Chapter 2: New World?
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"Why am I here? What happened?"

The recent events left me confused, even more, the only thing I know for sure is that I magically appeared in this Abyss Esque world after the mysteriously cold female voice read off some familiar loading screen lingo, looking around

I saw that I had become a "Barbarian", Which I recognized was one of the game characters. The rusty hand axe appeared in my right hand and a battered junk-like buckler in my left. It didn`t take long for me to subconsciously understand my status in the game.

In the next second, a high-tech-like blue screen popped up in front of me out of nowhere.


Player: Isaac.

Class: Barbarian.

Level: 1.

HP: 50/50.

Exp: 0/1000.

Str: 30.

Dex: 11.

Agi: 10.

Int: 22.

Vit: 20.

Accuracy: 150.

Endurance: 90.

Gold: 10.


"So, this is my status in the game... isn`t my status high for a level 1 newbie?"

"So, I`m in this game world… And Barbarian? NOOO! At least let me be a Paladin." At this moment an armored man rushed over.

"Greeting, young warrior… I`m not surprised to see your kind here. Many warriors have traveled this way since the recent troubles began No doubt you have heard about the tragedy that befell the town of Quivira Some say that the Lord of Terror walks the world again...."  The man just went on and on with his dialogue. My Jaw dropped at the moment.

As one of the original fans of Abyss, I could immediately recognize that this man was Toriko, an NPC (Non-Player-Character.)  From the {Rogue Encampment}He will tell those lines every time to the players.

I still observed him while listening to his lines. Neither his movement nor his facial expression felt like an NPC, If I didn`t recognize this man, I would have thought that Toriko was a real person. Even the heat that he exhaled while speaking turned into the white fog in this cold air. I even felt the moist sensation from it.

"I`m not sure if the NPCs in this world would have any sort of intelligence? I remember that the NPCs in the game had some sort of intelligence."

After Toriko finished speaking his long speech, I purposely asked a few questions.

"Hey, what's your name? your father's first name? which city were you born in?"

However, Toriko didn`t bother answering me. He just walked away after he finished speaking.

He left me in my place clueless, so after thinking for a while, I decided to go find another person that should give me the first quest. Priest Tursek is also the leader of the camp, so I have to find him to know what`s going on,

While walking on the streets, I find them very quiet and lifeless.

I passed through a few tents and fences and finally reach the camp,

Priest Tursek was standing outside the camp. There were lots of weirdly shaped bottles and jars surrounding the tent. I was quite far away and could already smell the strange odors coming from them.

Tursek, who was wearing a black priest robe was standing in front of the tent. I walked over and a Blue question mark appeared above Tursek `s head.

"Hello young warrior, I`m Tursek, High Priest of the Brotherhood of The Vagrant Base I Welcome you, traveler..." he started to introduce himself, the same as in the original game.

As I was expecting after he finished the conversation, he gives me the quest.

"The Blood land of Monsters.", kill all the creatures in the blood land, at {The Cunning Caves} just outside the plaza of the {Rogue Encampment}. It`s exactly as I remember it be. a yellow button was projected on my left vision.

I pressed the button and a detailed description came up.

It looked like there were not any other choices, so I accepted the quest. Not like I`m going to refuse it or anything.

After trying to organize my thoughts so that my words appear more sophisticated. "Honorable Tursek, may I know more information about this place."

I need to know if they have the same intelligence as the game or not, I also hope to get some clues why did I appear in this world?

"Young Warrior, you have to complete your first before you can know more..."

That answer surprised me, they have intelligence, because that is something that wasn`t scripted, so that showed that in this world NPCs had their freedom. and that they aren`t some pro-programmed codes.

I wanted to ask more, but Tursek turned around and went into his tent.

I tried to follow him but was blocked by a mysterious force and couldn`t get within 3 meters of the entrance.

"looks like I`ll have to complete the quest first"

After failing to get any answers from a couple of other NPCs.

I walked out of the gate that was guarded by a female rogue and stepped into the dangerous {The Cunning Caves} where a ton of cunning monsters were lurking around waiting to kill their prey...

[Warning!! Player Isaac, you have entered {The Cunning Caves}. Killing monsters will grant you unexpected rewards... But if you fail your quest You will receive some mysterious penalties.] Said the mysterious voice.

I recognized it as the voice of the system that appeared in my mind earlier. It went by so fast, that I only heard the first couple of sentences.

The Laughter was filled with gloat, however, compared with before the cold machine-like tone, this time it`s definitely more like a human.

while I was walking in, (Quill rat) Appeared.

I just swung the axe in my right hand chopping its head, I killed it with just one swing, the blood got all over my body. I throw up after feeling nausea from the gore, after that some gold coins appeared in behind the dead body.

So, I leaned forward and touched it with my hand, the coins were in a pouch, the coins appeared in my storage. After that, another one (Quill rat) came.

After four hours of swinging my axe.


I chopped the thirtieth (Quill Rat) with my axe. A white beam of light came down from the sky and embraced me.

"Yeah, finally level up."

This is not the first time that it happened, and I was expecting it. It`s really comfortable in the light, All the bleeding wounds from the fighting monster closed and healed within three seconds. After five or six seconds, the light disappeared.

Two dark yellow buttons appeared in front of me. On the left one was labeled {Attribute Points.} and on the right {Skill Points.}. These are the rewards each time after leveling up. I then Opened the {Attribute Points.} menu first.

Every time after I level up, there will be five points for me to improve my physique. I then Distributed three points to [Strength.] and two points to [Vitality.] without thinking. those were a 'Barbarian' primary attributes.

After that, I opened my {Skill Points} menu and distributed the one point I got from my level up to [Weapon Mastery]. I`m now level five 'Barbarian'. All my twenty AP were distributed to {Str} and {Vit}. And out of my SP, three were distributed to {Weapon Mastery.} and one to {Howl} a war cry skill.