Chapter 03 – Entering the Laboratory
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John was running through the dense forest towards Ganda City. If anyone was there to watch, they could only see a black shadow moving forward. He was that fast.
He ran until he saw multiple light rays waving in the air ahead. In front of him stood gigantic walls that spread around the whole city. At the top of the wall stood the guards who kept their eyes at every angle. Also, there were multiple spotlights that can unveil even ghosts hidden in the darkest night.
The only way to get into the city was through four gigantic iron gates at each corner of the city which were heavily guarded that even an ant has to ask their permission to pass.
This gate only opens for people who are important and have high status in LoM organisations. It's impossible for John to get inside the city undetected with the gear he has on him.
The only thing he can do is wait, wait for the captured people to be transported. From the information he received, the transportation of prisoners will happen through the northern gate tonight. So he has to preambulate towards the northern gate and wait in shades.
( Note: The prisoners here consist of criminals, innocents and some captured UN soldiers.)
The northern gates opened, and two fully black armoured hummers and ten prison buses drove out. At the back of the last bus were two other similar hummers. As soon as they passed the gate checkpoint, the gates closed. They started driving down the road, most possibly towards the secret lab.
They were driving through the jungle when suddenly the front hummer stopped making others stop as well. The driver in the first hummer got out. Saw a dead deer at the centre of the road. Others came as well to check, seeing there was no problem they moved the deer carcass beside the road.
John was wearing ragged clothes, his hair was rough and dishevelled. His face was filled with scratches and bruises. He looked nothing like before but more like a delinquent who just came from a deadly fight.
John tiptoed and crawled beneath the vehicle using advantage of the dark. He stuck himself underneath the bus and hung there.
After moving the dead body. They went towards their respective vehicles. And soon resumed the voyage. After a few couples of hours of journey, they stopped near an isolated barren place.
The front hummer driver got out. "We are here. Nothing happened in between the ride." The moment he said that the land around them started shaking.
In front, a gap was widening on the ground. Then came a large platform from beneath the gap. On the platform were a few guards and a few people in Whitecoat. They seemed to be either scientists or doctors.
"Bring them out from the buses." The Captain of guards said.
All the prisoners came out one by one and stood in front. They were all looking miserable. Some were shaking, some were sweating, some gave creepy smiles and some were observing the guards.
After that guards started doing full-body checks on the prisoners with detectors. Every one of them has to be checked before sending them in. They can't take any risks.
" Hurry up, we need them fast for the experiments." Aman in whitecoat said.
" Doctor, if you let me do my work my way then it will be better for all of us. So don't be a pain in the ass. " Captain glared at the man. The doctor flinched and moved back.
Time passed as the checking went through.
" What's wrong with your face? It looks like dog shit." A guard asked one of the prisoners.
"Got into a fight with a street cat for my sweet roll." He said looking sad. He looked the most miserable here. The other prisoners around them giggled.
"I feel you, man. I was once in the same situation but with a bloody rat. Ok, you're cleared. Now move." He left to check others.
Soon the checking process finished. They reported their Captain.
" All right bring them on the elevator. If they try to resist, just put bullets in their head. We got enough to get the quota full." Captain said loud enough so that every prisoner can hear it.
The prisoners were brought over the elevator platform. It started descending. And gate above them closed as they went down.
They kept descending for a couple of minutes until it stopped. All the prisoners were embraced by bright white light. Where ever they saw they found everything white, from the floor to the ceiling. Every couple of seconds a couple of guards with the gun were passing by. This place looked like a laboratory from sci-fi movies.
" Hello, my friends! Welcome to my paradise. I hope your journey here was joyous and comfortable. Because the journey from here is going to be painful. Just a little bit." An old man who wore spectacle whose glasses were an inch thick, he had full white hair said. He had a deep dark circle under his eyes. Looked like he hasn't had a decent sleep in the past week.
"Oh, look at my manners. I didn't even introduce myself. My name is Dr Grabber. Quite a name right. My grandfather gave it to me because when I was born I kept grabbing weird things. It may be anything like women's breast, their ass, oh one time I also grabbed man's peni.. ."
(Cough) "Doctor I think you should go prepare for the experiment soon right? We can't waste your time on these people." The captain always gets annoyed talking to Dr Grabber. But he can't disrespect him. Dr Grabber is the best researcher they got and he is leading the project Superhuman which has taken over more than two decades and was on verge of being completed.
" Thanks for reminding me, Cap. Take care of them. Make them feel at home." Dr Grabber left in hurry in excitement, he can't wait to finish.
Dr Grabber said that he needs these people in good mental condition to increase the success rate. So, Captain has to do so.
John observed Dr Grabber thoroughly. He knew who Dr Grabber was. This man looked stupid but when it came to research in the biology field no one was better than him. He needs to kill the doctor.
" Bring them to their room." Captain gave the order.
After hearing the conversation between Doctor and the Captain, the prisoners knew what was going to happen to them. Trying to save themself one last time some tried to resist but they didn't even get the time to regret their decision because they died in a shower of bullets.
The others cooperated after experiencing what will happen to them if they did the same. Soon were escorted to their rooms. They had lost all hope now to survive.
" Remember this if you pass the test then you will be given status and respect that is higher than our Captain. So, don't lose hope to survive. Fighting." One of the escorts (guard) spoke. He tried to encourage them and he did that well enough. Now, these prisoners didn't look gloomy at all.
There were more than 200 people in the group. Each person got a separate room.
John was given the last room, maybe because of his injuries. The room was about 2mx4m sizes, furnished with a bed, a washbasin and a toilet at the corner. There was a camera in another corner of the room which covered the whole room. It was an advanced camera that can record in the dark as if its day.
He laid down on the bed. He was tried hanging below the bus, he needed some rest. But before he could he heard a knock on the door.
(Knock) (Knock)
He got up and opened the door. There stood a man carrying a big plate filled with warm food and in another hand, he held the first-aid box. There was another guard beside him with a gun smiling at me.
"You remember me, we just met on the ground a few minutes ago" He smiled.
" Yes, the security guy who asked me about my face. I remember you. thank you for asking." John feared that his cover was blown.
" Nah, man. I came here to help you. This man is good at first aid. his the best I can find." He pointed at the man with first aid.
"Why?" He was relieved it wasn't what he thought.
"Dr Grabber said to make you guys feel at home. So we ordered to help you guys."
John went to his bed and allowed them in.
He sat on the bed and let the doctor help him clean the wounds. While he did that the guard observed him.
"You don't feel pain. Do you, how odd?" He questioned John who didn't react to antiseptic being applied to his wounds.
"When you have lived your whole life fighting without caring about anything then why would I care about this flesh pain." He looked directly into the eyes of the guard.
" I know what you mean. What we(LoMs) have done is unfair and wrong." He whispered only audible to John, him and doc.
"But we didn't have the choice. They captured us at gunpoint. We are forced one way or another. If we had to live then the only choice was to work for them." He laughed remembering how they were abandoned by other nations.
Then no one spoke anything. Who knew what they were thinking.
"It's done, take this medicine after you eat the food. It will help to reduce pain and heal faster." The doctor picked up the first-aid box and moved towards the door.
"Sorry brother if I had the power I could have helped you." He sympathised with knowing what is going to happen with John. Gave a pat on John's shoulder and walked towards the door.
"You should leave this place as soon as you can. " John spoke in a low tone which was heard by him and the guard.
The guard went away without stopping. The door closed.
He warned the guard because he saw himself in him. Maybe not all of them are evil. But that doesn't mean they are innocent.