Act III – Please Remember That I Am On Team Girl Now
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Walking in was fun. I stayed quiet, as students around the halls looked on, with the looks falling into two main categories: the girls wondered what the sudden appearance of a transfer student was about. The boys wondered what her number was, probably. I didn’t try hard to do that when I was a boy, as I figured I had no real chance. Though I quickly noticed how true one thing my sister said was:

Horny teenage boys are fucking awful at hiding their horniness. I never quite understood how bad it got when I was a boy, partially because I didn’t pay attention to anyone regardless and partially because horny teenage boys can easily be stupid enough not to notice when their horniness is showing.

Still, I smiled. My sister said that with my looks that getting through the day quietly would be difficult at first. That’s the nice way of putting it. She said after we got the dressing done, “You look hot. Be careful, guys will be all over you, sometimes literally.”
I figured that if I looked that good, I might as well lean into it. I mean, the guys said I should try being a girl. Now that I was actually a girl, I figured I’d own it. “You said I should be a girl to embarrass me. I’m a girl now, and I look great.” That kind of thing.

I sit down in homeroom class at the start of the day, at a different desk. Everyone is looking, wondering who I was. I looked different enough to pass as a different person entirely. Regardless, the teacher arrived: “Alright, I have something to say.”
I already knew the plan, so I got up and walked to the front of the class to stand next to the teacher. “As you know, Matt was out yesterday. As it turns out, Matt is now a girl, and goes by the name Miranda. Try not to overwhelm him, ok?”
I waved and smiled. The girls were stunned, and had happy smiles all around. The guys were also stunned, but were either confused or trying to hide annoyance, depending on if they liked picking on me. I returned to my seat, wondering how my new life would go.

It didn’t go as well as I’d hope at first. That’s not because I was bad at being a girl, though. Largely it was other guys poking fun at me that I actually became a girl, and I was being wimpy for having it happen. (Also, they tried doing… things because they felt I wasn’t a ‘real girl.’) It actually hurt - just because I became a girl didn’t mean I suddenly got confidence.

It once again climaxed at the end of the day. But, unlike last time, it ended differently.