Chapter 63
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 “Having children is a blessing,” snapped Nikola. “And I was denied it!”

“You have a child,” countered Uriel. “A wonderful son who likes to play with the cherubs as he sleeps.”

A cold shiver ran down Nikola’s back. The angels were visiting his son. Before his trial, he would have been ecstatic at the prospect. But now, he viewed it as a threat.

“Don’t take him from me,” Nikola begged. Satan had told him Eric will live for much longer than he would have, normally, but what if he had lied? Or, what if the angels were not above dangling Eric’s life in front of Nikola for Nikola’s good behavior?

“No one wants the boy dead,” Nikola didn’t dare to breathe. Waiting for the other shoe to drop. “Michael personally guards his dreams against nightmares.”

At the mention of the Archangel, Nikola gulped. Michael knew who his son was. He could hurt him at any time. Suddenly, Nikola’s little rebellion felt dangerous to him. And foolish. He felt powerless and suddenly willing to do anything if only the danger could be avoided.

“I am not saying all that to worry you,” spoke Uriel gently, as if afraid he would spook Nikola. “I am saying it, so you will not fall for Satan’s lies. So that you will cut off your ties with the unholy.”

“I will,” fear dripped from Nikola’s voice, and Uriel looked at him with disappointment. Nikola couldn’t understand him. Why was he disappointed when he was getting what he wanted? “Just don’t harm my son.”

“You have to return to being a good Christian,” continued Uriel, with the same disappointment on his face as before. “But out of your love for the teachings of the faith. Not out of fear. Go to church — now. Don’t confess your latest sins. Even Michael doesn’t hold them against you, knowing he pushed you into acting out. Go and immerse yourself in the feelings of before. Now, breathe. Count to a hundred.”

Nikola did, feeling no calmer. When he reached one hundred, his hands had at least stopped shaking.

“Know that no harm will come to you, only if you cut ties with the Devil. Ward the entire town, if you have to, but you are to no longer speak with him,” Nikola nodded, not trusting his voice to not come out as a stuttering mess. Uriel disappeared and time started again.

Sadik looked in the mirror and saw that Nikola looked like he was about to bolt.

“Lamb, if you don’t want to go, we can go next Sunday?” Nikola let out a breath and began to speak. When he was done, Sadik looked just as ashen as him.

“Eric. They could take Eric?” Sadik’s hands were shaking, and he sucked in a breath to calm himself. Turning back, he leveled Nikola with a begging look.

“No more games. You have to go back in line,” Nikola nodded, eyes misty. Eric was asleep, his babysitter was going to come and look after him in an hour. When they came back from church, would they do so to a scared teenager and an ambulance in front of their house?

Sadik turned around and drove towards the church as fast as the speed limits allowed. When they reached it, they were much calmer. They got in the church just as father Sergei was greeting everyone. A priest closed the door behind them and the sermon began.

Just as always, Sadik didn’t understand a thing. This time, he didn’t check Nikola’s mind for translations. He wanted to avoid knowing. His mind was on the threat that hanged over his son. He looked at Nikola and saw him staring at nothing, his candle had gone off and Nikola wasn’t trying to relight it.

When the sermon was over, Nikola made a beeline for the confessional. Sadik let him. Even if Nikola hid the truth behind a lie, he would still tell father Sergei what was happening.

Sadik stood by as people exited the church. Father Sergei got in the confessional and Sadik strained his ears.

“Nikola, how are you? It has been too long since you last visited,” Sadik heard Nikola suck in a breath.

“This may sound insane, but, I am not human,” Sadik was like slapped, then. Nikola was not going to lie. Sadik listened as Nikola explained everything to father Sergei. Down to the threat on Eric’s life. And then, finally, Sadik felt magic from the confessional.

“Thank you for healing my knees,” said father Sergei hesitantly, after a while. Nikola remained silent, and Sadik resisted the urge to go in there and shake some sense in Nikola.

Sure, the imam knew what Sadik was, but Sadik was not the only vampire in town. Neither the only Muslim one. Nikola was unique. And, Sadik guessed, father Sergei’s understanding would be tested now.

“Nikola, you have gone to Sunday school, have you not?” Sadik heard Nikola say something quietly, but couldn’t make out what it was.

“Speak up, young man. My ears are not what they used to be,” Nikola let more magic envelop the confessional, and Sadik groaned. “Not what I meant, but thank you.”

“You are welcome, father Sergei,” said Nikola quietly as the priest sighed.

“My point is, you and I have been taught much the same. Angels are paragons of goodness. They can do no wrong. You cannot judge an Archangel’s actions, even if, if they were done by a mortal, they would have been called heinous,” Sadik was glad that father Sergei thought so. Personally, Sadik didn’t like Michael either.

“You will have to trust in the angel’s capacity for love,” continued father Sergei when Nikola remained silent. “And in their mercy. But, a deal with the devil will mar your soul. Cut all ties with him. Go back to the light.”

“I will. You don’t think that they will hurt Eric, do you?” The fear was back in Nikola’s voice, and Sadik felt his rising.

“If they do, then they are no angels. Then, they are demons. And I will stop being a priest. For, holding such beings on a pedestal would be a crime,” Sadik’s eyebrows rose. Father Sergei’s moral compass went deeper than his beliefs. Sadik’s respect for the man rose to new highs.