Chapter 10 The Supposed ‘Girl from the library committee’ scenario (Part 2)
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“With this, The round table meeting is now adjourned,” Yui said, which was responded with the shuffling of chairs. The committee members, or should I say, round table members, left the library room one by one as they excitedly talked with one another about such a fruitful discussion that had just occurred.

I, being the right-hand of our king, the committee president, was forced to stay behind as I organized the notes from our discussion much to my apparent slothfulness.

Now, who was the committee president? Well… He’s quite… special. And that’s putting it lightly. Thankfully, they’re absent from the meeting today, or the place would have gone to chaos.

Truly, a force to be reckoned with. No one could face the might of a bonafide hero (read: cultured).

Soon enough, only Yui and I were alone in the library. Students that were studying have already gone home, well before the meeting had finished.

“Thanks again, Yui.”

“It’s nothing but a trivial matter.” She replied while puffing her chest.

She really seemed like she was at home, in the committee. I couldn’t help but think back to when I met her.

It was after school, sometime during my first year. The library was pretty empty, since the seniors were busy doing their interviews with the teachers for their future prospects, so there wasn’t anyone else. I was organizing the books that the school had ordered until the door had bust open. 

The silent reverie I was experiencing was brought to an abrupt end. And who else but the president had entered the library, sweeping like a storm. He was clearly ignoring the unwritten rules about being silent in a library.

To my surprise, I immediately whipped out my phone and started pressing the magic numbers. ‘911’. It caused quite the rustle. Now, you might be wondering why?

Well. In my eyes, he was a kidnapper… He definitely fits the bill. His clothes are disheveled, heavily breathing and he had a child under his arm. A certified kidnapper. And the victim, Yui.

When they somehow convinced me to calm down, I found out that they were cousins, though, I didn’t really believe that if her deadpan stare was anything to go off by when they entered in the fashion that they did.

Anyways, she somehow became the unofficial mascot of the committee and then turned official the moment she entered the school.

“Still though,” I began to speak, “isn’t this more of a club than a committee?”

I still can’t fathom how this was a committee rather than a book club.

“In the end, aren’t we all just discussing the books we’ve recently read and giving recommendations?”

That basically was all the meetings thus far. Sometimes, there would be books coming in because the school ordered them, but that’s it really. There wasn’t anything else ‘committee-like’.

“You make valid points. But since when did Chaos care?” She said before stacking the last few papers on the table.

She was right. I really didn’t care. The place was relaxing, and the personalities were varied.

“So, how is your story going, Yui?” I asked her. By chance, I came across the book she left behind in the past and was hooked on the story that she had written.

“What was it again? ‘Waking Dream: The Fool’, if I recall correctly?”

At my words, Yui immediately turned bright red.

“Y-you promised you wouldn’t talk about that anymore!”

She seemed to be embarrassed to the point that she dropped her usual way of talking.

“Sorry, sorry. But I’m really interested. I want to read more of it.”


“Shhh! No yelling in the library.” I said, putting a finger to my lips.

My teasing sensors were tingling. The opportunity was there, and I took it. That still meant that I really wanted to continue reading her story, though.

“I-idioooot.” She said again, but more quietly this time.

“Ahaha, sorry. Do you need me to walk you home now?” I offered since all the notes were finally organized and her house was along the way to my house.



And that's a wrap. Let me introduce you to Grammarly. Because it helps. A lot. Even though I'm not doing proper grammar right now. Heh.

Finals finished -- spoiler: I'm still going to procrastinate. I'm still making changes to the writing as I write to see what fits me. Expect the next chapter to be in third-person POV because I want to see how well that goes because I feel like I've been writing an omniscient first-person and that just feels really wrong. Like really wrong.

That aside here's another chapter and thanks for reading as always.

(Still writing this story practically blind.)

(Gacha is a horrible addiction but I've still fallen.)

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