The lights of the amphitheater style auditorium began to
dim. The excited chatter of students diminished into respectful attention as a
hologram manifested on the platform that inhabited the front of the room. Fully
rendered, the aspect of a woman in her upper 30’s with long hair that was
gently tied back and subtle geometric tattoos that covered the backs of her
hands and the sides of her neck. Her clothes were casual and her features aged
from years of hard work stood before the rows of students. The hologram scanned
the auditorium from left to right, noting the mix of Saurian, Eskarii and
Terrans that occupied the stands. An appreciative smirk grew on program’s face
as it took in the scene around it. Every student in the auditorium stayed
silent until a second hologram appeared beside the woman; a large dog-like
creature that stood as tall as the woman's shoulder appeared, two long
tentacles connected to its cheeks and two that came from its shoulders,
appearing to flow like weeds in the water followed by twin tails that lashed
back and forth lazily.
This got most of the students talking, all but the
Saurian, who smirked at one another with their reptilian mouths from various
points in the auditorium. The creature let out a deafening roar and displayed
its fur lined tentacles in different directions, electricity crackling and
jumping between its body and tendrils. Wide eyed and surprised, the students
gave the holograms full attention while the Saurian bared their teeth and fangs
in reptilian grins.
The woman smacked the creature in its shoulder before
grabbing the giant dog’s head, scratching under its chin and behind an ear. “P'ad
áb Brácüt” the woman said, causing several students to giggle in the
stands, inciting more giggling as they explained to their neighbors that it
meant ‘don't be an asshole’ in the Eskarii language. The majority of the
students stared at the display in disbelief as they witnessed the small woman
treat a beast over twice her size as a common household pet. She patted the creature’s
shoulder before snapping her finger and pointing to the floor. Obediently, the
large dog-like creature laid down on the floor and rested its chin on crossed
paws, which notably were as big as the woman’s head. Regaining composure, the
hologram of the woman stepped forward.
“By a show of hands, who here hated their class on
Federal and Imperial history?”
Most of the students shamelessly raised their hands. The
woman smirked and turned to the professor who had been leaning back behind his
desk that sat off stage watching amusedly. “Sorry Professor Belmecuri.”
The professor merely smiled and shrugged dramatically.
The woman turned back to the students and cleared her
throat. “That is exactly why this segment of your education is not part of
the class. Now I know you are all excited to graduate.” Groups of students
muttered their excitement until she snapped her fingers again. The sound echoed
loudly throughout the auditorium commanding silence. “However, in order to
graduate, you have one final objective here. There is no test or exam. The
objective is to listen to this segment of history over the next few days that
was intentionally left out of your classes and reflect on what you are told.”
That comment earned several groans, in turn earning a low growl from the giant dog-like
creature next to the woman. It may have been a hologram, but the students were
still intimidated by its presence. She eyed the beast and smirked.
“Some of you may have guessed by now who I am. Yes, I
am the Empress of the Imperium, the Pirate Queen, Mirina Sor… and also known as
Y Diwedd. However, what you do not know is that my name is Morrigan Emery
Clarke.” Every student forgot their grievances with studying history and
leaned forward with anticipation.
“Now I know you’ve all been taught the general rise of
the Imperium. You’ve also been told who the Empress was but this piece of
history I am about to share with you is not a flattering one. No, this will be
a story of who the Empress was originally, she became Mirina Sor before all
three races were brought together under the banner of the Pirate Queen, before Y
Diwedd ripped the heart out of the Federation and freed the people from its
The woman smiled at all the attentive faces who watched
her closely. “You see, I obviously wasn’t always the Empress. I was an
ordinary girl only 16 years old before events came into play that led to me
rising above impossible odds. Terrible circumstances that transpired before I
tore down an oppressive government and built the Imperium we have today. Events
that are not easy to hear. Some will make you angry, some will make you cry,
and some you will regret hearing.” She looked sternly at all the students
who began to murmur between themselves, until the dog-like creature let out a
bored sigh and rolled over onto its back, paws dangling above its chest before
reached out with a tentacle and playfully zapped hologram Morrigan. Glaring at
the creature, “you know I can still turn you into a blanket right?” The
students watched as the giant canine shifted to look at its hologram
counterpart with wide eyes before covering its face with its paws. The Morrigan
rolled her eyes as giggles started to break out in her audience. “Anyways,
before I get into this story,” she mused. “I want you to temporarily erase what
it is you think you know of me. Do not assume that everything you’ve been
taught is all there is. Your classes are meant to teach you what happened. I
will be the one to explain why it happened.” The hologram raised her hand
and a miniature globe appeared above it. The orb was covered in molten slag,
dimly glowing like an ember in a dying fire. She took her free hand and waved
over the orb, returning it to the blue, brown and green marble it once was. She
took her hands and spread them apart to inflate the image large enough for the
entirety of the class to see. “This, of course, is Earth. The home world of
Terrans, and as you can guess, where I was born. The year was 2389. My original
home once called Denver, Colorado.” She pointed as the image panned over
the United States and a yellow target appeared, highlighting the area she
referred to. The students leaned further forward in awe as the imagery zoomed
Alice didn’t fall down the
rabbit hole. She scraped her knees and bloodied her hands crawling, digging,
pushing and fighting her way to the end ~ Empress of the Imperium Year 2409
I gotta ask before I get any kind of invested in this, for my own sanity:
The genre tags include Girls Love, but the content tags include 'Bi-protag' and 'girls love subplot', so is this F/F relationships only or will there be M/F in here as well?
I apologise if this is asking for spoilers but like.... I'd rather avoid running into another good novel I get attached to before the contents down the line ruin it for me.
Its a fair question and I'm more than willing to answer though It's honestly more convoluted than the tags allow but the beginning of the series is M/F primary relationship however, throughout the series (for reasons), it becomes more one sided in a more F/F... for the most part. The bi-protagonist tag is for the simple fact that Morrigan is infact bisexual and throughout the series it does shift from one side to the other in a broad scope explanation. The girls love is there because Morrigan does end up in a primary relationship with a woman through out books 3-5 rather than her original m/f relationship from book 1 for several reasons.
As for the subplot tag, the romances and relationships are truly just a subplot coinsiding with the psychological and emotion focused story and mechanics of the primary plot and I chose that one simply due to which style relationship was more prevelant throughout the entirety of the series.
I hope that answers your question!
@Chaosvalnir Thanks for responding, I totally understand and completely get the tags now, I've just been burned by different authors interpretations of what they're for in the past... it *sounds* like I could definitely get into this, though book 1 could be a struggle since well m/f stuff for me is... well, due to some scarring in a... 'not so literal but still very real' sense, very hard to read...
I wish i didnt read prolog now >.> kinda spoiling story for me... more than draw me in
@AbusedEve Though the prologue does give you a fairly decent idea of "what" happened, there is far more to it than what's gleaned as well the story of "why". There is never the notion that Morrigan doesn't become Empress, but how and why are the key to this series and only spoils 2 things respectively though they are far deeper into the series xD
But I do understand your sentiment.
@Chaosvalnir Its just me not liking to be spoiled something. Anyways now I will skip every prologue on every novel cause I been given prologue spoiler PTSD xD
@AbusedEve awee, well that's fair. Luckily not every book has a prologue but I do recommend atleast reading each opening quote though! Those are the key to this series :D plus, they're purposefully vague to have readers ponder the meaning of those quotes especially by the end of book 5 ^,.,^
Thanks for the chapter
Yes, because this site does not handle page formatting, it just shows up as a wall of text however, in a physical copy, the opening quote is on a single page. Each book has one.
Wall of text.