Chapter 2: What is he?
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“So what do you even do around here?” Zephon said as he and Sumisato we’re walking around the academy “I don’t really go outside my dorm a lot because of Hinata.”Sumisato said holding her arm remembering all the times she’s been bullied ever since entering the academy “I see. Who is this Hinata you keep mentioning her and it seems to distraught you.” Zephon asked leading to Sumisato explaining who Hinata is and what she did to her in the academy.

After Sumisato finished explaining she went back to their shared dorm already finishing her little tour for Zephon. “Gah, Nobility, commoners It’s all the same.” Zephon thought as he continued walking around the academy exploring it a bit further before inevitably heading back to his dorm.

Zephon continued his way towards the dorm room stopping after hearing laughter in the distance “Don’t people know how to keep quiet.” Zephon as he went to go investigate the laughter. 

“Guys I heard the loser got a new roommate, let me guess your roommate is as pathetic as you AHAHAHA” Hinata laughed at the beaten up Sumisato “Honestly commoners shouldn’t be allowed to even enter Fligia” One of Hinata’s friend said as the other agreed “Let’s go meet your pathetic roommate Sumisato” Hinata said dragging her by the hair “Who the fuck are you calling pathetic you filthy Noble.”  Zephon’s voice silenced the laughing as the group of girls turned around to see Zephon glaring down on them with his blue eyes intimidating some of them “Who the hell are you interrupting our fun!?” Hinata screamed gathering the attention of the other students who were there “He angered Hinata this isn’t good” One of the students said as murmurs and whispers surrounded the area “…What did you do to Sumisato.” Zephon said gritting his teeth as he saw Sumisato being pulled by the hair “Zephon it’s fine really I’m okay” Sumisato said trying to not get Zephon involved.

 “PFFT THIS IS YOUR ROOMMATE YOU DISGUSTING COMMONER!? AHAHAHA” Hinata laughed “Let me show your roommate our little game” Hinata said grinning maniacally as Sumisato looked at her with fear “Electric dispulsion.” Hinata said as Sumisato screamed in agony as Electricity pulsed through her body, the other students looked on in horror as Sumisato screamed for Hinata to stop, Hinata only laughing more maniacally. The screaming stopped as Sumisato looked up to see Zephon looking at her “Shh, Just rest” Zephon said as he approached Hinata “Your gonna pay for that.” Zephon said as he summoned a scythe “A SOUL WEAPON!?” A student yelled out as the scythe glowed with demonic aura “Purgatory.” Zephon said as Hinata dropped started screaming in anguish.

“I did say you’d pay for that.” Zephon said looking down at her coldly “Zephon that’s enough..” Sumisato said as she places a band on his shoulder “Whatever” Zephon said as his scythe disappears walking away to their shared dorm. 

Days have gone by and no one dared too go near Zephon after the incident with Hinata, whilst Hinata and her friends stay away from Sumisato in fear that Zephon will go after them again.

 “Hey Zephon I have a question” Sumisato said as she and Zephon walked together to their class “go for it” Zephon replied yawning forced to wake up early “You used a soul weapon right? I heard those things are rare and only Nobles have the ability to use it” Sumisato said eagerly waiting for a reply “Hm interesting question, I don’t know how to explain it but soul weapons are only rare for commoners, To activate a soul weapon you’d need large amounts of magic and commoners aren’t born with that privilege compared to nobles” Zephon replied as they reached the classroom “I see” Sumisato said sitting next to Zephon.

“Ugh, I hate classes I rather go take a nap” Zephon complained while taking a seat in the cafeteria setting down his food “Also I’ve noticed your the only commoner here most people are nobles and middle class” Zephon said whilst eating some of his meal “Huh? Yeah the principal we’re good friends with my parents.. when they died he took me in and applied me to the academy” Sumisato replied as she too started eating her meal “What about you Zephon are you a noble?” Sumisato continued as Zephon froze and stared at her “… You could say that but my dad’s a dick so I took the chance to come here and get away” Zephon said as he went back to eating.

“Finally the day is over!” Zephon said happily as he flopped onto his bed “You really hate classes” Sumisato replied smiling slightly “their almost as bad as my dad. Almost” Zephon said “Well don’t worry too much about it Yävner break started can’t really go anywhere,my parents are gone so I’m probably gonna spend time at the academy” Sumisato replied saddened by the memory of her deceased parents “You tag along in my Yävner break my mom would gladly welcome you, my dad not so much” Zephon said as he got up from his bed and started packing “Really? Well I’ll guess I’m tagging along” Sumisato said as she rushed into her room packing her things leaving Zephon to just stare at the door chuckling.

“Don’t worry Mr Shin I’ll be fine see you when the academy starts again” Sumisato said as waved goodbye to her adoptive parent “So how are we gonna get there carriage?” Sumisato asked as she poked the zoned out Zephon “Oh sorry, Hm carriages take too long so we’ll just take a small shortcut” Zephon said as he snapped his fingers a portal forming “Woah you can use spatial magic!?” Sumisato asked looking at the portal “Yeah too lazy to use carriages or birds so I just portal everywhere” Zephon replied as he tossed his bags into the portal “where does it lead?” Sumisato asked curiously “Into my room” Zephon said as he walked in Sumisato following shortly after.