TQE Side Story Poll
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This is the voting poll that I moved from HERE (The ideas for the voting came from the patrons)

I found out that you need to register to be able to vote there, so I moved the voting here (since it's somewhat more convenient for other readers lol). Anw, you can vote on either sites if you're diligent enough. (I'll count them)


TQE story for the patrons are already complete (>.<) But for the sake of fairness since they supported me, I'll still follow the original schedule release for the others of 1 chapter/day. 


The voting will end on 29 November 2022

And the side story will be released at much later date (will be announced later)


What Side Story would you like?
  • Feng Ning dreamed of her life without her transmigration ever occurred and how it'll end up for her
  • New characters many years after FN death. Something like sequel?
  • Feng Ning in the modern world continued her life (?)
  • Feng Ning daily life after marriage
  • Feng Ning's children story
  • Other character's story~ (Mention the character you want in the comment)
Total voters: 21 · This poll was closed on Nov 29, 2022 07:38 AM.