to mess with me.” I side-eyed Dae-Seong as our eyes met.


Every hair on my body stood on edge while another current of electricity pricked my skin. I wasn’t scared, though. I was ready, practically fucking excited. I was the hunter, not the hunted.


Author note: Fun facts about Dae-Seong's insect: This rather fascinating insect derives its name from its reputation for aggressiveness and unparalleled instinctive tenacity. Throughout Australia, the Bulldog Ant also remains well-known for the results of its powerful bite and sting. Finally, during this battle, the head will grasp the rear half with its pincers, while the rear half repeatedly stings the head fiercely. 


Who do you think would in a fight?
  • Davu (Red-headed Centipede) Votes: 5 100.0%
  • Dae-Seong (Bulldog Ant) Votes: 0 0.0%
Total voters: 5